

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:48

jquery Programming Glossary: span

Highlight a word with jQuery


I convert the above to something like this p Lorem ipsum span class myClass dolor span sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit... something like this p Lorem ipsum span class myClass dolor span sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit. p p Quisque bibendum.. elit. p p Quisque bibendum sem ut lacus. Integer span class myClass dolor span ullamcorper libero. Aliquam rhoncus..

How can I upload files asynchronously with jQuery?


upload a file asynchronously with jQuery. This is my HTML span File span input type file id file name file size 10 input id.. file asynchronously with jQuery. This is my HTML span File span input type file id file name file size 10 input id uploadbutton..

jQueryUI: how can I custom-format the Autocomplete plug-in results?


var re new RegExp ^ this.term var t item.label.replace re span style 'font weight bold color Blue ' this.term span return.. re span style 'font weight bold color Blue ' this.term span return li li .data item.autocomplete item .append a t a .appendTo.. typed characters use this line var t item.label.replace re span style 'font weight bold color Blue ' span In other words starting..

When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery?


tags of a certain type. It is short and easy with jQuery 'span' .unwrap unwrap all span elements But if there are many you.. It is short and easy with jQuery 'span' .unwrap unwrap all span elements But if there are many you may want to do a little native.. are many you may want to do a little native DOM API var spans document.getElementsByTagName 'span' while spans 0 var parent..

Manipulating CSS pseudo-elements using jQuery (e.g. :before and :after)


jQuery For example my stylesheet has a rule stating... .span after content 'foo' How can I change 'foo' to 'bar' using jQuery.. attribute and then use jQuery to manipulate that In HTML span foo span In jQuery script 'span' .hover function this .attr.. and then use jQuery to manipulate that In HTML span foo span In jQuery script 'span' .hover function this .attr 'data content'..

Auto-size dynamic text to fill fixed size container


options var fontSize options.maxFontPixels var ourText 'span visible first' this var maxHeight this .height var maxWidth.. div class 'jtextfill' style 'width 100px height 50px ' span My Text Here span div This is my first jquery plugin so it's.. style 'width 100px height 50px ' span My Text Here span div This is my first jquery plugin so it's probably not as good..

Direct vs. Delegated - jQuery .on()


following constructs lead to the same behavior div#target span.green .on click function alert this .attr class is clicked or.. alert this .attr class is clicked or div#target .on click span.green function alert this .attr class is clicked Maybe someone.. share improve this question Case 1 direct div#target span.green .on click function ... Hey I want every span.green inside..

jQuery select based on text


benefits by starting out with a smaller collection of SPAN elements before filtering down to the exact set you're interested..

How do I use jQuery for click event in iPhone web application


a.clicked .live click function e alert link clicked The SPAN works in Safari but not Mobile Safari on iPhone or iPad whereas..

jQuery - trapping tab select event


Below is the markup div id tabs UL LI A href #fragment 1 SPAN Tab1 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 2 SPAN Tab2 SPAN A LI LI.. the markup div id tabs UL LI A href #fragment 1 SPAN Tab1 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 2 SPAN Tab2 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment.. href #fragment 1 SPAN Tab1 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 2 SPAN Tab2 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 3 SPAN Tab3 SPAN A LI LI..

How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend?


THEAD TR TH class grid_sort grid_resize style width 55px SPAN SPAN DIV id jqgh_ID style cursor pointer ID IMG src http localhost.. TR TH class grid_sort grid_resize style width 55px SPAN SPAN DIV id jqgh_ID style cursor pointer ID IMG src http localhost.. sort_desc.gif DIV TH TH class grid_resize style width 90px SPAN SPAN DIV id jqgh_PartnerID style cursor pointer PartnerID DIV..

Highlight a word with jQuery


rhoncus eros at augue. Suspendisse vitae mauris. p How do I convert the above to something like this p Lorem ipsum span class myClass dolor span sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit. p p Quisque bibendum sem ut lacus. Integer span class myClass.. Suspendisse vitae mauris. p How do I convert the above to something like this p Lorem ipsum span class myClass dolor span sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit. p p Quisque bibendum sem ut lacus. Integer span class myClass dolor span ullamcorper.. ipsum span class myClass dolor span sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit. p p Quisque bibendum sem ut lacus. Integer span class myClass dolor span ullamcorper libero. Aliquam rhoncus eros at augue. Suspendisse vitae mauris. p Is this possible..

How can I upload files asynchronously with jQuery?


I upload files asynchronously with jQuery I would like to upload a file asynchronously with jQuery. This is my HTML span File span input type file id file name file size 10 input id uploadbutton type button value Upload And here my JavaScript.. files asynchronously with jQuery I would like to upload a file asynchronously with jQuery. This is my HTML span File span input type file id file name file size 10 input id uploadbutton type button value Upload And here my JavaScript code document..

jQueryUI: how can I custom-format the Autocomplete plug-in results?


