jquery Programming Glossary: theory
jQuery Toggle State http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244392/jquery-toggle-state state . Inside function B the same form is hidden. The theory behind this is that the user can choose to display the form..
jQuery Sortable Move UP/DOWN Button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2951941/jquery-sortable-move-up-down-button marked li has the class markedLi Following code should in theory move that element up or down totally untested off course '#myButtonUp'..
Timeout jQuery effects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/316278/timeout-jquery-effects function o.dequeue time jQuery which would in theory working on memory here permit you do to this '.notice' .fadeIn..
Why do different browsers render the same HTML differently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3530902/why-do-different-browsers-render-the-same-html-differently http www.smashingmagazine.com 2007 05 01 css float theory things you should know The Real Problem Here is not with the..
How to loop through array in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3943494/how-to-loop-through-array-in-jquery the loop no unnecessary overhead of function calls e.g. in theory faster though in fact you'd have to have so many elements that..
jquery - Is $(document).ready necessary? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643990/jquery-is-document-ready-necessary I link all my javascripts at the bottom of the page so in theory they are all running after the document is ready anyways. jquery..
Google is not defined using Google Visualization API; possibly jQuery's fault http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5556953/google-is-not-defined-using-google-visualization-api-possibly-jquerys-fault page here is returned as the result of an ajax call. The theory here being using jQuery's document .ready handler means that..
How to get a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) post request working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5750696/how-to-get-a-cross-origin-resource-sharing-cors-post-request-working 8859 1 The conversation then stops. The browser should in theory issue a POST request as the server responded with the correct..
JavaScript Drag & Select functionality done right http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5851156/javascript-drag-select-functionality-done-right behind suppressing selection. How should it be done in theory. Is there any non hackish way of achieving that The closest..
Graph visualization code in JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7034/graph-visualization-code-in-javascript that one exists javascript jquery data structures graph theory graph layout share improve this question I've just put together..
Event when element added to page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7434685/event-when-element-added-to-page to the page source. What are my options here I guess in theory I could just use setTimeout to continually search for the element's..
jQuery Event Handler created in loop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7774636/jquery-event-handler-created-in-loop ' i .click function event switchBanners i true In theory that should work but it doesnt seem to once I load the document.....
Learning jQuery and Getting Better at Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/787271/learning-jquery-and-getting-better-at-javascript for something that doesnt go much in depth into the theory part of jquery but actually does and shows examples of how to..
jQuery Validation - Two fields, only required to fill in one http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8137844/jquery-validation-two-fields-only-required-to-fill-in-one vice versa for the mobile field. This is untested but in theory rules telephone required function element return #mobile .is..
Load (Lazy Loading) a Div whenever the DIV gets visible for the first time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8192651/load-lazy-loading-a-div-whenever-the-div-gets-visible-for-the-first-time '#your_element' .attr 'loaded' true ajax goes here by theory this code still may be called several times Proper solution..
How to use Twitter Bootstrap popovers for jQuery validation notifications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8439490/how-to-use-twitter-bootstrap-popovers-for-jquery-validation-notifications seems like a kind of dependency injection. All nice in theory but I just can't figure out where that hook is or even if one..
How does jQuery's new on() method compare to the live() method in performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8541825/how-does-jquerys-new-on-method-compare-to-the-live-method-in-performance in the jQuery object will be matched. So this is all the theory about how they work and why one configuration is supposed to..
Preventing web browser from closing until AJAX response is returned http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8743119/preventing-web-browser-from-closing-until-ajax-response-is-returned .ajax url ' foo' type 'GET' async false timeout 4000 In theory this will block the browser for a maximum of 4 seconds. In reality..
Secure popup login possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8888003/secure-popup-login-possible question Using an AJAX pop up or an iframe that goes in theory to https on an http page presents two problems An attacker could..
jQuery Toggle State http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244392/jquery-toggle-state the form the form is hidden again returning to it's original state . Inside function B the same form is hidden. The theory behind this is that the user can choose to display the form and fill it out or they can click again and have the form go..
jQuery Sortable Move UP/DOWN Button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2951941/jquery-sortable-move-up-down-button something to mark each li s so following I assume the marked li has the class markedLi Following code should in theory move that element up or down totally untested off course '#myButtonUp' .click function var current '.markedLi' current.prev..
Timeout jQuery effects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/316278/timeout-jquery-effects
Why do different browsers render the same HTML differently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3530902/why-do-different-browsers-render-the-same-html-differently border #cssboxmodels http reference.sitepoint.com css boxmodel http www.smashingmagazine.com 2007 05 01 css float theory things you should know The Real Problem Here is not with the browsers. IE8 surprisingly misbehaves much less than its predecessors...
