jquery Programming Glossary: upgrading
jQuery & Prototype Conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/134572/jquery-prototype-conflict to extend the native Array prototype incorrectly first try upgrading your copy of Scriptaculous. If that does not work you will need..
jQuery latest $.browser [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14505301/jquery-latest-browser final jquery 2 0 beta migrate final released More info on upgrading http jquery.com upgrade guide 1.9 share improve this answer..
Error in jquery.validate.js in MVC 4 Project with jQuery 1.9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14659023/error-in-jquery-validate-js-in-mvc-4-project-with-jquery-1-9 4 project using the template in Visual Studio 2012. After upgrading to jQuery 1.9 the login functionality breaks. Specifically I..
Fancybox stuck loading iframe in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14819642/fancybox-stuck-loading-iframe-in-ie 'none' autoSize true type 'iframe' EDIT I have also tried upgrading jQuery to no avail. EDIT Here is a jsFiddle really simple and..
JQuery prepend to crash http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15621878/jquery-prepend-to-crash improve this question I just ran into this issue after upgrading from jquery 1.7 to 1.9. This is a bug in the implementation..
jQuery post JSON fails when returning null from ASP.Net MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15939944/jquery-post-json-fails-when-returning-null-from-asp-net-mvc share improve this question The problem was caused by upgrading from jQuery 1.8 to 1.9. In jQuery 1.7 and 1.8 this in MVC return..
Can I keep Nuget on the jQuery 1.9.x/1.x path (instead of upgrading to 2.x)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16125828/can-i-keep-nuget-on-the-jquery-1-9-x-1-x-path-instead-of-upgrading-to-2-x I keep Nuget on the jQuery 1.9.x 1.x path instead of upgrading to 2.x Like most people I'm using the jQuery Nuget package..
Should I convert from MooTools to jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/169164/should-i-convert-from-mootools-to-jquery jquery mootools share improve this question If you're upgrading anyway then it may be worth looking into. jQuery seems to be..
How good is jQuery's backward-compatibility? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/281438/how-good-is-jquerys-backward-compatibility starting to use it quite heavily and are thinking about upgrading to a newer version to start using several plugins that require.. several versions of the core and have not had issues when upgrading except a few minor ones with some plugins. I would say that..
Rails 3 AJAX remote form call backs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3723118/rails-3-ajax-remote-form-call-backs 3 AJAX remote form call backs I'm upgrading from rails 2.3.8 to 3.0.0 so I need to replace the remote_form_for..
Reliably detecting <img> tag support for SVG http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4118254/reliably-detecting-img-tag-support-for-svg currently doing some redesign of a website basically just upgrading it to a more up to date look and trying to make it as resolution..
Upgrading from jQuery 1.3.2 to jQuery 1.5 (or 1.4) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4960126/upgrading-from-jquery-1-3-2-to-jquery-1-5-or-1-4 and have a link I can use to upgrade correctly jquery upgrading jquery 1.5 share improve this question The differences between..
JQuery 1.5 breaks Compare Validate (JQuery Validate 1.8) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5117458/jquery-1-5-breaks-compare-validate-jquery-validate-1-8 1.5 breaks Compare Validate JQuery Validate 1.8 After upgrading to JQuery 1.5 and later 1.5.1 my compare validation fails. I'm..
history.pushState http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5210034/history-pushstate for HTML4 browsers if you want to go down that route. For upgrading your website into a RIA Ajax Application you can use this code..
How to display an IFRAME inside a modal dialog using jQuery-ui/dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5660263/how-to-display-an-iframe-inside-a-modal-dialog-using-jquery-ui-dialog using jQuery ui dialog The web application that I am upgrading uses jQuery and jQuery ui. I have replaced most instances of..
WebKit issues with event.layerX and event.layerY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7825448/webkit-issues-with-event-layerx-and-event-layery now if you upgrade to jQuery 1.7. Please note that if upgrading jQuery doesn't fix the issue for you it may have something to..
Weird Chrome prototype/jQuery conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/833883/weird-chrome-prototype-jquery-conflict script note older version of prototype we found issues on upgrading that we don't want to fix when we're phasing it out anyhow This.. open make it work Anyone know a good workaround apart from upgrading to prototype which fixes this issue but breaks a..
What is the proper way to uncheck a checkbox in jQuery 1.7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9950123/what-is-the-proper-way-to-uncheck-a-checkbox-in-jquery-1-7 is the proper way to uncheck a checkbox in jQuery 1.7 I'm upgrading from jQuery 1.5.1 I've read about the new way to check checkboxes..
IE Invalid argument with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10236280/ie-invalid-argument-with-jquery UI libraries. The code uses 1.5.2 and 1.7.2 respectively. Upgrading to the latest versions made no difference. Upgraded the jqGrid.. Upgraded the jqGrid library. The code uses version 4.1.2. Upgrading to 4.3.2 made no difference. Upgraded the bgiframe plug in... Upgraded the bgiframe plug in. The code uses version 2.1. Upgrading to 2.1.3 made no difference. Because it is IE it is very difficult..
twitter bootstrap typeahead (method 'toLowerCase' of undefined) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11235644/twitter-bootstrap-typeahead-method-tolowercase-of-undefined not support passing in a function to the source setting. Upgrading to Bootstrap 2.1.1 fixed the problem. share improve this answer..
jQuery radio button show div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4107822/jquery-radio-button-show-div here http jsfiddle.net wmKGd UPDATE 25.01.2013 After Upgrading from jQuery Library 1.8.x to 1.9.x Please use instead of jQuery..
