jquery Programming Glossary: uploader
How can I upload files asynchronously with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166221/how-can-i-upload-files-asynchronously-with-jquery progress tag or a div . Recently I had to make a file uploader but I didn't want to use Flash nor Iframes or plugins and after..
Jquery Form Submission after file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16986202/jquery-form-submission-after-file-upload in this kind of context. I am using a third party fileuploader which utilises jQuery and gives a success callback when the.. to achieve is a form with text fields along with the fileuploader which when you click 'Submit' fires off the upload function.. while the file upload is in progress. The function manualuploader.uploadStoredFiles is instantiated when clicking the 'Upload..
jQuery ajax upload with progress bar - no flash http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2714507/jquery-ajax-upload-with-progress-bar-no-flash upload with progress bar no flash I am looking for a file uploader similar to uploadify with progress bar that doesn't rely on..
jQuery change method on input type=“file” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2721250/jquery-change-method-on-input-type-file up HTML that I can't quite figure out. I have an AJAX file uploader script which functions correctly that I want to run each time.. onchange share improve this question is the ajax uploader refreshing your input element if so you should consider using..
Retrieving HTTP status code from loaded iframe with Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35240/retrieving-http-status-code-from-loaded-iframe-with-javascript alert Error message message unknow script iframe id uploader name uploader onload OnUploadComplete 0 style width 0px height.. message message unknow script iframe id uploader name uploader onload OnUploadComplete 0 style width 0px height 0px border.. iframe form id sender action upload.php method post target uploader enctype multipart form data onsubmit OnUploadStart input type..
Great uploader like uploadify but with a “no-flash” fallback [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4960718/great-uploader-like-uploadify-but-with-a-no-flash-fallback uploader like uploadify but with a &ldquo no flash&rdquo fallback closed.. a &ldquo no flash&rdquo fallback closed Is there a great uploader script that uses jQuery like uploadify but with a fallback option..
How do I perform a Ajax/JQuery upload of an image in ASP.NET MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272619/how-do-i-perform-a-ajax-jquery-upload-of-an-image-in-asp-net-mvc div id PopupImageUploader title Upload Image div id uploaderFile div div and my javascript builds the uploader on the element.. div id uploaderFile div div and my javascript builds the uploader on the element upladerFile function CreateImageUploader var.. the element upladerFile function CreateImageUploader var uploader new qq.FileUploader element '#uploaderFile' 0 template ' div..
Rails Carrier Wave with JQuery Uploader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8363698/rails-carrier-wave-with-jquery-uploader ' key ' ' cookies key ' '#uploadify' .uploadify uploader ' assets uploadify.swf' script ' photos' cancelImg ' images..
Simple cross-browser, jQuery/PHP file upload with progress bar [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10477135/simple-cross-browser-jquery-php-file-upload-with-progress-bar size and max upload file size limits You may also try Fine Uploader by Widen. It has got Multiple file select progress bar in FF.. cancelable No external dependencies at all if using FineUploader or FineUploaderBasic. If using the optional jQuery wrapper jQuery.. external dependencies at all if using FineUploader or FineUploaderBasic. If using the optional jQuery wrapper jQuery is of course..
Jquery Form Submission after file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16986202/jquery-form-submission-after-file-upload document .ready function var manualuploader new qq.FineUploader element '#manual fine uploader' 0 request endpoint 'uploader.php'.. jQuery. Why don't you use the jQuery wrapper for Fine Uploader I would listen to the onComplete callback which is fired once.. many more callbacks. I'd suggest reading up on the Fine Uploader docs on callbacks as well as API methods . Furthermore I would..
BlueImp/jQuery file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17396029/blueimp-jquery-file-upload application that I am developing. I am using BlueImp File Uploader to try to upload a file to my ASHX handler. Everything is working..
Uploadify updateSettings problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2037605/uploadify-updatesettings-problems The error is Error document.getElementById a this .attr id Uploader .updateSettings is not a function And my code currently looks..
jqgrid - upload a file in add/edit dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7550304/jqgrid-upload-a-file-in-add-edit-dialog start upload else show error. I've used Jquery Ajax File Uploader . function UploadImage response postdata var data .parseJSON..
Rails Carrier Wave with JQuery Uploader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8363698/rails-carrier-wave-with-jquery-uploader Carrier Wave with JQuery Uploader I am using Rails Carrier Wave with JQuery Upload like on this..
Rails Carrier Wave and JQuery Uploader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8393165/rails-carrier-wave-and-jquery-uploader Carrier Wave and JQuery Uploader I am wondering why I always get this kind of error in firebug..
How can I upload files asynchronously with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166221/how-can-i-upload-files-asynchronously-with-jquery size and MIME type or handle the progress event with the HTML5 progress tag or a div . Recently I had to make a file uploader but I didn't want to use Flash nor Iframes or plugins and after some research I came up with the solution. The HTML form..
Jquery Form Submission after file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16986202/jquery-form-submission-after-file-upload many times but none that I can find which answer this question in this kind of context. I am using a third party fileuploader which utilises jQuery and gives a success callback when the file upload completes. What I want to achieve is a form with.. success callback when the file upload completes. What I want to achieve is a form with text fields along with the fileuploader which when you click 'Submit' fires off the upload function and the file begins to upload with it's progress bar and waits.. far only result in the form attempting to submit immediately while the file upload is in progress. The function manualuploader.uploadStoredFiles is instantiated when clicking the 'Upload now' button. The jQuery which instantiates the file uploader..
jQuery ajax upload with progress bar - no flash http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2714507/jquery-ajax-upload-with-progress-bar-no-flash ajax upload with progress bar no flash I am looking for a file uploader similar to uploadify with progress bar that doesn't rely on flash preferably using jQuery is this possible jquery ajax..
jQuery change method on input type=“file” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2721250/jquery-change-method-on-input-type-file I've run into an inconsistency between the API and straight up HTML that I can't quite figure out. I have an AJAX file uploader script which functions correctly that I want to run each time the file input value changes. Here's my working code input.. I've described above jquery file upload input event handling onchange share improve this question is the ajax uploader refreshing your input element if so you should consider using .live method. '#imageFile' .live 'change' function uploadFile..
