jquery Programming Glossary: scenario
What is the best back button jQuery plugin? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/116446/what-is-the-best-back-button-jquery-plugin through the interactions. Which plug in is best in this scenario and why Are there any other plug ins that I missed that might..
Should all jquery events be bound to $(document)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12824549/should-all-jquery-events-be-bound-to-document the document object. That is probably the worst performing scenario you could create. First off event delegation does not always..
JavaScript: DOM load events, execution sequence, and $(document).ready() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307929/javascript-dom-load-events-execution-sequence-and-document-ready parsed by the browser Or just the HTML Is the following scenario possible there is a document .ready which calls code in last.js.. first.js or the inline code block How can I prevent this scenario I want to undestand the big picture of what happens when and..
Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1447184/microsoft-cdn-for-jquery-or-google-cdn correctly and ignore CDNs exist in the intranet only scenario. The chances of either being blocked seems to be about equal..
How can I add, remove, or swap jQuery validation rules from a page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1510165/how-can-i-add-remove-or-swap-jquery-validation-rules-from-a-page Field is required Here is a working solution for the scenario in my question. I use jQuery's extend method to overwrite the..
Add table row in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/171027/add-table-row-in-jquery one line solution that accounts for every single possible scenario. You will need to make sure the jQuery code tallies with your..
How do I make jQuery Contains case insensitive, including jQuery 1.8+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2196641/how-do-i-make-jquery-contains-case-insensitive-including-jquery-1-8 My use of the original case sensitive contains in the same scenario works without any errors. Does anyone have any ideas I'd appreciate..
jQuery cross domain iframe scripting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3083112/jquery-cross-domain-iframe-scripting to access foreign domains via ajax iframes . In this scenario an user has to set signed.applets.codebase_principal_support..
Can I wrap each line of multi-line text in a span? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4147080/can-i-wrap-each-line-of-multi-line-text-in-a-span at all. Neither is it robust &mdash consider the following scenario User browses to your page the div is rendered and the onload.. to where the lines start and finish. Of course this scenario is avoidable using fixed width elements or you can rejig the..
jQuery how to find an element based on a data-attribute value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4191386/jquery-how-to-find-an-element-based-on-a-data-attribute-value based on a data attribute value I've got the following scenario var el 'li' and there are 5 li 's on the page each with a data..
Access denied to jQuery script on IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5087549/access-denied-to-jquery-script-on-ie cross domain ajax and ie not sure whether it fits your scenario xdr new XDomainRequest xdr.onload function alert xdr.responseText..
JQuery Modal Boxes and Iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/512257/jquery-modal-boxes-and-iframe Instead of the page refresh or final AJAX call in each scenario you could simply use JavaScript jQuery to update the list list..
Jquery dependent drop down boxes populate- how http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5910281/jquery-dependent-drop-down-boxes-populate-how how I've got dependent drop down boxes as shown on scenario below. Could anyone please suggest how to achieve the result..
Is there a DOM event that fires when an HTML select element is closed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6207929/is-there-a-dom-event-that-fires-when-an-html-select-element-is-closed keypress blur etc. but these are the minimum to handle the scenario where a user clicks the select box and then clicks off into..
How to check if click event is already bound - JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6361465/how-to-check-if-click-event-is-already-bound-jquery a button '#myButton' .bind 'click' onButtonClicked In one scenario this is getting called multiple times so when I do a trigger..
Show Page Loading Spinner on Ajax Call in jQuery Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7208609/show-page-loading-spinner-on-ajax-call-in-jquery-mobile I just haven't been able to find anything about this exact scenario. Here's the ajax call inside the pagecreate function '#main'..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7213549/long-polling-http-streaming-general-questions implementation among its data store features. The simplest scenario may look like following After someone enters the chat room a..
How to implement “confirmation” dialog in Jquery UI dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/887029/how-to-implement-confirmation-dialog-in-jquery-ui-dialog UI Dialog to replace the ugly javascript alert box. In my scenario I have a list of items and next to each individual of them I..
How to update my content async with javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11903078/how-to-update-my-content-async-with-javascript to update my content async with javascript Scenario I'm writing a web application MVC in my case and I need to update..
How to execute jQuery from Angular e2e test scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16400720/how-to-execute-jquery-from-angular-e2e-test-scope this question The problem here is that the AngularJs Scenario Test Runner runs your application in an iframe. The runner itself..
