jquery Programming Glossary: span.ui
Facing weird problem while adding and removing class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6095815/facing-weird-problem-while-adding-and-removing-class fallowing approach but it didn't work. var minusthick 'span.ui icon ui icon minusthick' 'div.div_header' .find minusthick .remove.. ' .end what i am tring is remove all span with class name span.ui icon ui icon minusthick and finally append a minus icon but..
Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6939096/hide-grouping-heading-in-jqgrid-if-every-row-inside-it-is-hidden this.id ghead_ i rows.namedItem this.id ghead_ i .find span.ui icon .click function var len data.length iRow for iRow 0.. this.id ghead_ i rows.namedItem this.id ghead_ i .find span.ui icon .click function var len data.length iRow for iRow 0.. iRow 1 row rows iRow if row.hasClass 'jqgroup' row.find span.ui icon .click onGroupingExpand idParts row 0 .id.split 'ghead_'..
jqGrid Column Group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7341339/jqgrid-column-group thd thead first ts.grid.hDiv .get 0 tr th eq ts.p.lastsort span.ui grid ico sort thd .addClass 'ui state disabled' tr th eq ts.p.lastsort.. thd .attr aria selected false tr th eq idxcol span.ui icon ts.p.sortorder thd .removeClass 'ui state disabled' tr.. ts.p.lastsort .el newSelectedTh ts.grid.headers idxcol .el span.ui grid ico sort previousSelectedTh .addClass 'ui state disabled'..
jqgrid inlineNav cloneToTop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8508952/jqgrid-inlinenav-clonetotop right 5px .ui jqgrid .ui jqgrid toppager .ui pg div span.ui icon margin top 2px .ui jqgrid .ui jqgrid pager .ui pg div margin..
Facing weird problem while adding and removing class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6095815/facing-weird-problem-while-adding-and-removing-class it's get called append only one minus icon into header. i tried fallowing approach but it didn't work. var minusthick 'span.ui icon ui icon minusthick' 'div.div_header' .find minusthick .remove .prepend ' span class ui icon ui icon minusthick span.. .prepend ' span class ui icon ui icon minusthick span ' .end what i am tring is remove all span with class name span.ui icon ui icon minusthick and finally append a minus icon but it's not worked for me. Edit i am calling this function in this..
Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6939096/hide-grouping-heading-in-jqgrid-if-every-row-inside-it-is-hidden if .inArray names i grouping 0 this .jqGrid 'groupingToggle' this.id ghead_ i rows.namedItem this.id ghead_ i .find span.ui icon .click function var len data.length iRow for iRow 0 iRow len iRow item data iRow if item.isEqual rows.namedItem.. i l i if names i 'Environment' this .jqGrid 'groupingToggle' this.id ghead_ i rows.namedItem this.id ghead_ i .find span.ui icon .click function var len data.length iRow for iRow 0 iRow len iRow item data iRow if item.isEqual rows.namedItem.. anything now else parentContainer.show for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow 1 row rows iRow if row.hasClass 'jqgroup' row.find span.ui icon .click onGroupingExpand idParts row 0 .id.split 'ghead_' iName idParts idParts.length 1 if .inArray names iName grouping..
jqGrid Column Group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7341339/jqgrid-column-group the code of sortData function the lines 1874 1884 var thd thead first ts.grid.hDiv .get 0 tr th eq ts.p.lastsort span.ui grid ico sort thd .addClass 'ui state disabled' tr th eq ts.p.lastsort thd .attr aria selected false tr th eq idxcol span.ui.. grid ico sort thd .addClass 'ui state disabled' tr th eq ts.p.lastsort thd .attr aria selected false tr th eq idxcol span.ui icon ts.p.sortorder thd .removeClass 'ui state disabled' tr th eq idxcol thd .attr aria selected true if ts.p.viewsortcols.. to the following var previousSelectedTh ts.grid.headers ts.p.lastsort .el newSelectedTh ts.grid.headers idxcol .el span.ui grid ico sort previousSelectedTh .addClass 'ui state disabled' previousSelectedTh .attr aria selected false span.ui icon..
jqgrid inlineNav cloneToTop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8508952/jqgrid-inlinenav-clonetotop .ui jqgrid .ui jqgrid toppager .ui pg div margin top 2px padding right 5px .ui jqgrid .ui jqgrid toppager .ui pg div span.ui icon margin top 2px .ui jqgrid .ui jqgrid pager .ui pg div margin top 2px padding right 5px .ui jqgrid .ui jqgrid pager..