.ui.autocomplete.prototype._renderItem function ul item var re new RegExp ^ this.term var t item.label.replace re span style 'font weight bold color Blue ' this.term span return li li .data item.autocomplete item .append a t a .appendTo.. item var re new RegExp ^ this.term var t item.label.replace re span style 'font weight bold color Blue ' this.term span return li li .data item.autocomplete item .append a t a .appendTo ul Now this is a hack because there's a regexp obj.. of the match strings as opposed to using the case of the typed characters use this line var t item.label.replace re span style 'font weight bold color Blue ' span In other words starting from the original code above you just need to replace..

When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery?


situation where received a page where you need to unwrap all tags of a certain type. It is short and easy with jQuery 'span' .unwrap unwrap all span elements But if there are many you may want to do a little native DOM API var spans document.getElementsByTagName.. a page where you need to unwrap all tags of a certain type. It is short and easy with jQuery 'span' .unwrap unwrap all span elements But if there are many you may want to do a little native DOM API var spans document.getElementsByTagName 'span'.. jQuery 'span' .unwrap unwrap all span elements But if there are many you may want to do a little native DOM API var spans document.getElementsByTagName 'span' while spans 0 var parent spans 0 .parentNode while spans 0 .firstChild parent.insertBefore..

Manipulating CSS pseudo-elements using jQuery (e.g. :before and :after)


manipulate CSS pseudo elements such as before and after using jQuery For example my stylesheet has a rule stating... .span after content 'foo' How can I change 'foo' to 'bar' using jQuery javascript jquery html css pseudo element share improve.. could also pass the content to the pseudo element with a data attribute and then use jQuery to manipulate that In HTML span foo span In jQuery script 'span' .hover function this .attr 'data content' 'bar' script In CSS span after content attr data.. pass the content to the pseudo element with a data attribute and then use jQuery to manipulate that In HTML span foo span In jQuery script 'span' .hover function this .attr 'data content' 'bar' script In CSS span after content attr data content..

Auto-size dynamic text to fill fixed size container


project TextFill function .fn.textfill function options var fontSize options.maxFontPixels var ourText 'span visible first' this var maxHeight this .height var maxWidth this .width var textHeight var textWidth do ourText.css 'font.. .textfill maxFontPixels 36 and my html is like this div class 'jtextfill' style 'width 100px height 50px ' span My Text Here span div This is my first jquery plugin so it's probably not as good as it should be. Pointers are certainly.. maxFontPixels 36 and my html is like this div class 'jtextfill' style 'width 100px height 50px ' span My Text Here span div This is my first jquery plugin so it's probably not as good as it should be. Pointers are certainly welcome. share..

Direct vs. Delegated - jQuery .on()


I made a test page to experiment with the concept. But both following constructs lead to the same behavior div#target span.green .on click function alert this .attr class is clicked or div#target .on click span.green function alert this .attr.. the same behavior div#target span.green .on click function alert this .attr class is clicked or div#target .on click span.green function alert this .attr class is clicked Maybe someone could refer to a different example to clarify this point.. clarify this point Thanks. javascript jquery event bubbling share improve this question Case 1 direct div#target span.green .on click function ... Hey I want every span.green inside div#target to listen up when you get clicked on do X. Case..

jQuery select based on text


usage technically unnecessary but you may experience performance benefits by starting out with a smaller collection of SPAN elements before filtering down to the exact set you're interested in. EDIT Took Ken Browning's suggestion to use the text..

How do I use jQuery for click event in iPhone web application


etc span.clicked .live click function e alert span clicked a.clicked .live click function e alert link clicked The SPAN works in Safari but not Mobile Safari on iPhone or iPad whereas the A tag works in both. jquery iphone web applications..

jQuery - trapping tab select event


'#tabs' .bind 'tabsselect' function event ui with no success. Below is the markup div id tabs UL LI A href #fragment 1 SPAN Tab1 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 2 SPAN Tab2 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 3 SPAN Tab3 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 4.. 'tabsselect' function event ui with no success. Below is the markup div id tabs UL LI A href #fragment 1 SPAN Tab1 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 2 SPAN Tab2 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 3 SPAN Tab3 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 4 SPAN Tab4.. ui with no success. Below is the markup div id tabs UL LI A href #fragment 1 SPAN Tab1 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 2 SPAN Tab2 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 3 SPAN Tab3 SPAN A LI LI A href #fragment 4 SPAN Tab4 SPAN A LI UL DIV id fragment 1..

How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend?


0 border 0 style width 245px class scroll grid_htable THEAD TR TH class grid_sort grid_resize style width 55px SPAN SPAN DIV id jqgh_ID style cursor pointer ID IMG src http localhost DNN5 js jQuery jqGrid 3.4.3 themes sand images sort_desc.gif.. 0 border 0 style width 245px class scroll grid_htable THEAD TR TH class grid_sort grid_resize style width 55px SPAN SPAN DIV id jqgh_ID style cursor pointer ID IMG src http localhost DNN5 js jQuery jqGrid 3.4.3 themes sand images sort_desc.gif.. localhost DNN5 js jQuery jqGrid 3.4.3 themes sand images sort_desc.gif DIV TH TH class grid_resize style width 90px SPAN SPAN DIV id jqgh_PartnerID style cursor pointer PartnerID DIV TH TH class grid_resize style width 100px SPAN SPAN DIV id..