jquery Programming Glossary: textbox
Inserting a text where cursor is using Javascript/jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1064089/inserting-a-text-where-cursor-is-using-javascript-jquery is using Javascript jquery I have a page with a lot of textboxes. When someone clicks a link i want a word or two to be inserted.. two to be inserted where the cursor is or appended to the textbox which has the focus. For example if the cursor focus is on a.. has the focus. For example if the cursor focus is on a textbox saying 'apple' and he clicks a link saying ' email ' then i..
Prevent jQuery UI dialog from setting focus to first textbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1202079/prevent-jquery-ui-dialog-from-setting-focus-to-first-textbox jQuery UI dialog from setting focus to first textbox I have setup a jQuery UI modal dialog to display when a user.. dialog to display when a user clicks a link. There are two textboxes I only show the code for 1 for brevity in that dialog div.. div tag and it is changed to be a jQuery UI DatePicker textbox that reacts on focus. The problem is that the jQuery UI dialog..
HTML-encoding in JavaScript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1219860/html-encoding-in-javascript-jquery pull a value out from a hidden field and display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field is encoded. For example input..
jQuery html() in Firefox (uses .innerHTML) ignores DOM changes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388893/jquery-html-in-firefox-uses-innerhtml-ignores-dom-changes I have a sample below where no matter what you change the textbox value to the innerHTML of the container element only ever returns.. javascript function BodyLoad document.getElementById textbox .value initial UPDATE DisplayTextBoxValue function DisplayTextBoxValue.. body onload BodyLoad div id container input type text id textbox value initial div input type button id button value Test me..
Jquery: how to detect a textbox's content has changed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1481152/jquery-how-to-detect-a-textboxs-content-has-changed how to detect a textbox's content has changed I want to detect whenever a textbox's.. textbox's content has changed I want to detect whenever a textbox's content has changed. I can use the keyup method but that will.. delete Use closures to remember what was the text in the textbox before the key stroke and check whether this has changed. Both..
Professional jQuery based Combobox control? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195270/professional-jquery-based-combobox-control know to start typing for the dropdownlist to turn into a textbox. I much prefer the Combo Dropdown Box but it still has some..
How to implement “mustMatch” and “selectFirst” in jQuery UI Autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2587378/how-to-implement-mustmatch-and-selectfirst-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete ' change function event ui if the value of the textbox does not match a suggestion clear its value if .ui autocomplete.. e.which if TAB or RETURN is pressed and the text in the textbox does not match a suggestion set the value of the textbox to.. textbox does not match a suggestion set the value of the textbox to the text of the first suggestion if keyCode 9 keyCode 13..
end date greater than start date - jquery validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/833997/end-date-greater-than-start-date-jquery-validation how do i check validate in jquery whether end date textbox is greater than start date textbox jquery date jquery validate.. jquery whether end date textbox is greater than start date textbox jquery date jquery validate share improve this question ..
Check checkbox checked property using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/901712/check-checkbox-checked-property-using-jquery if the age checkbox is checked then I need to show a textbox to enter age else hide the textbox. But the following code returns.. then I need to show a textbox to enter age else hide the textbox. But the following code returns false by default if '#isAgeSelected'..
Prevent jQuery UI dialog from setting focus to first textbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1202079/prevent-jquery-ui-dialog-from-setting-focus-to-first-textbox txtStartDate runat server Text Start date th td asp TextBox ID txtStartDate runat server CssClass datepicker td tr table..
Alert when browser window closed accidentally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1244535/alert-when-browser-window-closed-accidentally form id form1 name myForm runat server div First Name asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server asp TextBox br br Last Name asp TextBox.. name myForm runat server div First Name asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server asp TextBox br br Last Name asp TextBox ID TextBox2.. div First Name asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server asp TextBox br br Last Name asp TextBox ID TextBox2 runat server asp TextBox..
jQuery AutoComplete multiple Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12855617/jquery-autocomplete-multiple-output minLength 2 script ASPX Code div class ui widget asp TextBox ID tbAuto class tb runat server asp TextBox asp TextBox runat.. ui widget asp TextBox ID tbAuto class tb runat server asp TextBox asp TextBox runat server ID tbHidden class tb asp TextBox div.. TextBox ID tbAuto class tb runat server asp TextBox asp TextBox runat server ID tbHidden class tb asp TextBox div CodeBehind..