How to loop through array in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3943494/how-to-loop-through-array-in-jquery with preserving the meaning of this within the body of the loop no unnecessary overhead of function calls e.g. in theory faster though in fact you'd have to have so many elements that the odds are you'd have other problems details . ES5's forEach..
jquery - Is $(document).ready necessary? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643990/jquery-is-document-ready-necessary that it was answered at all. Is document .ready necessary I link all my javascripts at the bottom of the page so in theory they are all running after the document is ready anyways. jquery document.ready share improve this question Is document..
Google is not defined using Google Visualization API; possibly jQuery's fault http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5556953/google-is-not-defined-using-google-visualization-api-possibly-jquerys-fault visibility is toggled as needed. The whole lot the entire page here is returned as the result of an ajax call. The theory here being using jQuery's document .ready handler means that google should be loaded when the document is ready. However..
How to get a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) post request working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5750696/how-to-get-a-cross-origin-resource-sharing-cors-post-request-working Methods POST GET OPTIONS Content Type text html charset ISO 8859 1 The conversation then stops. The browser should in theory issue a POST request as the server responded with the correct CORS headers Access Control Allow Origin For troubleshooting..
JavaScript Drag & Select functionality done right http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5851156/javascript-drag-select-functionality-done-right I'd like to actually understand the internals of JavaScript behind suppressing selection. How should it be done in theory. Is there any non hackish way of achieving that The closest that I was able to find is this http view.jquery.com tags ui..
Graph visualization code in JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7034/graph-visualization-code-in-javascript visualizations already built there anyway. Do you know that one exists javascript jquery data structures graph theory graph layout share improve this question I've just put together what you may be looking for http www.graphdracula.net..
Event when element added to page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7434685/event-when-element-added-to-page However I'm writing a Chrome extension and don't have access to the page source. What are my options here I guess in theory I could just use setTimeout to continually search for the element's presence and add my action if the element is there...
jQuery Event Handler created in loop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7774636/jquery-event-handler-created-in-loop running something like this for i 1 i totalBanners i '#slider ' i .click function event switchBanners i true In theory that should work but it doesnt seem to once I load the document... It doesnt respond to any specific div id like it should..
Learning jQuery and Getting Better at Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/787271/learning-jquery-and-getting-better-at-javascript you guys suggest a good jquery book that might help I'm looking for something that doesnt go much in depth into the theory part of jquery but actually does and shows examples of how to do all the cool stuff. Back in the days when I was in school..
jQuery Validation - Two fields, only required to fill in one http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8137844/jquery-validation-two-fields-only-required-to-fill-in-one say require this rule only if the mobile field is blank and vice versa for the mobile field. This is untested but in theory rules telephone required function element return #mobile .is ' empty' mobile required function element return #telephone..
Load (Lazy Loading) a Div whenever the DIV gets visible for the first time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8192651/load-lazy-loading-a-div-whenever-the-div-gets-visible-for-the-first-time 'loaded' not in ajax.success due to multiple sroll events '#your_element' .attr 'loaded' true ajax goes here by theory this code still may be called several times Proper solution that takes into consideration scrolling from bottom here ...
How to use Twitter Bootstrap popovers for jQuery validation notifications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8439490/how-to-use-twitter-bootstrap-popovers-for-jquery-validation-notifications passes the message and the target element to a popover. This seems like a kind of dependency injection. All nice in theory but I just can't figure out where that hook is or even if one exists in either validation engine. They both seem intent..
How does jQuery's new on() method compare to the live() method in performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8541825/how-does-jquerys-new-on-method-compare-to-the-live-method-in-performance only objects who's target is the same as the object specified in the jQuery object will be matched. So this is all the theory about how they work and why one configuration is supposed to be better than another. If you want to test real world performance..
Preventing web browser from closing until AJAX response is returned http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8743119/preventing-web-browser-from-closing-until-ajax-response-is-returned event. For instance window.onbeforeunload function .ajax url ' foo' type 'GET' async false timeout 4000 In theory this will block the browser for a maximum of 4 seconds. In reality browsers will treat this differently. For instance Firefox..
Secure popup login possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8888003/secure-popup-login-possible php javascript jquery security https share improve this question Using an AJAX pop up or an iframe that goes in theory to https on an http page presents two problems An attacker could intercept the page and replace the link with his own. This..