Retrieving HTTP status code from loaded iframe with Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35240/retrieving-http-status-code-from-loaded-iframe-with-javascript if state 1 alert Success message else if state 0 uploadStarted alert Error message message unknow script iframe id uploader name uploader onload OnUploadComplete 0 style width 0px height 0px border none iframe form id sender action upload.php method.. alert Success message else if state 0 uploadStarted alert Error message message unknow script iframe id uploader name uploader onload OnUploadComplete 0 style width 0px height 0px border none iframe form id sender action upload.php method post target.. OnUploadComplete 0 style width 0px height 0px border none iframe form id sender action upload.php method post target uploader enctype multipart form data onsubmit OnUploadStart input type file name files upload input type submit value Upload form..
Great uploader like uploadify but with a “no-flash” fallback [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4960718/great-uploader-like-uploadify-but-with-a-no-flash-fallback uploader like uploadify but with a &ldquo no flash&rdquo fallback closed Is there a great uploader script that uses jQuery like.. uploader like uploadify but with a &ldquo no flash&rdquo fallback closed Is there a great uploader script that uses jQuery like uploadify but with a fallback option for when flash is not available I tried FancyUpload which..
How do I perform a Ajax/JQuery upload of an image in ASP.NET MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272619/how-do-i-perform-a-ajax-jquery-upload-of-an-image-in-asp-net-mvc jQuery UI modal dialog which uses the PopupImageUploader element. div id PopupImageUploader title Upload Image div id uploaderFile div div and my javascript builds the uploader on the element upladerFile function CreateImageUploader var uploader new.. element. div id PopupImageUploader title Upload Image div id uploaderFile div div and my javascript builds the uploader on the element upladerFile function CreateImageUploader var uploader new qq.FileUploader element '#uploaderFile' 0 template.. uploaderFile div div and my javascript builds the uploader on the element upladerFile function CreateImageUploader var uploader new qq.FileUploader element '#uploaderFile' 0 template ' div class qq uploader ' ' div class qq upload drop area span..
Rails Carrier Wave with JQuery Uploader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8363698/rails-carrier-wave-with-jquery-uploader encodeURI encodeURIComponent csrf_token uploadify_script_data ' key ' ' cookies key ' '#uploadify' .uploadify uploader ' assets uploadify.swf' script ' photos' cancelImg ' images cancel.png' auto true multi true removeCompleted true scriptData..
Simple cross-browser, jQuery/PHP file upload with progress bar [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10477135/simple-cross-browser-jquery-php-file-upload-with-progress-bar chunk for more performance Not dependent by server max post size and max upload file size limits You may also try Fine Uploader by Widen. It has got Multiple file select progress bar in FF Chrome and Safari Drag and drop file select in FF Chrome and.. and drop file select in FF Chrome and Safari OS X Uploads are cancelable No external dependencies at all if using FineUploader or FineUploaderBasic. If using the optional jQuery wrapper jQuery is of course required. FineUploaderBasic only requires.. in FF Chrome and Safari OS X Uploads are cancelable No external dependencies at all if using FineUploader or FineUploaderBasic. If using the optional jQuery wrapper jQuery is of course required. FineUploaderBasic only requires the associated..
Jquery Form Submission after file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16986202/jquery-form-submission-after-file-upload latest.js script script src fineuploader 3.6.3.js script script document .ready function var manualuploader new qq.FineUploader element '#manual fine uploader' 0 request endpoint 'uploader.php' autoUpload false text uploadButton ' i class icon plus.. uploader share improve this question I noticed you're using jQuery. Why don't you use the jQuery wrapper for Fine Uploader I would listen to the onComplete callback which is fired once an upload finishes sucessful or not . When onComplete is fired.. if uploads did not succeed and thus were cancelled. There are many more callbacks. I'd suggest reading up on the Fine Uploader docs on callbacks as well as API methods . Furthermore I would look at the Fine Uploader jQuery docs . If understanding..
BlueImp/jQuery file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17396029/blueimp-jquery-file-upload jQuery file upload I have a ASP.NET C# application that I am developing. I am using BlueImp File Uploader to try to upload a file to my ASHX handler. Everything is working fine. What the ASHX handler is doing is its storing the..
Uploadify updateSettings problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2037605/uploadify-updatesettings-problems on the button or just inline script to get the same error. The error is Error document.getElementById a this .attr id Uploader .updateSettings is not a function And my code currently looks like script document .ready function '#uploadify' .uploadify..
jqgrid - upload a file in add/edit dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7550304/jqgrid-upload-a-file-in-add-edit-dialog I'm checking here that if insert was succesfful then only start upload else show error. I've used Jquery Ajax File Uploader . function UploadImage response postdata var data .parseJSON response.responseText if data.success true if #fileToUpload..
Rails Carrier Wave with JQuery Uploader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8363698/rails-carrier-wave-with-jquery-uploader Carrier Wave with JQuery Uploader I am using Rails Carrier Wave with JQuery Upload like on this rails tutorial but I am having an error when I hit the upload..
Rails Carrier Wave and JQuery Uploader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8393165/rails-carrier-wave-and-jquery-uploader Carrier Wave and JQuery Uploader I am wondering why I always get this kind of error in firebug when I try to upload an image images. I am using it as on..