Hidden Columns in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1661800/hidden-columns-in-jqgrid function element element .attr readonly readonly Scenario #1 Field must be visible in the grid Field must be visible in.. when editing the form. But you cannot edit the contents. Scenario #2 Field must not be visible in the grid Field must be visible..
Javascript substr(); limit by word not char http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1662308/javascript-substr-limit-by-word-not-char expression and spaces but don't know how to pull it off. Scenario Limit a paragraph of words to 200 words using javascript jQuery...
Jquery dependent drop down boxes populate- how http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5910281/jquery-dependent-drop-down-boxes-populate-how suggest how to achieve the result using JQuery Javascript Scenario HH1 select name drop1 option value 0 option value 2 option value..
Web Forms Tabular Control for this Scenario http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9771381/web-forms-tabular-control-for-this-scenario Forms Tabular Control for this Scenario I am developing an asp.net website with two column layout...
What is the best back button jQuery plugin? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/116446/what-is-the-best-back-button-jquery-plugin and I need to be able to bookmark the page at any point through the interactions. Which plug in is best in this scenario and why Are there any other plug ins that I missed that might be better Are there any limitations to these plugins that..
Should all jquery events be bound to $(document)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12824549/should-all-jquery-events-be-bound-to-document No you should NOT bind all delegated event handlers to the document object. That is probably the worst performing scenario you could create. First off event delegation does not always make your code faster. In some cases it's is advantageous and..
JavaScript: DOM load events, execution sequence, and $(document).ready() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307929/javascript-dom-load-events-execution-sequence-and-document-ready DOM is loaded mean That all HTML JS has been downloaded and parsed by the browser Or just the HTML Is the following scenario possible there is a document .ready which calls code in last.js but runs before last.js has loaded Where would it most likely.. before last.js has loaded Where would it most likely be in first.js or the inline code block How can I prevent this scenario I want to undestand the big picture of what happens when and what depends on what if at all . javascript jquery events..
Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1447184/microsoft-cdn-for-jquery-or-google-cdn you're hurting performance . Set your cache expiration headers correctly and ignore CDNs exist in the intranet only scenario. The chances of either being blocked seems to be about equal almost zero. I have worked on contracts where this isn't true..
How can I add, remove, or swap jQuery validation rules from a page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1510165/how-can-i-add-remove-or-swap-jquery-validation-rules-from-a-page required true settings.messages.leftform_input1 Field is required Here is a working solution for the scenario in my question. I use jQuery's extend method to overwrite the rules and messages properties of the validate object which..
Add table row in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/171027/add-table-row-in-jquery them. Weighing everything up I'm not sure there is a single one line solution that accounts for every single possible scenario. You will need to make sure the jQuery code tallies with your markup. I think the safest solution is probably to ensure..
How do I make jQuery Contains case insensitive, including jQuery 1.8+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2196641/how-do-i-make-jquery-contains-case-insensitive-including-jquery-1-8 ' theMatch ' this .next .find theMatch .addClass bold My use of the original case sensitive contains in the same scenario works without any errors. Does anyone have any ideas I'd appreciate it. jquery contains case sensitive case insensitive..
jQuery cross domain iframe scripting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3083112/jquery-cross-domain-iframe-scripting 'UniversalBrowserRead' which enables the browser to access foreign domains via ajax iframes . In this scenario an user has to set signed.applets.codebase_principal_support to true under about config to make this work. In the Internet..
Can I wrap each line of multi-line text in a span? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4147080/can-i-wrap-each-line-of-multi-line-text-in-a-span by the browser. Unfortunately this isn't straightforward at all. Neither is it robust &mdash consider the following scenario User browses to your page the div is rendered and the onload event fires 3 span elements are created from the text node.. the div changes. The result is that the spans no longer correlate to where the lines start and finish. Of course this scenario is avoidable using fixed width elements or you can rejig the whole thing when the browser resizes but that's just an example..
jQuery how to find an element based on a data-attribute value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4191386/jquery-how-to-find-an-element-based-on-a-data-attribute-value how to find an element based on a data attribute value I've got the following scenario var el 'li' and there are 5 li 's on the page each with a data slide number attribute number being 1 2 3 4 5 respectively..
