jquery Programming Glossary: urlargs
Mismatched anonymous define() module http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15371918/mismatched-anonymous-define-module libs jquery 1.8.0 jquery.min.js script script var require urlArgs v script script data main assets js main src assets..
How do you check if a selector matches something in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/299802/how-do-you-check-if-a-selector-matches-something-in-jquery
Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8315088/prevent-requirejs-from-caching-required-scripts they are updated. Cross Platform Solution I am now using urlArgs bust new Date .getTime for automatic cache busting during development.. for automatic cache busting during development and urlArgs bust v2 for production where I increment the hard coded version.. documentation http requirejs.org docs api.html#config urlArgs Extra query string arguments appended to URLs that RequireJS..
Mismatched anonymous define() module http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15371918/mismatched-anonymous-define-module require HTML html . . . script src ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.8.0 jquery.min.js script script var require urlArgs v script script data main assets js main src assets js libs require.js script script src assets js ace ace.js v..
How do you check if a selector matches something in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/299802/how-do-you-check-if-a-selector-matches-something-in-jquery
Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8315088/prevent-requirejs-from-caching-required-scripts scripts without having to rename my script files every time they are updated. Cross Platform Solution I am now using urlArgs bust new Date .getTime for automatic cache busting during development and urlArgs bust v2 for production where I increment.. Platform Solution I am now using urlArgs bust new Date .getTime for automatic cache busting during development and urlArgs bust v2 for production where I increment the hard coded version num after rolling out an updated required script. Note @Dustin.. to each of the script urls for cache busting. From the RequireJS documentation http requirejs.org docs api.html#config urlArgs Extra query string arguments appended to URLs that RequireJS uses to fetch resources. Most useful to cache bust when the..