Using different versions of jQuery and jQueryUI together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4214551/using-different-versions-of-jquery-and-jqueryui-together their framework uses jQuery 1.3.2 and jQueryUI 1.7.2. Upgrading the versions in the framework is not a possibility so i wanted..
Upgrading from jQuery 1.3.2 to jQuery 1.5 (or 1.4) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4960126/upgrading-from-jquery-1-3-2-to-jquery-1-5-or-1-4 from jQuery 1.3.2 to jQuery 1.5 or 1.4 I remember when jQuery..
Upgrading to jQuery 1.7 and changes to the event object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8044992/upgrading-to-jquery-1-7-and-changes-to-the-event-object to jQuery 1.7 and changes to the event object Ok this one through..
Phonegap in Dreamweaver CS5.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8643581/phonegap-in-dreamweaver-cs5-5 html5 phonegap dreamweaver share improve this question Upgrading the phonegap of adobe dreamweaver cs5.5 Download latest phonegap..
jQuery & Prototype Conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/134572/jquery-prototype-conflict of Scriptaculous and jQuery Scriptaculous was attempting to extend the native Array prototype incorrectly first try upgrading your copy of Scriptaculous. If that does not work you will need to use noConflict as alluded to above . However there's..
jQuery latest $.browser [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14505301/jquery-latest-browser
Error in jquery.validate.js in MVC 4 Project with jQuery 1.9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14659023/error-in-jquery-validate-js-in-mvc-4-project-with-jquery-1-9 MVC 4 Project with jQuery 1.9 I created a new ASP.Net MVC 4 project using the template in Visual Studio 2012. After upgrading to jQuery 1.9 the login functionality breaks. Specifically I get the error 0x800a138f JavaScript runtime error Unable to..
Fancybox stuck loading iframe in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14819642/fancybox-stuck-loading-iframe-in-ie '.fancybox media' .fancybox openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' autoSize true type 'iframe' EDIT I have also tried upgrading jQuery to no avail. EDIT Here is a jsFiddle really simple and doesn't work in IE for me. jquery internet explorer iframe..
JQuery prepend to crash http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15621878/jquery-prepend-to-crash and the tr is a different class php jquery html css share improve this question I just ran into this issue after upgrading from jquery 1.7 to 1.9. This is a bug in the implementation of fadeIn . It has to do with the fact that the data method..
jQuery post JSON fails when returning null from ASP.Net MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15939944/jquery-post-json-fails-when-returning-null-from-asp-net-mvc just saying it is. jquery ajax asp.net mvc json null share improve this question The problem was caused by upgrading from jQuery 1.8 to 1.9. In jQuery 1.7 and 1.8 this in MVC return Json null was accepted as valid JSON and interpreted as..
Can I keep Nuget on the jQuery 1.9.x/1.x path (instead of upgrading to 2.x)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16125828/can-i-keep-nuget-on-the-jquery-1-9-x-1-x-path-instead-of-upgrading-to-2-x I keep Nuget on the jQuery 1.9.x 1.x path instead of upgrading to 2.x Like most people I'm using the jQuery Nuget package to keep up to date. However with the release of jQuery 2.0 I'm..
Should I convert from MooTools to jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/169164/should-i-convert-from-mootools-to-jquery for Ajax drag and drop and some minor effects. javascript jquery mootools share improve this question If you're upgrading anyway then it may be worth looking into. jQuery seems to be well on its way to becoming the One True Javascript library..
How good is jQuery's backward-compatibility? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/281438/how-good-is-jquerys-backward-compatibility problems with Jquery not being backward compatible. We are starting to use it quite heavily and are thinking about upgrading to a newer version to start using several plugins that require it. Will we have any issues if we get rid of the older version.. been using it for more than a couple of years now through several versions of the core and have not had issues when upgrading except a few minor ones with some plugins. I would say that the core seems to be fine but if you're using a lot of plugins..
Rails 3 AJAX remote form call backs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3723118/rails-3-ajax-remote-form-call-backs 3 AJAX remote form call backs I'm upgrading from rails 2.3.8 to 3.0.0 so I need to replace the remote_form_for helper calls with form_for @object remote true . I've..
Reliably detecting <img> tag support for SVG http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4118254/reliably-detecting-img-tag-support-for-svg detecting img tag support for SVG I'm currently doing some redesign of a website basically just upgrading it to a more up to date look and trying to make it as resolution independent as possible and in the name of resolution independence..
