jquery Programming Glossary: that..
setTimeOut() or setInterval() . 4 methods to apply same thing. which is best? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11520834/settimeout-or-setinterval-4-methods-to-apply-same-thing-which-is-best differently. There's an amazing answer here which explains that... As for what I'd use I'd use #2. share improve this answer..
Best practices for passing data from asp.net-mvc to javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1197101/best-practices-for-passing-data-from-asp-net-mvc-to-javascript data to a hidden field and have the Javascript reference that... input type hidden id editable value ViewData editable var isEditable..
jQuery AJAX Responses in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1264419/jquery-ajax-responses-in-asp-net-mvc If the user cannot be validated I'd like to tell them that... instead of simply doing nothing. Sorry for the naive question..
Typewriter Effect with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13325008/typewriter-effect-with-jquery a new one Check out Yoshi's answer below. It does exactly that... jquery share improve this question demo http jsbin.com..
Facebook Style AJAX Search http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1568312/facebook-style-ajax-search rather than instant keyup. but not 100 sure how to do that... javascript jquery ajax livesearch share improve this question..
HTML5 draggable elements within contenteditable div - stops working after first drop - why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16900032/html5-draggable-elements-within-contenteditable-div-stops-working-after-first div. It seems that everything is working except that... after I drag one element and drop it I cannot drag it again...
Jquery Smooth Scroll To DIV - Using ID value from Link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18831970/jquery-smooth-scroll-to-div-using-id-value-from-link A TAG Take the ID attributes value and scroll to that... '.searchbychar' .click function 'html body' .animate scrollTop..
Sending Data to ServiceStack RESTful service, getting 'Access is denied' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18923930/sending-data-to-servicestack-restful-service-getting-access-is-denied block of the ajax call the error is thrown before that... I am using IE9 to test if that's pertinent... Any idea what..
jquery - Read a text file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1981815/jquery-read-a-text-file to open and read from but I'm not entirely sure how to do that... Basically it's a fairly large file big.html and in a separate..
jquery - get url path? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2668005/jquery-get-url-path piece in that url I want to write an if statement based on that... if second argument 'mine' do something jquery url parsing..
Creating a JQueryscript for GM - Trouble by rewriting the JS code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3110231/creating-a-jqueryscript-for-gm-trouble-by-rewriting-the-js-code a special button the note appears I still have to write that... It's a big deal for me putting all the information together..
Using arrows-keys to navigate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3245398/using-arrows-keys-to-navigate using .focus Here is the example. Please bear in mind that... a There is nothing in this example to stop you from going out..
jQuery Sortable with animation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5060357/jquery-sortable-with-animation to reorder and the pretty animations that go along with that... So I've come up with a solution that seems to work pretty great..
Jquery Multiple load in a DIV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/866284/jquery-multiple-load-in-a-div to get the content into a var... nope any idea on top of that... i will like to add a rule hr BETWEEN each load Maybe something..
What does tilde (~) preceding jQuery object do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9316612/what-does-tilde-preceding-jquery-object-do I know may be stored as two's complement or something like that... Edit Here's a link to how Two's Complement represents a number..
Why is jQuery so widely adopted versus other Javascript frameworks? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/990077/why-is-jquery-so-widely-adopted-versus-other-javascript-frameworks question That's an odd question... I get the impression that... you are very familiar with mootools and take full advantage..
setTimeOut() or setInterval() . 4 methods to apply same thing. which is best? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11520834/settimeout-or-setinterval-4-methods-to-apply-same-thing-which-is-best
Best practices for passing data from asp.net-mvc to javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1197101/best-practices-for-passing-data-from-asp-net-mvc-to-javascript It has occurred to me another solution would be to pass my data to a hidden field and have the Javascript reference that... input type hidden id editable value ViewData editable var isEditable #editable .attr value This is probably much better..
jQuery AJAX Responses in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1264419/jquery-ajax-responses-in-asp-net-mvc the validation messages on error For example an Ajax login form. If the user cannot be validated I'd like to tell them that... instead of simply doing nothing. Sorry for the naive question I just don't know how to word it right to find the solutions..
