jquery Programming Glossary: setcell
JQ grid, marking row/column as dirty so that can be returned using .getChangedCells('dirty') http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14703082/jq-grid-marking-row-column-as-dirty-so-that-can-be-returned-using-getchangedce j 'id' '#list4' .addClass dirty cell #list4 .jqGrid setCell rowId 'pricePSF' '' dirty cell var retRows '#list4' .getChangedCells.. any hard coded value for this column like #list4 .jqGrid setCell rowId 'pricePSF' '200' dirty cell but still not able to retrieve.. which you want mark as dirty . You can use for example setCell method to add the class to the cell specified by rowid and the..
jqGrid, setting bg color on column cells when column header is clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4069471/jqgrid-setting-bg-color-on-column-cells-when-column-header-is-clicked jquery jqgrid share improve this question You can use setCell method inside of loadComplete event handle. The event loadComplete.. 'sortorder' for var i 0 i ids.length i grid.jqGrid 'setCell' ids i sortName '' '' style sortOrder 'asc' 'background aqua..
JQGrid: Dynamically set a cell to uneditable based on content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4718742/jqgrid-dynamically-set-a-cell-to-uneditable-based-on-content to the column that I'd like to be editable and then using setCell to set the 'not editable cell' class snippet below . The first.. rowObject if cellValue 'test' jQuery #grid .jqGrid 'setCell' options.rowId 'ColName' '' 'not editable cell' return cellValue.. jqgrid share improve this question The idea to use setCell method to add class 'not editable cell' to the cells which should..
Can jqGrid hover text be defined with AddRowData? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7405248/can-jqgrid-hover-text-be-defined-with-addrowdata tooltip on some specific cells in the grid you can use setCell see here an example . If you want to set tooltips on all cells..
how to implement uppercase conversion in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8026535/how-to-implement-uppercase-conversion-in-jqgrid this newName grid.jqGrid getCell rowid 'name' grid.jqGrid setCell rowid 'name' newName.toUpperCase See the demo . share improve..
How to update value of data in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9145163/how-to-update-value-of-data-in-jqgrid cell in jqgrid permanently upon loading. I know I can use setCell but that only updates the value for that page. If I come back.. come back to the page if I don't explicit perform another setCell for the cell the old value is shown. I've also tried setRowData.. change the cell in the visible part of grid myGrid.jqGrid 'setCell' rowid 'myColumn' newValue now change the internal local data..
JQ grid, marking row/column as dirty so that can be returned using .getChangedCells('dirty') http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14703082/jq-grid-marking-row-column-as-dirty-so-that-can-be-returned-using-getchangedce allRowsInGrid j 'unitStatus' 'Draft' var rowId allRowsInGrid j 'id' '#list4' .addClass dirty cell #list4 .jqGrid setCell rowId 'pricePSF' '' dirty cell var retRows '#list4' .getChangedCells 'all' var retCol '#list4' .getChangedCells 'dirty'.. 'dirty' I can see value getting changed if i pass any hard coded value for this column like #list4 .jqGrid setCell rowId 'pricePSF' '200' dirty cell but still not able to retrieve it inside modified var retCol '#list4' .getChangedCells.. You need just add dirty cell class to the cells td elements which you want mark as dirty . You can use for example setCell method to add the class to the cell specified by rowid and the column name #yourGridId .jqGrid setCell rowid columnName..
jqGrid, setting bg color on column cells when column header is clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4069471/jqgrid-setting-bg-color-on-column-cells-when-column-header-is-clicked column's cells. How can I do that Thank you very much. jquery jqgrid share improve this question You can use setCell method inside of loadComplete event handle. The event loadComplete will be called after the sorted data will be loaded and.. 'sortname' var sortOrder grid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'sortorder' for var i 0 i ids.length i grid.jqGrid 'setCell' ids i sortName '' '' style sortOrder 'asc' 'background aqua ' 'background yellow ' A working example which do this..
JQGrid: Dynamically set a cell to uneditable based on content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4718742/jqgrid-dynamically-set-a-cell-to-uneditable-based-on-content seem to work. The closest I've got is by setting a formatter to the column that I'd like to be editable and then using setCell to set the 'not editable cell' class snippet below . The first time you click the cell it unfortunately goes into edit mode.. select any other cell. function noEditFormatter cellValue options rowObject if cellValue 'test' jQuery #grid .jqGrid 'setCell' options.rowId 'ColName' '' 'not editable cell' return cellValue Any help would be much appreciated. javascript jquery.. Any help would be much appreciated. javascript jquery jqgrid share improve this question The idea to use setCell method to add class 'not editable cell' to the cells which should be not editable is correct. You choose only the wrong..
Can jqGrid hover text be defined with AddRowData? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7405248/can-jqgrid-hover-text-be-defined-with-addrowdata share improve this question If you just need to set custom tooltip on some specific cells in the grid you can use setCell see here an example . If you want to set tooltips on all cells of some column but with a custom rule not just the same tooltip..
how to implement uppercase conversion in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8026535/how-to-implement-uppercase-conversion-in-jqgrid
How to update value of data in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9145163/how-to-update-value-of-data-in-jqgrid to update value of data in jqgrid I'm trying to update a cell in jqgrid permanently upon loading. I know I can use setCell but that only updates the value for that page. If I come back to the page if I don't explicit perform another setCell for.. setCell but that only updates the value for that page. If I come back to the page if I don't explicit perform another setCell for the cell the old value is shown. I've also tried setRowData but it appears to be doing the same thing. I'm using the.. in the column 'myColumn' you should do the following first change the cell in the visible part of grid myGrid.jqGrid 'setCell' rowid 'myColumn' newValue now change the internal local data var dataArray myGrid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'data' indexes..