

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:49

jquery Programming Glossary: spec

What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS?


any selector to it no matter how complex it may be and I suspect that this is for parity with the .not method which also accepts.. salivate over. It's worth noting that the Selectors 4 spec enhances the not selector to allow a comma separated list of..

jQuery id selector works only for the first element


than one element in a page with the same id . Quoting the spec 7.5.2 Element identifiers the id and class attributes id name.. else elem document.getElementById match 2 Though in the spec of document.getElementById they didn't mention it must return..

What CSS3 selectors does jQuery really support, e.g. :nth-last-child()?


standard on its home page it does not fully implement the spec. In its own Selectors documentation it clarifies that it borrows.. or otherwise cannot be used see the Selectors API spec for details . The document.querySelectorAll method itself is.. contains last defined in this old CR revision of the spec before being dropped later as well as extending not from the..

JQuery Animate Background Image on Y-axis


Internet Explorer introduced but never made it into a W3C specification. Any recommendations to add it to the spec have since.. a W3C specification. Any recommendations to add it to the spec have since been denied. See http snook.ca archives html_and_css..

Why do the :not() and :has() selectors allow quoted arguments?


quoted and unquoted arguments as seen in the old Selectors spec . Except contains accepts strings keywords not selectors..... sizzle share improve this question This isn't specific to not ... and has ... selectors actually all pseudos in..

jQuery change event on <select> not firing in IE


change from the list of supported events FYI the DOM spec states change should bubble . 1 With respect to your question.. FYI the DOM spec states change should bubble . 1 With respect to your question you can bind directly to each select '#container..

HTML 5 Video OnEnded Event not Firing


events for the video element here http dev.w3.org html5 spec Overview.html#mediaevents Disclaimer this is a link to the development.. this is a link to the development version of the HTML5 spec it will at some point be an outdated link when the spec is finalized... spec it will at some point be an outdated link when the spec is finalized. If you're reading this and that's happened and..

HTML5 <video> callbacks?


question You can view a complete list of events in the spec here . For example video .bind ended function alert I'm done..

HTML5 Local Storage fallback solutions


resources or code snippets that you've found I'd be especially interested in pure javascript or jquery based solutions.. database storage. globalstorage HTML5 draft storage old spec . ie Internet Explorer userdata behaviors. cookie Cookie based..

Problem sending JSON data from JQuery to WCF REST method


thanks to Darrel for pointing me towards the cross domain spec I managed to get a bit further by making some small changes.. calls. See http www.petefreitag.com item 703.cfm The spec for this is here http www.w3.org TR cors and after a very brief..

How can I tell if a particular CSS property is inherited with jQuery?


style on an element. You would have to implement this spec that specifies how the computed and used values are calculated... on an element. You would have to implement this spec that specifies how the computed and used values are calculated. CSS selectors.. because the div div CSS rule applies to it which is more specific . Looking at the parent we would see it has the same color..

jQuery in Chrome returns “block” instead of “inline”


display block . Here's the relevant information in the spec http www.w3.org TR CSS21 visuren.html#propdef float The element..

How to hide a <option> in a <select> menu with CSS?


none . FF won't do it technically invalid HTML per the spec but Chrome and IE will and it will hide the option. EDIT Oh..

What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS?


jQuery extends the not selector such that you can pass any selector to it no matter how complex it may be and I suspect that this is for parity with the .not method which also accepts any arbitrarily complex selector and filters accordingly... that's a positively minuscule bonus you'll definitely salivate over. It's worth noting that the Selectors 4 spec enhances the not selector to allow a comma separated list of compound selectors. Compound selectors are quite simply simple..

jQuery id selector works only for the first element


with same id ... You have invalid HTML you can't have more than one element in a page with the same id . Quoting the spec 7.5.2 Element identifiers the id and class attributes id name CS This attribute assigns a name to an element. This name.. native javascript document.getElementById function HANDLE #id else elem document.getElementById match 2 Though in the spec of document.getElementById they didn't mention it must return the first value this is how most of maybe all the browsers..

What CSS3 selectors does jQuery really support, e.g. :nth-last-child()?


jQuery advertises compliance with the Selectors level 3 standard on its home page it does not fully implement the spec. In its own Selectors documentation it clarifies that it borrows from CSS 1 and then adds its own selectors. 1 Starting.. that can cause it to fail The selector is invalid not supported or otherwise cannot be used see the Selectors API spec for details . The document.querySelectorAll method itself is not supported jQuery actually tests this with a simple if statement.. the very minimum if you need the compatibility. 1 It does support contains last defined in this old CR revision of the spec before being dropped later as well as extending not from the standard. The differences between jQuery's implementation and..