Typewriter Effect with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13325008/typewriter-effect-with-jquery at the end of the statement erases the statement and writes a new one Check out Yoshi's answer below. It does exactly that... jquery share improve this question demo http jsbin.com araget 5 plugin function writes the string @param jQuery target..
Facebook Style AJAX Search http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1568312/facebook-style-ajax-search it should store the request for 1 second before doing a search rather than instant keyup. but not 100 sure how to do that... javascript jquery ajax livesearch share improve this question the method you are referring to is called Debouncing..
HTML5 draggable elements within contenteditable div - stops working after first drop - why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16900032/html5-draggable-elements-within-contenteditable-div-stops-working-after-first elements tokens that can be dragged around inside a contenteditable div. It seems that everything is working except that... after I drag one element and drop it I cannot drag it again. It seems that I cannot bind to it's dragstart event again...
Jquery Smooth Scroll To DIV - Using ID value from Link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18831970/jquery-smooth-scroll-to-div-using-id-value-from-link What i want the code to do is On click event of an .searchbychar A TAG Take the ID attributes value and scroll to that... '.searchbychar' .click function 'html body' .animate scrollTop '.searchbychar' .attr 'id' .offset .top 2000 javascript..
Sending Data to ServiceStack RESTful service, getting 'Access is denied' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18923930/sending-data-to-servicestack-restful-service-getting-access-is-denied through the Javascript and it doesn't even get to the 'failure' block of the ajax call the error is thrown before that... I am using IE9 to test if that's pertinent... Any idea what might be going on Here's my ServiceStack POST method public..
jquery - Read a text file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1981815/jquery-read-a-text-file Read a text file I have an html file that I'd like to open and read from but I'm not entirely sure how to do that... Basically it's a fairly large file big.html and in a separate file titles.html I have some jquery code that I'd like to..
jquery - get url path? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2668005/jquery-get-url-path to see if mine exists in that url So if mine is the second piece in that url I want to write an if statement based on that... if second argument 'mine' do something jquery url parsing share improve this question if location.pathname.split 2..
Creating a JQueryscript for GM - Trouble by rewriting the JS code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3110231/creating-a-jqueryscript-for-gm-trouble-by-rewriting-the-js-code all inputfields and text it should contain. 4. By clicking a special button the note appears I still have to write that... It's a big deal for me putting all the information together and writing a good and goodlooking and I know it is not yet..
Using arrows-keys to navigate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3245398/using-arrows-keys-to-navigate able to focus the various cells I will put an example together using .focus Here is the example. Please bear in mind that... a There is nothing in this example to stop you from going out of bounds you would need to restrict the values of currentRow..
jQuery Sortable with animation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5060357/jquery-sortable-with-animation like Facebook and their albums' images dragging and dropping to reorder and the pretty animations that go along with that... So I've come up with a solution that seems to work pretty great and I'll do my best to explain it to the best of my abilities..
Jquery Multiple load in a DIV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/866284/jquery-multiple-load-in-a-div add antone so the #right will be nicolas antoine I have try to get the content into a var... nope any idea on top of that... i will like to add a rule hr BETWEEN each load Maybe something like that can be done... it don't work '#right' .load 'textes.shtml..
What does tilde (~) preceding jQuery object do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9316612/what-does-tilde-preceding-jquery-object-do a bitwise logical operation on an integer which for all I know may be stored as two's complement or something like that... Edit Here's a link to how Two's Complement represents a number in binary. I think I was right. http en.wikipedia.org wiki..
Why is jQuery so widely adopted versus other Javascript frameworks? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/990077/why-is-jquery-so-widely-adopted-versus-other-javascript-frameworks javascript jquery frameworks mootools share improve this question That's an odd question... I get the impression that... you are very familiar with mootools and take full advantage of its OOP model making your code easier to manage and support..