Change textbox's css class when ASP.NET Validation fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1301508/change-textboxs-css-class-when-asp-net-validation-fails dirty thing but it works form id form1 runat server asp TextBox ID txtOne runat server asp RequiredFieldValidator ID rfv runat.. server ControlToValidate txtOne Text SomeText 1 asp TextBox ID txtTwo runat server asp RequiredFieldValidator ID rfv2 runat..
Asp.Net UpdatePanel in Gridview Jquery DatePicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3341623/asp-net-updatepanel-in-gridview-jquery-datepicker 0 dd.MM.yyyy ' asp Label ItemTemplate EditItemTemplate asp TextBox ID txtDate runat server Text ' # Eval DATE 0 dd.MM.yyyy ' asp.. txtDate runat server Text ' # Eval DATE 0 dd.MM.yyyy ' asp TextBox EditItemTemplate asp TemplateField Columns ContentTemplate i.. use jQuery to add the datepicker... EditItemTemplate asp TextBox ID txtDate CssClass clDate runat server Text ' # Eval DATE 0..
jquery datepicker ms ajax updatepanel doesn't work after post back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/520645/jquery-datepicker-ms-ajax-updatepanel-doesnt-work-after-post-back label Date From label asp TextBox class mydatepickerclass ID txtdatefrom runat server label Date.. Date To label input class mydatepickerclass type text asp TextBox class mydatepickerclass ID txtdateto runat server asp Button.. ID UpdatePanel1 runat server ContentTemplate asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server CssClass mydatepickerclass asp TextBox..
jQuery Validation plugin in ASP.NET Web Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/619816/jquery-validation-plugin-in-asp-net-web-forms label input id username name username p because this asp TextBox ID tbUsername runat server asp TextBox renders as input name.. p because this asp TextBox ID tbUsername runat server asp TextBox renders as input name ctl00 ContentPlaceHolder1 tbUsername type..
.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6330384/net-simple-form-submit-via-ajax-and-jquery evt.preventDefault alert hello click alert .emailConnectTextBox .val .ajax type POST url asynchronous insertEmail.ashx data.. asynchronous insertEmail.ashx data email ' .emailConnectTextBox .val ' optin ' .connectCheckbox .val ' contentType application.. 'Error ' msg script HTML div class emailConnect asp TextBox runat server ID TextBox1 CssClass emailConnectTextBox BorderStyle..
Password masking in password field using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11822963/password-masking-in-password-field-using-jquery .html unicode Get Current Cursor Position on Password Textbox var curPos #txtpwd .getCursorPosition var PwdLength #txtpwd..
Textbox validation in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12434948/textbox-validation-in-jquery validation in jquery i am validating the text box value on..
jQuery: How to capture the TAB keypress within a Textbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1314450/jquery-how-to-capture-the-tab-keypress-within-a-textbox How to capture the TAB keypress within a Textbox I want to capture the TAB keypress cancel the default action.. keypress event doesn't capture non character keys #parentOfTextbox .on 'keydown' '#textbox' function e var keyCode e.keyCode e.which..
Change Label to Textbox on edit hyperlink click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16792502/change-label-to-textbox-on-edit-hyperlink-click Label to Textbox on edit hyperlink click i am new to ruby on rails and twitter..
asp.net Textbox value is null when post bock with Jquery Dialog occured http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18527753/asp-net-textbox-value-is-null-when-post-bock-with-jquery-dialog-occured Textbox value is null when post bock with Jquery Dialog occured I have..
How can I implement Stack Overflow-like watermarks in forms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2260367/how-can-i-implement-stack-overflow-like-watermarks-in-forms
jQuery validate: How to add a rule for regular expression validation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/280759/jquery-validate-how-to-add-a-rule-for-regular-expression-validation validator. I want to be able to do something like this Textbox .rules add regularExpression ^ a zA Z'. s 1 40 How do I add.. all you need to do to validate against any regex is this #Textbox .rules add regex ^ a zA Z'. s 1 40 Additionally it looks like..
Insert hyphen(-) automatically while typing an SSN in a Textbox using jQuery [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4263334/insert-hyphen-automatically-while-typing-an-ssn-in-a-textbox-using-jquery hyphen automatically while typing an SSN in a Textbox using jQuery closed Hi I am building an application where user..
