jquery Programming Glossary: sinon
How can I use mock in my js tests? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10914704/how-can-i-use-mock-in-my-js-tests will be called .each from jQuery library With thanks to waiting for an answers. javascript jquery testing qunit sinon share improve this question This is an excellent post on how to use sinon.js with QUnit for mocks http cjohansen.no.. javascript jquery testing qunit sinon share improve this question This is an excellent post on how to use sinon.js with QUnit for mocks http cjohansen.no en javascript using_sinon_js_with_qunit . The spies and stubs in sinon allow you.. question This is an excellent post on how to use sinon.js with QUnit for mocks http cjohansen.no en javascript using_sinon_js_with_qunit . The spies and stubs in sinon allow you to verify calls on existing objects very easily. EDIT The sinon.js..
How to properly unit test jQuery's .ajax() promises using Jasmine and/or Sinon? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13148356/how-to-properly-unit-test-jquerys-ajax-promises-using-jasmine-and-or-sinon seeing as Sinon provides most of the same capabilities out of the box. jquery unit testing jquery ajax jasmine sinon share improve this question It is not that complex actually. It suffices to return a promise and resolve it according..
Stub out a jQuery selector call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8523974/stub-out-a-jquery-selector-call #category input on the page so how would I stub mock out the jQuery selector here I've looked at both the jasmin and sinon documentation but can't figure out how to get them to work here since their stubs operate on objects which is not. javascript.. to get them to work here since their stubs operate on objects which is not. javascript jquery unit testing jasmine sinon share improve this question The problem here is that is a function that returns an object with the method val . So you.. that returns an object with the method val . So you have to stub to return a stubbed object having the method val. sinon.stub .withArgs '#category' .returns sinon.stub val function But the main mistake here is to let the code you want to test..