jquery Programming Glossary: simplejson
dynamic JQuery view in django http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11860183/dynamic-jquery-view-in-django improve this question To convert the results to json use simplejson from django.utils import simplejson def getTime request if request.method.. results to json use simplejson from django.utils import simplejson def getTime request if request.method GET date_val request.GET.get.. for date in sql_qw print results response_var simplejson.dumps results return HttpResponse response_var mimetype application..
Google App Engine + jQuery Ajax = 405 Method Not Allowed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1292111/google-app-engine-jquery-ajax-405-method-not-allowed google.appengine.ext import db from django.utils import simplejson class EmailItem db.Model email db.StringProperty multiline False..
How to get Interdependent dropdowns in django using Modelform and jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14121132/how-to-get-interdependent-dropdowns-in-django-using-modelform-and-jquery Fields Within the model form ajax to fetch the records simplejson to send a json response to ajax jquery to update the combo boxes.. and centres under a school Views.py import models import simplejson from django.http import HttpResponse def get_schools request.. school_dict school.id school.name return HttpResponse simplejson.dumps school_dict mimetype application json def get_centres..
jQuery.getJSON doesn't trigger callback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/572991/jquery-getjson-doesnt-trigger-callback view def test request if request.method 'GET' json simplejson.dumps 'hello world ' return HttpResponse json mimetype 'application.. else was correct. regards chriss jquery django getjson simplejson share improve this question It is likely that the json is..
Django app for image crop using a cropping tool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7907803/django-app-for-image-crop-using-a-cropping-tool to use a json dictionary json.js on the client side and simplejson on the server side something like 'x1' '145' 'y1' '200' .....
dynamic JQuery view in django http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11860183/dynamic-jquery-view-in-django solutions. javascript jquery python django json share improve this question To convert the results to json use simplejson from django.utils import simplejson def getTime request if request.method GET date_val request.GET.get 'start_date' format.. django json share improve this question To convert the results to json use simplejson from django.utils import simplejson def getTime request if request.method GET date_val request.GET.get 'start_date' format ' Y m d' sd datetime.datetime.strptime.. results 'start_time' str date.start_time 'id_start_time' date.start_time for date in sql_qw print results response_var simplejson.dumps results return HttpResponse response_var mimetype application json To access the json object in your javascript take..
Google App Engine + jQuery Ajax = 405 Method Not Allowed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1292111/google-app-engine-jquery-ajax-405-method-not-allowed from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app from google.appengine.ext import db from django.utils import simplejson class EmailItem db.Model email db.StringProperty multiline False date db.DateTimeProperty auto_now_add True class EmailList..
How to get Interdependent dropdowns in django using Modelform and jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14121132/how-to-get-interdependent-dropdowns-in-django-using-modelform-and-jquery might need to use the following technologies Custom Django Form Fields Within the model form ajax to fetch the records simplejson to send a json response to ajax jquery to update the combo boxes on client side Let's have a look at an example Not really.. views that returns a json object for schools under a campus and centres under a school Views.py import models import simplejson from django.http import HttpResponse def get_schools request campus_id campus models.Campus.objects.get pk campus_id schools.. campus campus school_dict for school in schools school_dict school.id school.name return HttpResponse simplejson.dumps school_dict mimetype application json def get_centres request school_id school models.School.objects.get pk school_id..
jQuery.getJSON doesn't trigger callback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/572991/jquery-getjson-doesnt-trigger-callback function json alert 'json ' json ' ...' script and corresponding view def test request if request.method 'GET' json simplejson.dumps 'hello world ' return HttpResponse json mimetype 'application json' The view is executed tested using print json variable.. Unfortunately Django gave no error about it. Everything else was correct. regards chriss jquery django getjson simplejson share improve this question It is likely that the json is not properly formed. Sometimes this happens to me when my..
Django app for image crop using a cropping tool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7907803/django-app-for-image-crop-using-a-cropping-tool into the field is up to you but it might be an idea to use a json dictionary json.js on the client side and simplejson on the server side something like 'x1' '145' 'y1' '200' ... the form class MyModelForm form.ModelForm Hide a field to hold..