jquery Programming Glossary: schemas
Generate excel sheet from html tables using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15567086/generate-excel-sheet-from-html-tables-using-jquery vnd.ms excel base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com.. o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http www.w3.org TR REC html40..
Export HTML Table to EXCEL in Java script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19539274/export-html-table-to-excel-in-java-script vnd.ms excel base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com.. o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http www.w3.org TR REC html40..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript xmlns xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org.. microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft.. http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt exclude result prefixes msxsl xmlns xsi http..
How do you work with an array of jQuery Deferreds? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4878887/how-do-you-work-with-an-array-of-jquery-deferreds data be loaded in a certain order the root URL then the schemas then finally initialize the application with the schemas and.. schemas then finally initialize the application with the schemas and urls for the various data objects. As the user navigates.. the schema and displayed. As the user CRUDs the data the schemas provide first pass validation. I'm having a problem with initialization...
Consuming WCF service using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5756103/consuming-wcf-service-using-jquery runtime assemblyBinding appliesTo v2.0.50727 xmlns urn schemas microsoft com asm.v1 dependentAssembly assemblyIdentity name..
jQuery XML parsing with namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/853740/jquery-xml-parsing-with-namespaces dt uuid C2F41010 65B3 11d1 A29F 00AA00C14882 xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema s Schema id RowsetSchema..
Generate excel sheet from html tables using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15567086/generate-excel-sheet-from-html-tables-using-jquery browser by insin var tableToExcel function var uri 'data application vnd.ms excel base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http www.w3.org TR REC html40 head if gte.. 'data application vnd.ms excel base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http www.w3.org TR REC html40 head if gte mso 9 xml x ExcelWorkbook x ExcelWorksheets x..
Export HTML Table to EXCEL in Java script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19539274/export-html-table-to-excel-in-java-script fn data fn var tableToExcel function var uri 'data application vnd.ms excel base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http www.w3.org TR REC html40 head if gte.. 'data application vnd.ms excel base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http www.w3.org TR REC html40 head if gte mso 9 xml x ExcelWorkbook x ExcelWorksheets x..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript is xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 xsl stylesheet version 1.0 xmlns xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft.. xsl http www.w3.org 1999 XSL Transform xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt exclude result prefixes msxsl xmlns xsi http www.w3.org.. schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema xmlns soap http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt exclude result prefixes msxsl xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns xsd http www.w3.org..
How do you work with an array of jQuery Deferreds? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4878887/how-do-you-work-with-an-array-of-jquery-deferreds array of jQuery Deferreds I have an application that requires data be loaded in a certain order the root URL then the schemas then finally initialize the application with the schemas and urls for the various data objects. As the user navigates the.. data be loaded in a certain order the root URL then the schemas then finally initialize the application with the schemas and urls for the various data objects. As the user navigates the application data objects are loaded validated against the.. the application data objects are loaded validated against the schema and displayed. As the user CRUDs the data the schemas provide first pass validation. I'm having a problem with initialization. I use an Ajax call to fetch the root object .when..
Consuming WCF service using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5756103/consuming-wcf-service-using-jquery PublicKeyToken 31BF3856AD364E35 handlers system.webServer runtime assemblyBinding appliesTo v2.0.50727 xmlns urn schemas microsoft com asm.v1 dependentAssembly assemblyIdentity name System.Web.Extensions publicKeyToken 31bf3856ad364e35 bindingRedirect..
jQuery XML parsing with namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/853740/jquery-xml-parsing-with-namespaces xml xmlns s uuid BDC6E3F0 6DA3 11d1 A2A3 00AA00C14882 xmlns dt uuid C2F41010 65B3 11d1 A29F 00AA00C14882 xmlns rs urn schemas microsoft com rowset xmlns z #RowsetSchema s Schema id RowsetSchema s ElementType name row content eltOnly rs CommandTimeout..