jquery Programming Glossary: scalable
Eliminate 300ms delay on click events in mobile Safari http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12238587/eliminate-300ms-delay-on-click-events-in-mobile-safari meta name viewport content width device width user scalable no This is currently supported Chrome for Android and Firefox..
How to open downloaded file (pdf,zip,docx, etc) in Phonegap app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13375234/how-to-open-downloaded-file-pdf-zip-docx-etc-in-phonegap-app DOCTYPE HTML html head meta name viewport content user scalable no width device width meta http equiv Content type content text..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name.. device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name..
page loaded differently with jQuery-mobile transition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15430912/page-loaded-differently-with-jquery-mobile-transition initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http.. initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http.. initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http..
Why I have to put all the script to index.html in jquery mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15800121/why-i-have-to-put-all-the-script-to-index-html-in-jquery-mobile initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http..
jQuery Mobile: Get data passed to page via changePage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15840611/jquery-mobile-get-data-passed-to-page-via-changepage device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name.. device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name..
What does Google Closure Library offer over jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1690197/what-does-google-closure-library-offer-over-jquery to be implemented and probably in a very optimized and scalable way. They are trying to present it as the STL of JavaScript..
Suppress jQuery event handling temporarily http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1809275/suppress-jquery-event-handling-temporarily event function2 but I find it a bit clumsy and not very scalable to many events. Why do I want to suppress events temporarily..
How do I make a div element editable (like a textarea when I click it)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2441565/how-do-i-make-a-div-element-editable-like-a-textarea-when-i-click-it head meta name viewport content width device width user scalable no head body style type text css media screen style div id..
Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5405789/increase-font-size-with-javascript-around-fixed-floated-images-in-css-columns to create enterprise applications that are portable and scalable and that integrate with legacy technologies. A Java EE application..
google maps drag and drop objects into google maps from outside the Map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5510972/google-maps-drag-and-drop-objects-into-google-maps-from-outside-the-map head meta name viewport content initial scale 1.0 user scalable no link href http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jqueryui 1.8..
JQuery Mobile + PhoneGap for Android - Error loading index.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6544870/jquery-mobile-phonegap-for-android-error-loading-index-html HTML html head meta name viewport content width 320 user scalable no meta http equiv Content type content text html charset utf..
Disable zoom on input focus in Android webpage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7073396/disable-zoom-on-input-focus-in-android-webpage in general so don't say meta name 'viewport' content 'user scalable 0' That won't work for me. Also the input box doesn't receive.. width 720px intial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no ' jQuery #locationLock input .focus jQuery 'head meta name.. width 720px intial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable yes ' This also failed input type 'text' onfocus return false..
How does jquery mobile hide mobile safari's addressbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9798158/how-does-jquery-mobile-hide-mobile-safaris-addressbar device width minimum scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no name viewport style type 'text css' body background #E0E0E0..
Eliminate 300ms delay on click events in mobile Safari http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12238587/eliminate-300ms-delay-on-click-events-in-mobile-safari if you set the viewport. You don't need to use workarounds anymore. meta name viewport content width device width user scalable no This is currently supported Chrome for Android and Firefox for Android However on iOS Safari double tap is a scroll gesture..
How to open downloaded file (pdf,zip,docx, etc) in Phonegap app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13375234/how-to-open-downloaded-file-pdf-zip-docx-etc-in-phonegap-app but I can't open it by passing the file path. Below is my code DOCTYPE HTML html head meta name viewport content user scalable no width device width meta http equiv Content type content text html charset utf 8 title Test Page title script type text..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events html head meta charset utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title.. html head meta charset utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title..
page loaded differently with jQuery-mobile transition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15430912/page-loaded-differently-with-jquery-mobile-transition Demo title meta name viewport content width device width initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http code.jquery.com mobile 1.2.0 jquery.mobile 1.2.0.min.css script.. Demo title meta name viewport content width device width initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http code.jquery.com mobile 1.2.0 jquery.mobile 1.2.0.min.css script.. Demo title meta name viewport content width device width initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http code.jquery.com mobile 1.2.0 jquery.mobile 1.2.0.min.css script..
Why I have to put all the script to index.html in jquery mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15800121/why-i-have-to-put-all-the-script-to-index-html-in-jquery-mobile loaded. head meta name viewport content width device width initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http code.jquery.com mobile 1.2.0 jquery.mobile 1.2.0.min.css script..
jQuery Mobile: Get data passed to page via changePage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15840611/jquery-mobile-get-data-passed-to-page-via-changepage html head meta charset utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title.. html head meta charset utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name apple mobile web app status bar style content black title..
What does Google Closure Library offer over jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1690197/what-does-google-closure-library-offer-over-jquery which means that you could expect all basic features and more to be implemented and probably in a very optimized and scalable way. They are trying to present it as the STL of JavaScript so they should have polished it. After looking at the features..
Suppress jQuery event handling temporarily http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1809275/suppress-jquery-event-handling-temporarily the event is suppressed element .bind event function1 .bind event function2 but I find it a bit clumsy and not very scalable to many events. Why do I want to suppress events temporarily I use BlockUI plugin to block UI during Ajax access. This is..
How do I make a div element editable (like a textarea when I click it)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2441565/how-do-i-make-a-div-element-editable-like-a-textarea-when-i-click-it 4.01 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR html4 loose.dtd html head meta name viewport content width device width user scalable no head body style type text css media screen style div id map_canvas style width 500px height 300px background blue div..
Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5405789/increase-font-size-with-javascript-around-fixed-floated-images-in-css-columns cool yoda.jpg title yoda alt yoda This allows developers to create enterprise applications that are portable and scalable and that integrate with legacy technologies. A Java EE application server can handle transactions security scalability concurrency..
google maps drag and drop objects into google maps from outside the Map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5510972/google-maps-drag-and-drop-objects-into-google-maps-from-outside-the-map be placed anywhere also outside of the map. DOCTYPE html html head meta name viewport content initial scale 1.0 user scalable no link href http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jqueryui 1.8 themes base jquery ui.css rel stylesheet type text css script..
JQuery Mobile + PhoneGap for Android - Error loading index.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6544870/jquery-mobile-phonegap-for-android-error-loading-index-html but all of them show the same error. My files are as DOCTYPE HTML html head meta name viewport content width 320 user scalable no meta http equiv Content type content text html charset utf 8 title PhoneGap With JQM title link rel stylesheet href jquery.mobile..
Disable zoom on input focus in Android webpage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7073396/disable-zoom-on-input-focus-in-android-webpage right Here's where it gets fun I have to be able to zoom in general so don't say meta name 'viewport' content 'user scalable 0' That won't work for me. Also the input box doesn't receive click events. It appears when another button is clicked a.. ' .remove jQuery 'head' .prepend ' meta name viewport content width 720px intial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no ' jQuery #locationLock input .focus jQuery 'head meta name viewport ' .remove jQuery 'head' .prepend ' meta name viewport.. ' .remove jQuery 'head' .prepend ' meta name viewport content width 720px intial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable yes ' This also failed input type 'text' onfocus return false And this jQuery #locationLock input .focus function e e.preventDefault..
How does jquery mobile hide mobile safari's addressbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9798158/how-does-jquery-mobile-hide-mobile-safaris-addressbar content text html charset utf 8 viewport meta content width device width minimum scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no name viewport style type 'text css' body background #E0E0E0 margin 0 padding 0 .page wrapper width auto native..