jquery Programming Glossary: settings.width
Show advertisement while game loads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10364122/show-advertisement-while-game-loads 0 marginheight 0 .css height 'settings.height width settings.width gc .append iframe return true showgame should be changed to.. var game '#' settings.gameframe ac .hide game .css width settings.width height settings.height Once those changes are made the inline..
Inserting HTML5 video using JavaScript for iPad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3046791/inserting-html5-video-using-javascript-for-ipad onClick event. var html html ' video id someVideo width ' settings.width ' height ' settings.height ' controls controls ' html ' source.. set the html var html html ' video id someVideo width ' settings.width ' height ' settings.height ' controls controls ' html ' source..
jQuery DOMWindow script doesn't release memory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4935901/jquery-domwindow-script-doesnt-release-memory anchoredPositionX 'px height ' settings.height 'px width ' settings.width 'px background color ' settings.windowBGColor ' border ' settings.borderSize.. 'px display none height ' settings.height 'px width ' settings.width 'px background color ' settings.windowBGColor ' border ' settings.borderSize..
Invoke the JEdtiable Submit Button By Modifying Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5914169/invoke-the-jedtiable-submit-button-by-modifying-plugin textarea.attr 'cols' settings.cols else textarea.width settings.width this .append textarea return textarea plugin function settings..
Show advertisement while game loads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10364122/show-advertisement-while-game-loads src settings.swf frameborder 0 scrolling no marginwidth 0 marginheight 0 .css height 'settings.height width settings.width gc .append iframe return true showgame should be changed to var showgame function var ac '#' settings.adframe var game '#'.. changed to var showgame function var ac '#' settings.adframe var game '#' settings.gameframe ac .hide game .css width settings.width height settings.height Once those changes are made the inline CSS should be set to whatever you supply as parameters i.e...
Inserting HTML5 video using JavaScript for iPad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3046791/inserting-html5-video-using-javascript-for-ipad I have in my JavaScript and I call this using a function for onClick event. var html html ' video id someVideo width ' settings.width ' height ' settings.height ' controls controls ' html ' source src ' url ' type video mp4 ' html ' video ' #videoDiv .html.. and call the video elements load method after you have set the html var html html ' video id someVideo width ' settings.width ' height ' settings.height ' controls controls ' html ' source src ' url ' type video mp4 ' html ' video ' #videoDiv .html..
jQuery DOMWindow script doesn't release memory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4935901/jquery-domwindow-script-doesnt-release-memory auto position absolute top ' anchoredPositionY 'px left ' anchoredPositionX 'px height ' settings.height 'px width ' settings.width 'px background color ' settings.windowBGColor ' border ' settings.borderSize 'px solid ' settings.borderColor ' z index.. ' overflow auto padding ' settings.windowPadding 'px display none height ' settings.height 'px width ' settings.width 'px background color ' settings.windowBGColor ' border ' settings.borderSize 'px solid ' settings.borderColor ' position..
Invoke the JEdtiable Submit Button By Modifying Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5914169/invoke-the-jedtiable-submit-button-by-modifying-plugin else textarea.height settings.height if settings.cols textarea.attr 'cols' settings.cols else textarea.width settings.width this .append textarea return textarea plugin function settings original tinyMCE.execCommand mceAddControl true original..