jquery Programming Glossary: setmarkers
Google Map API V3 - Click on Marker show more info content as overlay (like in Google Maps) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10999858/google-map-api-v3-click-on-marker-show-more-info-content-as-overlay-like-in-g 43.197167 76.743166 4 'Missouri' 38.410558 92.73926 5 setMarkers map locations function setMarkers map locations var image 'images.. 38.410558 92.73926 5 setMarkers map locations function setMarkers map locations var image 'images marker.gif' for var i 0 i locations.length..
Google Map v3 auto refresh Markers only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14771422/google-map-v3-auto-refresh-markers-only markers for all unreported locs will be removed. function setMarkers locObj if auto_remove Remove markers for all unreported locs.. routine function getMarkerData .ajax ajaxObj.options .done setMarkers fires when ajax returns successfully .fail ajaxObj.fail fires.. .always ajaxObj.get fires after ajax success or ajax error setMarkers locs Create markers from the initial dataset served with the..
Google Maps custom infobox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15165007/google-maps-custom-infobox document.getElementById 'map_canvas' mapOptions setMarkers map sites infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content loading..... Street Cambridge CB1 2LG br 01223 305 600 p ' function setMarkers map markers for var i 0 i markers.length i var sites markers..
Display infowindow by default and different markers in Google Maps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16844370/display-infowindow-by-default-and-different-markers-in-google-maps document.getElementById map_canvas myOptions setMarkers map sites infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content loading..... phone.png width 12 height 12 718.250.8000 span ' function setMarkers map markers for var i 0 i markers.length i var sites markers..
Google Map API V3 - Click on Marker show more info content as overlay (like in Google Maps) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10999858/google-map-api-v3-click-on-marker-show-more-info-content-as-overlay-like-in-g 99.418947 2 'California' 36.668419 120.249025 3 'Newyork' 43.197167 76.743166 4 'Missouri' 38.410558 92.73926 5 setMarkers map locations function setMarkers map locations var image 'images marker.gif' for var i 0 i locations.length i var currLocation.. 120.249025 3 'Newyork' 43.197167 76.743166 4 'Missouri' 38.410558 92.73926 5 setMarkers map locations function setMarkers map locations var image 'images marker.gif' for var i 0 i locations.length i var currLocation locations i var latLng new..
Google Map v3 auto refresh Markers only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14771422/google-map-v3-auto-refresh-markers-only new google.maps.InfoWindow var auto_remove true When true markers for all unreported locs will be removed. function setMarkers locObj if auto_remove Remove markers for all unreported locs and the corrsponding locations entry. .each locations function.. console.log errorThrown ajaxObj.errorCount Ajax master routine function getMarkerData .ajax ajaxObj.options .done setMarkers fires when ajax returns successfully .fail ajaxObj.fail fires when an ajax error occurs .always ajaxObj.get fires after.. .fail ajaxObj.fail fires when an ajax error occurs .always ajaxObj.get fires after ajax success or ajax error setMarkers locs Create markers from the initial dataset served with the document. ajaxObj.get Start the get cycle. test simulated..
Google Maps custom infobox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15165007/google-maps-custom-infobox styles styles scrollwheel false var map new google.maps.Map document.getElementById 'map_canvas' mapOptions setMarkers map sites infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content loading... var sites List all locations for each pin 'The Frontroom'.. 52.202977 0.138938 1 ' p The Frontroom. br 23 25 Gwydir Street Cambridge CB1 2LG br 01223 305 600 p ' function setMarkers map markers for var i 0 i markers.length i var sites markers i var siteLatLng new google.maps.LatLng sites 1 sites 2 var..
Display infowindow by default and different markers in Google Maps http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16844370/display-infowindow-by-default-and-different-markers-in-google-maps true mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP var map new google.maps.Map document.getElementById map_canvas myOptions setMarkers map sites infowindow new google.maps.InfoWindow content loading... maxWidth 150 var bikeLayer new google.maps.BicyclingLayer.. Dekalb Avenue br New York NY 11205 br img src .. theImages phone.png width 12 height 12 718.250.8000 span ' function setMarkers map markers for var i 0 i markers.length i var sites markers i var siteLatLng new google.maps.LatLng sites 1 sites 2 var..