Mysterious line break is being appended to ajax loaded content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4971585/mysterious-line-break-is-being-appended-to-ajax-loaded-content 12px width 150px input style padding 4px type text class Textbox name email id email dd dl p class Submit style text align center..
Add / remove input field dynamically with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9173182/add-remove-input-field-dynamically-with-jquery id 'TextBoxDiv' counter newTextBoxDiv.after .html ' label Textbox #' counter ' label ' ' input type text name textbox' counter.. .click function var msg '' for i 1 i counter i msg n Textbox # i '#textbox' i .val alert msg script head body div id 'TextBoxesGroup'.. head body div id 'TextBoxesGroup' div id TextBoxDiv1 label Textbox #1 label input type 'textbox' id 'textbox1' div div input type..
How to dynamically add a div using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/953415/how-to-dynamically-add-a-div-using-jquery 'div' div .attr id lineitem number var t1 getTextbox txt number.toString 1 var t2 getTextbox txt number.toString.. number var t1 getTextbox txt number.toString 1 var t2 getTextbox txt number.toString 2 var t3 getTextbox txt number.toString.. 1 var t2 getTextbox txt number.toString 2 var t3 getTextbox txt number.toString 3 div .append t1 div .append t2 div .append..
Using depends with the jQuery Validation plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/379838/using-depends-with-the-jquery-validation-plugin jQuery '#ItemList checkbox' .click function event var textBox jQuery this .siblings ' text' textBox.valid if jQuery this .attr.. function event var textBox jQuery this .siblings ' text' textBox.valid if jQuery this .attr checked textBox.attr 'disabled' 'disabled'.. ' text' textBox.valid if jQuery this .attr checked textBox.attr 'disabled' 'disabled' textBox.val '' else textBox.removeAttr..
jQuery - select all text from a textarea http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5797539/jquery-select-all-text-from-a-textarea id foo Some text textarea script type text javascript var textBox document.getElementById foo textBox.onfocus function textBox.select.. text javascript var textBox document.getElementById foo textBox.onfocus function textBox.select Work around Chrome's little.. document.getElementById foo textBox.onfocus function textBox.select Work around Chrome's little problem textBox.onmouseup..
Insert value into TEXTAREA where cursor was http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5889127/insert-value-into-textarea-where-cursor-was to use the proprietary beforedeactivate event instead var textBox #foo function saveSelection textBox.data lastSelection textBox.getSelection.. event instead var textBox #foo function saveSelection textBox.data lastSelection textBox.getSelection textBox.focusout saveSelection.. #foo function saveSelection textBox.data lastSelection textBox.getSelection textBox.focusout saveSelection textBox.bind beforedeactivate..
Use same div to toggle different parts of the page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6955849/use-same-div-to-toggle-different-parts-of-the-page jQuery document .ready function .clickMe .click function .textBox .toggle Html code printed with a for loop a class clickMe Toggle.. a for loop a class clickMe Toggle my text a br div class textBox This text will be toggled div a class clickMe Toggle my text.. toggled div a class clickMe Toggle my text a br div class textBox This text will be toggled 2 div a class clickMe Toggle my text..
Inserting a text where cursor is using Javascript/jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1064089/inserting-a-text-where-cursor-is-using-javascript-jquery a text where cursor is using Javascript jquery I have a page with a lot of textboxes. When someone clicks a link i want a word or two to be inserted where the cursor is or appended to the textbox which has.. of textboxes. When someone clicks a link i want a word or two to be inserted where the cursor is or appended to the textbox which has the focus. For example if the cursor focus is on a textbox saying 'apple' and he clicks a link saying ' email.. inserted where the cursor is or appended to the textbox which has the focus. For example if the cursor focus is on a textbox saying 'apple' and he clicks a link saying ' email ' then i want the textbox to say 'apple bob@example.com'. How can I do..
Prevent jQuery UI dialog from setting focus to first textbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1202079/prevent-jquery-ui-dialog-from-setting-focus-to-first-textbox jQuery UI dialog from setting focus to first textbox I have setup a jQuery UI modal dialog to display when a user clicks a link. There are two textboxes I only show the code.. focus to first textbox I have setup a jQuery UI modal dialog to display when a user clicks a link. There are two textboxes I only show the code for 1 for brevity in that dialog div tag and it is changed to be a jQuery UI DatePicker textbox that.. textboxes I only show the code for 1 for brevity in that dialog div tag and it is changed to be a jQuery UI DatePicker textbox that reacts on focus. The problem is that the jQuery UI dialog 'open' somehow triggers the first textbox to have focus which..
