jquery Programming Glossary: thingtoreplace
how to parse HTML tags to plain text… I wanna achive something like facebook or twitter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10051232/how-to-parse-html-tags-to-plain-text-i-wanna-achive-something-like-facebook is a specific function just for that but what you can do is this in example of the link a href raw @ 1234 peterwateber thingtoreplace @ firstpass str_replace thingtoreplace a href ' raw raw2 firstpass thingtoreplace secondpass str_replace thingtoreplace.. what you can do is this in example of the link a href raw @ 1234 peterwateber thingtoreplace @ firstpass str_replace thingtoreplace a href ' raw raw2 firstpass thingtoreplace secondpass str_replace thingtoreplace ' raw1 raw3 second thingtoreplace secondpass.. link a href raw @ 1234 peterwateber thingtoreplace @ firstpass str_replace thingtoreplace a href ' raw raw2 firstpass thingtoreplace secondpass str_replace thingtoreplace ' raw1 raw3 second thingtoreplace secondpass str_replace thingtoreplace ' a raw3 I..