jquery Programming Glossary: simulatedevent
$(document).click() not working correctly on iPhone. jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3705937/document-click-not-working-correctly-on-iphone-jquery cancelable view clickCount screenX screenY clientX clientY ctrlKey altKey shiftKey metaKey button relatedTarget var simulatedEvent document.createEvent MouseEvent simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent type true true window 1 first.screenX first.screenY first.clientX.. clientY ctrlKey altKey shiftKey metaKey button relatedTarget var simulatedEvent document.createEvent MouseEvent simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent type true true window 1 first.screenX first.screenY first.clientX first.clientY false false false false.. first.screenY first.clientX first.clientY false false false false 0 left null first.target.dispatchEvent simulatedEvent event.preventDefault function init document.addEventListener touchstart touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchmove..
Javascript Drag and drop for touch devices [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5186441/javascript-drag-and-drop-for-touch-devices mouse events into touch and it works like magic. function touchHandler event var touch event.changedTouches 0 var simulatedEvent document.createEvent MouseEvent simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent touchstart mousedown touchmove mousemove touchend mouseup.. magic. function touchHandler event var touch event.changedTouches 0 var simulatedEvent document.createEvent MouseEvent simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent touchstart mousedown touchmove mousemove touchend mouseup event.type true true window 1 touch.screenX touch.screenY.. 1 touch.screenX touch.screenY touch.clientX touch.clientY false false false false 0 null touch.target.dispatchEvent simulatedEvent event.preventDefault function init document.addEventListener touchstart touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchmove..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5796109/jquery-drag-and-drop-on-touch-devices-ipad-android event.preventDefault use this to prevent scrolling during ui use var touch event.originalEvent.changedTouches 0 simulatedEvent document.createEvent 'MouseEvents' Initialize the simulated mouse event using the touch event's coordinates simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent.. document.createEvent 'MouseEvents' Initialize the simulated mouse event using the touch event's coordinates simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent simulatedType type true bubbles true cancelable window view 1 detail touch.screenX screenX touch.screenY.. 0 button null relatedTarget Dispatch the simulated event to the target element event.target.dispatchEvent simulatedEvent mouseProto._touchStart function event var self this Ignore the event if another widget is already being handled if touchHandled..