HTML-encoding in JavaScript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1219860/html-encoding-in-javascript-jquery encoding in JavaScript jQuery I ™m using JavaScript to pull a value out from a hidden field and display it in a textbox. The value in the hidden field is encoded. For example input id 'hiddenId' type 'hidden' value 'chalk amp cheese' gets pulled..
jQuery html() in Firefox (uses .innerHTML) ignores DOM changes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388893/jquery-html-in-firefox-uses-innerhtml-ignores-dom-changes internally. Is this meant to happen I'm on Firefox 3.5.2. I have a sample below where no matter what you change the textbox value to the innerHTML of the container element only ever returns the value defined in the HTML markup. The sample isn't.. html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml head script type text javascript function BodyLoad document.getElementById textbox .value initial UPDATE DisplayTextBoxValue function DisplayTextBoxValue alert document.getElementById container .innerHTML.. container .innerHTML return false script head body onload BodyLoad div id container input type text id textbox value initial div input type button id button value Test me onclick return DisplayTextBoxValue body html jquery html firefox..
Jquery: how to detect a textbox's content has changed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1481152/jquery-how-to-detect-a-textboxs-content-has-changed how to detect a textbox's content has changed I want to detect whenever a textbox's content has changed. I can use the keyup method but that will.. how to detect a textbox's content has changed I want to detect whenever a textbox's content has changed. I can use the keyup method but that will also detect keystrokes which do not generate letters like.. if the ascii code of the pressed key is a letter backspace delete Use closures to remember what was the text in the textbox before the key stroke and check whether this has changed. Both look kinda cumbersome. jquery textbox keypress share improve..
Professional jQuery based Combobox control? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195270/professional-jquery-based-combobox-control issues with this control but as a user I don't think I'd know to start typing for the dropdownlist to turn into a textbox. I much prefer the Combo Dropdown Box but it still has some features that I'd want and it's still in alpha. The only think..
How to implement “mustMatch” and “selectFirst” in jQuery UI Autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2587378/how-to-implement-mustmatch-and-selectfirst-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete The rest of the code function #tags .autocomplete source ' get_my_data ' change function event ui if the value of the textbox does not match a suggestion clear its value if .ui autocomplete li textEquals ' this .val ' .size 0 this .val '' .live.. .val '' .live 'keydown' function e var keyCode e.keyCode e.which if TAB or RETURN is pressed and the text in the textbox does not match a suggestion set the value of the textbox to the text of the first suggestion if keyCode 9 keyCode 13 .ui.. e.which if TAB or RETURN is pressed and the text in the textbox does not match a suggestion set the value of the textbox to the text of the first suggestion if keyCode 9 keyCode 13 .ui autocomplete li textEquals ' this .val ' .size 0 this .val..
end date greater than start date - jquery validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/833997/end-date-greater-than-start-date-jquery-validation date greater than start date jquery validation how do i check validate in jquery whether end date textbox is greater than start date textbox jquery date jquery validate share improve this question Just expanding off fusions.. start date jquery validation how do i check validate in jquery whether end date textbox is greater than start date textbox jquery date jquery validate share improve this question Just expanding off fusions answer. this extension method works..
Check checkbox checked property using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/901712/check-checkbox-checked-property-using-jquery action based on the checked property using jQuery . For example if the age checkbox is checked then I need to show a textbox to enter age else hide the textbox. But the following code returns false by default if '#isAgeSelected' .attr 'checked'.. using jQuery . For example if the age checkbox is checked then I need to show a textbox to enter age else hide the textbox. But the following code returns false by default if '#isAgeSelected' .attr 'checked' #txtAge .show else #txtAge .hide How..
Prevent jQuery UI dialog from setting focus to first textbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1202079/prevent-jquery-ui-dialog-from-setting-focus-to-first-textbox title Add reservation table tr th asp Label AssociatedControlID txtStartDate runat server Text Start date th td asp TextBox ID txtStartDate runat server CssClass datepicker td tr table div asp Button ID btnAddReservation runat server OnClick btnAddReservation_Click..
