jquery Programming Glossary: window.parent.document.getelementbyid
Close iframe cross domain http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2182027/close-iframe-cross-domain work for cross domain basically remove the iframe element window.parent.document.getElementById 'someId' .parentNode.removeChild window.parent.document.getElementById.. 'someId' .parentNode.removeChild window.parent.document.getElementById 'someId' Can you help Thanks. javascript jquery html iframe..
Access elements of parent window from iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7027799/access-elements-of-parent-window-from-iframe form name my_form .submit function e e.preventDefault window.parent.document.getElementById '#target' #target .load mypage.php function 'form name my_form.. your element because of the # in your call to get it window.parent.document.getElementById '#target' You only need the # if you are using jquery. Here..
How to write this in jQuery “window.parent.document.getElementById('parentPrice').innerHTML”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726816/how-to-write-this-in-jquery-window-parent-document-getelementbyidparentprice to write this in jQuery &ldquo window.parent.document.getElementById 'parentPrice' .innerHTML&rdquo I have an iframe and I wrote.. .innerHTML&rdquo I have an iframe and I wrote this code window.parent.document.getElementById 'parentPrice' .innerHTML to access parent element. How to get..
Close iframe cross domain http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2182027/close-iframe-cross-domain the close button to work. This is what I used but it doesn't work for cross domain basically remove the iframe element window.parent.document.getElementById 'someId' .parentNode.removeChild window.parent.document.getElementById 'someId' Can you help Thanks. javascript jquery.. domain basically remove the iframe element window.parent.document.getElementById 'someId' .parentNode.removeChild window.parent.document.getElementById 'someId' Can you help Thanks. javascript jquery html iframe cross domain share improve this question You can use a..
Access elements of parent window from iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7027799/access-elements-of-parent-window-from-iframe in the of the iframe page. the div #target is in the parent.php form name my_form .submit function e e.preventDefault window.parent.document.getElementById '#target' #target .load mypage.php function 'form name my_form ' .submit I dont know if the script is active cause the.. question I think the problem may be that you are not finding your element because of the # in your call to get it window.parent.document.getElementById '#target' You only need the # if you are using jquery. Here it should be window.parent.document.getElementById 'target'..
How to write this in jQuery “window.parent.document.getElementById('parentPrice').innerHTML”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/726816/how-to-write-this-in-jquery-window-parent-document-getelementbyidparentprice to write this in jQuery &ldquo window.parent.document.getElementById 'parentPrice' .innerHTML&rdquo I have an iframe and I wrote this code window.parent.document.getElementById 'parentPrice'.. &ldquo window.parent.document.getElementById 'parentPrice' .innerHTML&rdquo I have an iframe and I wrote this code window.parent.document.getElementById 'parentPrice' .innerHTML to access parent element. How to get the same result using jquery UPDATE Or how to access iFrame..