JQuery Animate Background Image on Y-axis


via separate background position x y is a feature that Internet Explorer introduced but never made it into a W3C specification. Any recommendations to add it to the spec have since been denied. See http snook.ca archives html_and_css background.. that Internet Explorer introduced but never made it into a W3C specification. Any recommendations to add it to the spec have since been denied. See http snook.ca archives html_and_css background position x y You can always create your own little..

Why do the :not() and :has() selectors allow quoted arguments?


to mind are Consistency with contains which allows both quoted and unquoted arguments as seen in the old Selectors spec . Except contains accepts strings keywords not selectors... Consistency with the implementation of custom filter selectors.. 'div not span ' 'span has span ' javascript jquery jquery selectors sizzle share improve this question This isn't specific to not ... and has ... selectors actually all pseudos in Sizzle allow for quoted arguments. The pattern for pseudos'..

jQuery change event on <select> not firing in IE


because of this IE bug that jQuery live had to officially exclude change from the list of supported events FYI the DOM spec states change should bubble . 1 With respect to your question you can bind directly to each select '#container select' .change.. to officially exclude change from the list of supported events FYI the DOM spec states change should bubble . 1 With respect to your question you can bind directly to each select '#container select' .change ... If you really want event delegation..

HTML 5 Video OnEnded Event not Firing


.bind click . If it helps there's a full listing of available events for the video element here http dev.w3.org html5 spec Overview.html#mediaevents Disclaimer this is a link to the development version of the HTML5 spec it will at some point be.. http dev.w3.org html5 spec Overview.html#mediaevents Disclaimer this is a link to the development version of the HTML5 spec it will at some point be an outdated link when the spec is finalized. If you're reading this and that's happened and you.. this is a link to the development version of the HTML5 spec it will at some point be an outdated link when the spec is finalized. If you're reading this and that's happened and you have enough rep please edit this question to point to the..

HTML5 <video> callbacks?


jquery video html5 html5 video share improve this question You can view a complete list of events in the spec here . For example video .bind ended function alert I'm done You can bind to the event on the element like anything else..

HTML5 Local Storage fallback solutions


Gears has this capability too Please share any related libraries resources or code snippets that you've found I'd be especially interested in pure javascript or jquery based solutions but am guessing that is unlikely. javascript jquery flash.. localstorage HTML5 draft storage. whatwg_db HTML5 draft database storage. globalstorage HTML5 draft storage old spec . ie Internet Explorer userdata behaviors. cookie Cookie based persistent storage. Any of those can be disabled&mdash if..

Problem sending JSON data from JQuery to WCF REST method


JQuery 1.4.4. Thanks UPDATE After some more reading and thanks to Darrel for pointing me towards the cross domain spec I managed to get a bit further by making some small changes to my service on the service interface OperationContract WebInvoke.. This seems to be a Firefox thing for avoiding cross domain calls. See http www.petefreitag.com item 703.cfm The spec for this is here http www.w3.org TR cors and after a very brief read it appears that because you are doing a cross domain..

How can I tell if a particular CSS property is inherited with jQuery?


the browsers apply to determine the used value for a particular style on an element. You would have to implement this spec that specifies how the computed and used values are calculated. CSS selectors may not always follow a parent child relationship.. apply to determine the used value for a particular style on an element. You would have to implement this spec that specifies how the computed and used values are calculated. CSS selectors may not always follow a parent child relationship which.. because it inherits it from the parent. The second div is red because the div div CSS rule applies to it which is more specific . Looking at the parent we would see it has the same color but that's not where the second div is getting it from. Browsers..

jQuery in Chrome returns “block” instead of “inline”


this question As I said in my comment float left forces display block . Here's the relevant information in the spec http www.w3.org TR CSS21 visuren.html#propdef float The element generates a block box that is floated to the left. And then..

How to hide a <option> in a <select> menu with CSS?


the second method is wrapping the option in a span with display none . FF won't do it technically invalid HTML per the spec but Chrome and IE will and it will hide the option. EDIT Oh yeah I already implemented this in jQuery jQuery.fn.toggleOption..