Access denied to jQuery script on IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5087549/access-denied-to-jquery-script-on-ie ret callback ret Reference http forum.jquery.com topic cross domain ajax and ie not sure whether it fits your scenario xdr new XDomainRequest xdr.onload function alert xdr.responseText xdr.open GET thisUrl thisURl your cross domain request..
JQuery Modal Boxes and Iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/512257/jquery-modal-boxes-and-iframe again initiate a page refresh or use AJAX to update the list. Instead of the page refresh or final AJAX call in each scenario you could simply use JavaScript jQuery to update the list list details depending on whether a user has been added or edited..
Jquery dependent drop down boxes populate- how http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5910281/jquery-dependent-drop-down-boxes-populate-how dependent drop down boxes populate how I've got dependent drop down boxes as shown on scenario below. Could anyone please suggest how to achieve the result using JQuery Javascript Scenario HH1 select name drop1 option..
Is there a DOM event that fires when an HTML select element is closed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6207929/is-there-a-dom-event-that-fires-when-an-html-select-element-is-closed cases for other events that will signify a close escape keypress blur etc. but these are the minimum to handle the scenario where a user clicks the select box and then clicks off into the document area. Hope this helps share improve this answer..
How to check if click event is already bound - JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6361465/how-to-check-if-click-event-is-already-bound-jquery is already bound JQuery I am binding a click event with a button '#myButton' .bind 'click' onButtonClicked In one scenario this is getting called multiple times so when I do a trigger I see multiple ajax calls which I want to prevent. How do I..
Show Page Loading Spinner on Ajax Call in jQuery Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7208609/show-page-loading-spinner-on-ajax-call-in-jquery-mobile seems like it should be a fairly easy thing to accomplish I just haven't been able to find anything about this exact scenario. Here's the ajax call inside the pagecreate function '#main' .live 'pagecreate' function event .ajax url url dataType 'json'..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7213549/long-polling-http-streaming-general-questions store this is a really great tool that provides PubSub implementation among its data store features. The simplest scenario may look like following After someone enters the chat room a new Ajax long poll request is being made. Request handler on..
How to implement “confirmation” dialog in Jquery UI dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/887029/how-to-implement-confirmation-dialog-in-jquery-ui-dialog dialog in Jquery UI dialog I am try to use JQuery UI Dialog to replace the ugly javascript alert box. In my scenario I have a list of items and next to each individual of them I would have a delete button for each of them. the psuedo html..
How to update my content async with javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11903078/how-to-update-my-content-async-with-javascript to update my content async with javascript Scenario I'm writing a web application MVC in my case and I need to update a specific container with the response from a get request..
How to execute jQuery from Angular e2e test scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16400720/how-to-execute-jquery-from-angular-e2e-test-scope Object is not a function jquery angularjs share improve this question The problem here is that the AngularJs Scenario Test Runner runs your application in an iframe. The runner itself hasn't loaded jQuery. It's best to use the angular scenario..
Hidden Columns in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1661800/hidden-columns-in-jqgrid applying the following does the trick editoptions dataInit function element element .attr readonly readonly Scenario #1 Field must be visible in the grid Field must be visible in the form Field must be read only Solution colModel name 'providerUserId'.. The providerUserId is visible in the grid and visible when editing the form. But you cannot edit the contents. Scenario #2 Field must not be visible in the grid Field must be visible in the form Field must be read only Solution colModel name..
Javascript substr(); limit by word not char http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1662308/javascript-substr-limit-by-word-not-char the substr by words and not chars. I am thinking regular expression and spaces but don't know how to pull it off. Scenario Limit a paragraph of words to 200 words using javascript jQuery. var postBody postBody.substr ' ' 200 This is great but..
Jquery dependent drop down boxes populate- how http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5910281/jquery-dependent-drop-down-boxes-populate-how down boxes as shown on scenario below. Could anyone please suggest how to achieve the result using JQuery Javascript Scenario HH1 select name drop1 option value 0 option value 2 option value 3 ...... option value 23 select HH2 select name drop1 option..
Web Forms Tabular Control for this Scenario http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9771381/web-forms-tabular-control-for-this-scenario Forms Tabular Control for this Scenario I am developing an asp.net website with two column layout. On the left side we have menu items. Based on the click of the..