jquery Programming Glossary: th.ui
Remove vertical lines in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11790302/remove-vertical-lines-in-jqgrid tr.ui row ltr td border bottom color transparent To remove vertical borders between the column headers you can use th.ui th column border right color transparent important or alternatively without the usage of important .ui jqgrid labels .ui..
jQuery - jqGrid - undesired behavior in onSelectRow event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16815395/jquery-jqgrid-undesired-behavior-in-onselectrow-event grid rows alternate background of every other row tr.jqgrow odd .css background color #DDDDDC background image none th.ui th column .css font weight bold It's like the onSelectRow event is accumulating the number of clicks then calling the click..
prettyCheckable on jqGrid Multiselect http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17186822/prettycheckable-on-jqgrid-multiselect
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box contries if isInSearchToolbar searching toolbar row countryElem.closest 'tr.ui search toolbar' stateSelect row.find th.ui th column select#gs_state parentWidth stateSelect.parent .width stateSelect.html newOptions .css width parentWidth else..
Jqgrid headers on two or more rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4896420/jqgrid-headers-on-two-or-more-rows want have multi line column headers. You can do this with following additional CSS style type text css media screen th.ui th column div white space normal important height auto important padding 2px style After that you will have columns like..
Add button to jqgrid column header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8213162/add-button-to-jqgrid-column-header will be created grid.closest div.ui jqgrid view .find div.ui jqgrid hdiv table.ui jqgrid htable tr.ui jqgrid labels th.ui th column div.ui jqgrid sortable .each function ' button ' .css float right height 17px .appendTo this .button icons primary..