Upgrading from jQuery 1.3.2 to jQuery 1.5 (or 1.4) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4960126/upgrading-from-jquery-1-3-2-to-jquery-1-5-or-1-4 everything still works. Does anybody know of the differences and have a link I can use to upgrade correctly jquery upgrading jquery 1.5 share improve this question The differences between 1.3.2 are listed here http jquery14.com day 01 jquery..
JQuery 1.5 breaks Compare Validate (JQuery Validate 1.8) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5117458/jquery-1-5-breaks-compare-validate-jquery-validate-1-8 1.5 breaks Compare Validate JQuery Validate 1.8 After upgrading to JQuery 1.5 and later 1.5.1 my compare validation fails. I'm using JQuery.Validate 1.7. My ViewModel has the following..
history.pushState http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5210034/history-pushstate for the HTML5 History API and a optional hashchange fallback for HTML4 browsers if you want to go down that route. For upgrading your website into a RIA Ajax Application you can use this code snippet https github.com browserstate ajaxify Which is part..
How to display an IFRAME inside a modal dialog using jQuery-ui/dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5660263/how-to-display-an-iframe-inside-a-modal-dialog-using-jquery-ui-dialog to display an IFRAME inside a modal dialog using jQuery ui dialog The web application that I am upgrading uses jQuery and jQuery ui. I have replaced most instances of window.open and a target _blank with jQuery.dialog. For example..
WebKit issues with event.layerX and event.layerY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7825448/webkit-issues-with-event-layerx-and-event-layery ticket http bugs.jquery.com ticket 10531 UPDATE This is fixed now if you upgrade to jQuery 1.7. Please note that if upgrading jQuery doesn't fix the issue for you it may have something to do with used extensions plugins as Jake stated in his answer..
Weird Chrome prototype/jQuery conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/833883/weird-chrome-prototype-jquery-conflict language javascript type text javascript j jQuery.noConflict script note older version of prototype we found issues on upgrading that we don't want to fix when we're phasing it out anyhow This works in IE6 IE7 IE8 as 7 and FX3 but load it in Chrome.. init to fail Why does loading the page with the console open make it work Anyone know a good workaround apart from upgrading to prototype which fixes this issue but breaks a load of legacy code elsewhere jquery google chrome prototypejs..
What is the proper way to uncheck a checkbox in jQuery 1.7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9950123/what-is-the-proper-way-to-uncheck-a-checkbox-in-jquery-1-7 is the proper way to uncheck a checkbox in jQuery 1.7 I'm upgrading from jQuery 1.5.1 I've read about the new way to check checkboxes in 1.6 using prop checked true But what is the correct..
IE Invalid argument with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10236280/ie-invalid-argument-with-jquery which has made any difference Upgraded the jQuery and jQuery UI libraries. The code uses 1.5.2 and 1.7.2 respectively. Upgrading to the latest versions made no difference. Upgraded the jqGrid library. The code uses version 4.1.2. Upgrading to 4.3.2.. Upgrading to the latest versions made no difference. Upgraded the jqGrid library. The code uses version 4.1.2. Upgrading to 4.3.2 made no difference. Upgraded the bgiframe plug in. The code uses version 2.1. Upgrading to 2.1.3 made no difference... uses version 4.1.2. Upgrading to 4.3.2 made no difference. Upgraded the bgiframe plug in. The code uses version 2.1. Upgrading to 2.1.3 made no difference. Because it is IE it is very difficult to debug to see what is going on. Has anyone seen this..
twitter bootstrap typeahead (method 'toLowerCase' of undefined) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11235644/twitter-bootstrap-typeahead-method-tolowercase-of-undefined
jQuery radio button show div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4107822/jquery-radio-button-show-div '#show me' .show else '#show me' .hide You can see it in action here http jsfiddle.net wmKGd UPDATE 25.01.2013 After Upgrading from jQuery Library 1.8.x to 1.9.x Please use instead of jQuery Library 1.8.x jQuery '#some id' .attr 'checked' jQuery Library..
Using different versions of jQuery and jQueryUI together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4214551/using-different-versions-of-jquery-and-jqueryui-together of jQuery and jQueryUI together I am working on a project where their framework uses jQuery 1.3.2 and jQueryUI 1.7.2. Upgrading the versions in the framework is not a possibility so i wanted to run jQuery 1.4.4 and jQueryUI 1.8.5 in parallel. I have..
Upgrading from jQuery 1.3.2 to jQuery 1.5 (or 1.4) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4960126/upgrading-from-jquery-1-3-2-to-jquery-1-5-or-1-4 from jQuery 1.3.2 to jQuery 1.5 or 1.4 I remember when jQuery 1.4 came out there was a upgrade link and text where it said..
Upgrading to jQuery 1.7 and changes to the event object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8044992/upgrading-to-jquery-1-7-and-changes-to-the-event-object to jQuery 1.7 and changes to the event object Ok this one through me for a loop but I finally traced it down to changes..
Phonegap in Dreamweaver CS5.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8643581/phonegap-in-dreamweaver-cs5-5 phonegap.js file with latest version jquery android html5 phonegap dreamweaver share improve this question Upgrading the phonegap of adobe dreamweaver cs5.5 Download latest phonegap version. Extract the downloaded zip file Open the œAndroid..