jquery Programming Glossary: sg3s
Dynamic Background Scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7459553/dynamic-background-scrolling extensive testing but it worked in Chrome and I'm tired p I believe this is what you are looking for http jsfiddle.net sg3s RSqrw 15 See edit 2 If you wanted this the other way arround just make the page background start at the top and modify that.. you wanted this the other way arround just make the page background start at the top and modify that http jsfiddle.net sg3s RSqrw 14 See edit 2 Edit As a bonus and since I had never actually written jquery script as a 'plugin' I decided to convert.. 'plugin' I decided to convert this into one. What I came up with should be easy to implement and use http jsfiddle.net sg3s RSqrw 52 See Edit 3 Functionality successfully tested in Chrome Firefox 3.6 IE9 compatibility mode Edit 2 Reading the question..
Sliding divs horizontally with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9864305/sliding-divs-horizontally-with-jquery to go with since the description was vague so I made 2 examples for minor effects in panel switching http jsfiddle.net sg3s rs2QK This one slides panel open from the left and to close to the right http jsfiddle.net sg3s RZpbK Panels slide open.. http jsfiddle.net sg3s rs2QK This one slides panel open from the left and to close to the right http jsfiddle.net sg3s RZpbK Panels slide open from left to right and close to the left befor opening the new one. Resources http api.jquery.com..