jquery Programming Glossary: schemas.xmlsoap.org
is it possible to get cross domain SOAP request using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12090036/is-it-possible-to-get-cross-domain-soap-request-using-jquery ' true var m_request ' soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' 'xmlns bfex http www.betfair.com publicapi..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt exclude.. using ie8 xml version 1.0 soap Envelope xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com..
Is it possible to parse a SOAP response with a jQuery xml handler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8329322/is-it-possible-to-parse-a-soap-response-with-a-jquery-xml-handler http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body getPurseBalanceResponse xmlns https..
GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835358/getlistitems-webservice-ignores-my-query-filter function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com..
cross domain issue with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847893/cross-domain-issue-with-jquery xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body WriteOrg xmlns http eyepax.crm.com Organization..
Cross Domain Access with PHP Proxy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894822/cross-domain-access-with-php-proxy xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body LogIn xmlns http eyepax.crm.com contact..
is it possible to get cross domain SOAP request using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12090036/is-it-possible-to-get-cross-domain-soap-request-using-jquery getmarket.open 'POST' 'http www.betfair.com publicapi ' true var m_request ' soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' 'xmlns bfex http www.betfair.com publicapi v5 BFExchangeService ' 'xmlns v5 http www.betfair.com publicapi..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt exclude result prefixes msxsl xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema.. xml and how you're calling Test.Xml.xslTransform I got the xml using ie8 xml version 1.0 soap Envelope xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema soap Body SearchListItemsResponse..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript GetAllImages #slideshowPicturePlaceholder .css display block var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName NewsRotator..
Is it possible to parse a SOAP response with a jQuery xml handler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8329322/is-it-possible-to-parse-a-soap-response-with-a-jquery-xml-handler Envelope xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body getPurseBalanceResponse xmlns https secure.card.com getPurseBalanceResult callStatus Success..
GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835358/getlistitems-webservice-ignores-my-query-filter script script type text javascript document .ready function var soapEnv soapenv Envelope xmlns soapenv 'http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope ' soapenv Body GetListItems xmlns 'http schemas.microsoft.com sharepoint soap ' soapEnv listName TestQuery..
cross domain issue with Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847893/cross-domain-issue-with-jquery Envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body WriteOrg xmlns http eyepax.crm.com Organization OrganizationID ' OrganizationID ' OrganizationID..
Cross Domain Access with PHP Proxy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894822/cross-domain-access-with-php-proxy Envelope xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope soap Body LogIn xmlns http eyepax.crm.com contact UserName ' userName ' UserName Password ' password ' Password..