Alert when browser window closed accidentally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1244535/alert-when-browser-window-closed-accidentally UnspecifiedErrorHandler return true script head body form id form1 name myForm runat server div First Name asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server asp TextBox br br Last Name asp TextBox ID TextBox2 runat server asp TextBox br br IsMarried asp.. return true script head body form id form1 name myForm runat server div First Name asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server asp TextBox br br Last Name asp TextBox ID TextBox2 runat server asp TextBox br br IsMarried asp CheckBox.. true script head body form id form1 name myForm runat server div First Name asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server asp TextBox br br Last Name asp TextBox ID TextBox2 runat server asp TextBox br br IsMarried asp CheckBox ID CheckBox1 runat server..
jQuery AutoComplete multiple Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12855617/jquery-autocomplete-multiple-output XMLHttpRequest textStatus errorThrown alert textStatus minLength 2 script ASPX Code div class ui widget asp TextBox ID tbAuto class tb runat server asp TextBox asp TextBox runat server ID tbHidden class tb asp TextBox div CodeBehind WebService.. textStatus minLength 2 script ASPX Code div class ui widget asp TextBox ID tbAuto class tb runat server asp TextBox asp TextBox runat server ID tbHidden class tb asp TextBox div CodeBehind WebService Namespace http tempuri.org WebServiceBinding.. minLength 2 script ASPX Code div class ui widget asp TextBox ID tbAuto class tb runat server asp TextBox asp TextBox runat server ID tbHidden class tb asp TextBox div CodeBehind WebService Namespace http tempuri.org WebServiceBinding ConformsTo..
Change textbox's css class when ASP.NET Validation fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1301508/change-textboxs-css-class-when-asp-net-validation-fails webforms share improve this question Here is quick and dirty thing but it works form id form1 runat server asp TextBox ID txtOne runat server asp RequiredFieldValidator ID rfv runat server ControlToValidate txtOne Text SomeText 1 asp TextBox.. ID txtOne runat server asp RequiredFieldValidator ID rfv runat server ControlToValidate txtOne Text SomeText 1 asp TextBox ID txtTwo runat server asp RequiredFieldValidator ID rfv2 runat server ControlToValidate txtTwo Text SomeText 2 asp Button..
Asp.Net UpdatePanel in Gridview Jquery DatePicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3341623/asp-net-updatepanel-in-gridview-jquery-datepicker asp Label ID lblDate runat server Text ' # Eval DATE 0 dd.MM.yyyy ' asp Label ItemTemplate EditItemTemplate asp TextBox ID txtDate runat server Text ' # Eval DATE 0 dd.MM.yyyy ' asp TextBox EditItemTemplate asp TemplateField Columns ContentTemplate.. ' asp Label ItemTemplate EditItemTemplate asp TextBox ID txtDate runat server Text ' # Eval DATE 0 dd.MM.yyyy ' asp TextBox EditItemTemplate asp TemplateField Columns ContentTemplate i want jquery datepicker for txtDate how to make Thank you..... simple way is to place a class on your Date Text box and just use jQuery to add the datepicker... EditItemTemplate asp TextBox ID txtDate CssClass clDate runat server Text ' # Eval DATE 0 dd.MM.yyyy ' asp TextBox EditItemTemplate and the javascript..
jquery datepicker ms ajax updatepanel doesn't work after post back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/520645/jquery-datepicker-ms-ajax-updatepanel-doesnt-work-after-post-back Multiple AutoPostBack true OnSelectedIndexChanged listBoxHistoryTypes_IndexChanged label Date From label asp TextBox class mydatepickerclass ID txtdatefrom runat server label Date To label input class mydatepickerclass type text asp TextBox.. class mydatepickerclass ID txtdatefrom runat server label Date To label input class mydatepickerclass type text asp TextBox class mydatepickerclass ID txtdateto runat server asp Button ID btnFilterSearch runat server Text Filter Results OnClick.. ID ScriptManager1 runat server asp ScriptManager asp UpdatePanel ID UpdatePanel1 runat server ContentTemplate asp TextBox ID TextBox1 runat server CssClass mydatepickerclass asp TextBox br asp Button ID Button1 runat server Text UpdateMe onclick..
jQuery Validation plugin in ASP.NET Web Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/619816/jquery-validation-plugin-in-asp-net-web-forms least 2 characters . ....... p label for username Username label input id username name username p because this asp TextBox ID tbUsername runat server asp TextBox renders as input name ctl00 ContentPlaceHolder1 tbUsername type text id ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_tbUsername.. for username Username label input id username name username p because this asp TextBox ID tbUsername runat server asp TextBox renders as input name ctl00 ContentPlaceHolder1 tbUsername type text id ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_tbUsername and mangles..
