jquery Programming Glossary: urlhash
Jquery External Page Smooth Scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10762050/jquery-external-page-smooth-scroll class of where i want the smooth scroll to go. But i want it to be a name and or a id. window .bind load function var urlHash window.location.href.split # 1 'html body' .animate scrollTop '.' urlHash .offset .top 4000 tell me how i can alter this.. and or a id. window .bind load function var urlHash window.location.href.split # 1 'html body' .animate scrollTop '.' urlHash .offset .top 4000 tell me how i can alter this code to do what i want it to do javascript jquery share improve this question.. for each of the areas you'd like to match on and return the first match like this window .bind load function var urlHash window.location.href.split # 1 'html body' .animate scrollTop '.' urlHash ' #' urlHash ' name ' urlHash ' ' .first .offset..