jquery Programming Glossary: siteroot
How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8686616/how-can-i-get-jqgrid-frozen-columns-to-work-with-word-wrap-on jQuery gridSelector .jqGrid mtype 'POST' toppager true url siteRoot controller gridDataName querystring datatype json colNames names.. colNames names colModel model shrinkToFit false imgpath siteRoot Scripts jqGrid431 themes steel images rowNum 20 rowList 10 20.. this gridSelector .supersleight shim siteRoot 'Content Images shim.gif' if gridprefs gridprefs.filter for..
Cannot set content-type to 'application/json' in jQuery.ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9754767/cannot-set-content-type-to-application-json-in-jquery-ajax json An example of mine that works .ajax type POST url siteRoot api SpaceGame AddPlayer async false data JSON.stringify Name..
How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8686616/how-can-i-get-jqgrid-frozen-columns-to-work-with-word-wrap-on answer Oleg's question here is a dump of my jqgrid Setup jQuery gridSelector .jqGrid mtype 'POST' toppager true url siteRoot controller gridDataName querystring datatype json colNames names colModel model shrinkToFit false imgpath siteRoot Scripts.. url siteRoot controller gridDataName querystring datatype json colNames names colModel model shrinkToFit false imgpath siteRoot Scripts jqGrid431 themes steel images rowNum 20 rowList 10 20 50 999 altRows true altclass altRow jsonReader root Rows page.. jQuery gridSelector .jqGrid setCaption newCapture fixPositionsOfFrozenDivs.call this gridSelector .supersleight shim siteRoot 'Content Images shim.gif' if gridprefs gridprefs.filter for var prop in gridprefs.filter '#gs_' prop .val eval 'gridprefs.filter.'..
Cannot set content-type to 'application/json' in jQuery.ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9754767/cannot-set-content-type-to-application-json-in-jquery-ajax application json url ' Hello' data name 'norm' dataType json An example of mine that works .ajax type POST url siteRoot api SpaceGame AddPlayer async false data JSON.stringify Name playersShip.name Credits playersShip.credits contentType application..