.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6330384/net-simple-form-submit-via-ajax-and-jquery .ready function .submitConnectButton .click function evt evt.preventDefault alert hello click alert .emailConnectTextBox .val .ajax type POST url asynchronous insertEmail.ashx data email ' .emailConnectTextBox .val ' optin ' .connectCheckbox.. click alert .emailConnectTextBox .val .ajax type POST url asynchronous insertEmail.ashx data email ' .emailConnectTextBox .val ' optin ' .connectCheckbox .val ' contentType application json charset utf 8 dataType json success function msg.. json success function msg alert msg.d error function msg alert 'Error ' msg script HTML div class emailConnect asp TextBox runat server ID TextBox1 CssClass emailConnectTextBox BorderStyle Solid asp TextBox asp ImageButton id connectButton CssClass..
Password masking in password field using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11822963/password-masking-in-password-field-using-jquery .length var unicode e.keyCode e.keyCode e.charCode #keycode .html unicode Get Current Cursor Position on Password Textbox var curPos #txtpwd .getCursorPosition var PwdLength #txtpwd .val .trim .length if unicode 9 unicode 13 unicode 37 unicode..
Textbox validation in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12434948/textbox-validation-in-jquery validation in jquery i am validating the text box value on following conditions It should be minimum of 3 characters It..
jQuery: How to capture the TAB keypress within a Textbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1314450/jquery-how-to-capture-the-tab-keypress-within-a-textbox How to capture the TAB keypress within a Textbox I want to capture the TAB keypress cancel the default action and call my own javascript function. javascript jquery .. it to the keydown event because as @Marc comments in IE the keypress event doesn't capture non character keys #parentOfTextbox .on 'keydown' '#textbox' function e var keyCode e.keyCode e.which if keyCode 9 e.preventDefault call custom function here..
Change Label to Textbox on edit hyperlink click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16792502/change-label-to-textbox-on-edit-hyperlink-click Label to Textbox on edit hyperlink click i am new to ruby on rails and twitter bootstrap. Accept my apologize if my question sound dumb...
asp.net Textbox value is null when post bock with Jquery Dialog occured http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18527753/asp-net-textbox-value-is-null-when-post-bock-with-jquery-dialog-occured Textbox value is null when post bock with Jquery Dialog occured I have Asp.net text box in div tag which after click on btnReply..
How can I implement Stack Overflow-like watermarks in forms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2260367/how-can-i-implement-stack-overflow-like-watermarks-in-forms
jQuery validate: How to add a rule for regular expression validation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/280759/jquery-validate-how-to-add-a-rule-for-regular-expression-validation I am missing a replacement for the regular expression validator. I want to be able to do something like this Textbox .rules add regularExpression ^ a zA Z'. s 1 40 How do I add a custom rule to achieve this asp.net jquery regex validation.. element re.test value Please check your input. now all you need to do to validate against any regex is this #Textbox .rules add regex ^ a zA Z'. s 1 40 Additionally it looks like there is a file called additional methods.js that contains..
Insert hyphen(-) automatically while typing an SSN in a Textbox using jQuery [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4263334/insert-hyphen-automatically-while-typing-an-ssn-in-a-textbox-using-jquery hyphen automatically while typing an SSN in a Textbox using jQuery closed Hi I am building an application where user have to enter SSN into a textbox. Is it possible to insert..
Mysterious line break is being appended to ajax loaded content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4971585/mysterious-line-break-is-being-appended-to-ajax-loaded-content Required span Email Address dt dd style float left font size 12px width 150px input style padding 4px type text class Textbox name email id email dd dl p class Submit style text align center input type submit value Continue p div form div div Script..
Add / remove input field dynamically with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9173182/add-remove-input-field-dynamically-with-jquery false var newTextBoxDiv document.createElement 'div' .attr id 'TextBoxDiv' counter newTextBoxDiv.after .html ' label Textbox #' counter ' label ' ' input type text name textbox' counter ' id textbox' counter ' value ' newTextBoxDiv.appendTo #TextBoxesGroup.. false counter #TextBoxDiv counter .remove #getButtonValue .click function var msg '' for i 1 i counter i msg n Textbox # i '#textbox' i .val alert msg script head body div id 'TextBoxesGroup' div id TextBoxDiv1 label Textbox #1 label input.. i msg n Textbox # i '#textbox' i .val alert msg script head body div id 'TextBoxesGroup' div id TextBoxDiv1 label Textbox #1 label input type 'textbox' id 'textbox1' div div input type 'button' value 'Add Button' id 'addButton' input type 'button'..
How to dynamically add a div using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/953415/how-to-dynamically-add-a-div-using-jquery itemCount 0 function getLineItem number var div document.createElement 'div' div .attr id lineitem number var t1 getTextbox txt number.toString 1 var t2 getTextbox txt number.toString 2 var t3 getTextbox txt number.toString 3 div .append t1 div.. var div document.createElement 'div' div .attr id lineitem number var t1 getTextbox txt number.toString 1 var t2 getTextbox txt number.toString 2 var t3 getTextbox txt number.toString 3 div .append t1 div .append t2 div .append t3 return div function.. div .attr id lineitem number var t1 getTextbox txt number.toString 1 var t2 getTextbox txt number.toString 2 var t3 getTextbox txt number.toString 3 div .append t1 div .append t2 div .append t3 return div function getTextbox id var textbox document.createElement..
Using depends with the jQuery Validation plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/379838/using-depends-with-the-jquery-validation-plugin jQuery code I'm using Wire up the click event on the checkbox jQuery '#ItemList checkbox' .click function event var textBox jQuery this .siblings ' text' textBox.valid if jQuery this .attr checked textBox.attr 'disabled' 'disabled' textBox.val.. event on the checkbox jQuery '#ItemList checkbox' .click function event var textBox jQuery this .siblings ' text' textBox.valid if jQuery this .attr checked textBox.attr 'disabled' 'disabled' textBox.val '' else textBox.removeAttr 'disabled'.. checkbox' .click function event var textBox jQuery this .siblings ' text' textBox.valid if jQuery this .attr checked textBox.attr 'disabled' 'disabled' textBox.val '' else textBox.removeAttr 'disabled' textBox 0 .focus Add the rules to each textbox..
jQuery - select all text from a textarea http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5797539/jquery-select-all-text-from-a-textarea from working. jsFiddle http jsfiddle.net NM62A Code textarea id foo Some text textarea script type text javascript var textBox document.getElementById foo textBox.onfocus function textBox.select Work around Chrome's little problem textBox.onmouseup.. NM62A Code textarea id foo Some text textarea script type text javascript var textBox document.getElementById foo textBox.onfocus function textBox.select Work around Chrome's little problem textBox.onmouseup function Prevent further mouseup.. id foo Some text textarea script type text javascript var textBox document.getElementById foo textBox.onfocus function textBox.select Work around Chrome's little problem textBox.onmouseup function Prevent further mouseup intervention textBox.onmouseup..
Insert value into TEXTAREA where cursor was http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5889127/insert-value-into-textarea-where-cursor-was in IE the focusout event fires too late and you'll need to use the proprietary beforedeactivate event instead var textBox #foo function saveSelection textBox.data lastSelection textBox.getSelection textBox.focusout saveSelection textBox.bind.. too late and you'll need to use the proprietary beforedeactivate event instead var textBox #foo function saveSelection textBox.data lastSelection textBox.getSelection textBox.focusout saveSelection textBox.bind beforedeactivate function saveSelection.. use the proprietary beforedeactivate event instead var textBox #foo function saveSelection textBox.data lastSelection textBox.getSelection textBox.focusout saveSelection textBox.bind beforedeactivate function saveSelection textBox.unbind focusout..
Use same div to toggle different parts of the page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6955849/use-same-div-to-toggle-different-parts-of-the-page of the page Hello I have the following code Javascript jQuery document .ready function .clickMe .click function .textBox .toggle Html code printed with a for loop a class clickMe Toggle my text a br div class textBox This text will be toggled.. .click function .textBox .toggle Html code printed with a for loop a class clickMe Toggle my text a br div class textBox This text will be toggled div a class clickMe Toggle my text a br div class textBox This text will be toggled 2 div a class.. Toggle my text a br div class textBox This text will be toggled div a class clickMe Toggle my text a br div class textBox This text will be toggled 2 div a class clickMe Toggle my text a br div class textBox This text will be toggled 3 div I..