jquery Programming Glossary: routing
How do I get jQuery's Uploadify plugin to work with ASP.NET MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1002680/how-do-i-get-jquerys-uploadify-plugin-to-work-with-asp-net-mvc the route debugger http haacked.com archive 2008 03 13 url routing debugger.aspx to check where your route is being mapped to...
Rewrite an asp.net mvc ajax actionlink as a jquery/ajax statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10389740/rewrite-an-asp-net-mvc-ajax-actionlink-as-a-jquery-ajax-statement the actionLink as all it's doing is getting the correct routing for you. Add an ID to it so that you can bind the click event..
ASP.NET MVC Url.Action in JQuery is not recognized http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12514745/asp-net-mvc-url-action-in-jquery-is-not-recognized am wondering the problem with first one Could it be due to routing configuration Thanks. jquery ajax asp.net mvc share improve..
jQuery POST, Error 405 Method not allowed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13258014/jquery-post-error-405-method-not-allowed page you may have URL re writing in place that is routing your request appropriately . If the above fails you may need..
How to add Ajax capabilites to Symfony http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19355562/how-to-add-ajax-capabilites-to-symfony remove 'name' return new JsonResponse array 'success' true routing ajax_remove_session pattern remove session defaults _controller.. UPDATING QUESTION With all the codes found in the the routing controller and template Controller PageController.php src Simon.. endblock Routing src Simon TestBundle Resources config routing.yml simon_test_homepage pattern hello name defaults _controller..
URL helper in JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2235979/url-helper-in-javascript jquery.lightbox 0.5.js script jquery asp.net mvc url routing share improve this question You can't use Url.Action inside..
Setting ajax url for jQuery in JS file using ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/376644/setting-ajax-url-for-jquery-in-js-file-using-asp-net-mvc without hard coding the URL jquery asp.net mvc ajax url routing share improve this question This way fully uses MVC Routing.. only way I could come up with that would allow me to use routing in a clean way. Dynamically creating URLS in javascript is icky..
ASP.NET 4 jquery ajax webmethod call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4119067/asp-net-4-jquery-ajax-webmethod-call project upgraded to ASP.NET 4.0 and is using the new url routing functionality. The AJAX call doesn't work anymore. In FireBug..
in asp.net mvc, how can I pass an array of integers as a parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5785428/in-asp-net-mvc-how-can-i-pass-an-array-of-integers-as-a-parameter integers as each section in the URL which i setup in the routing file but now one of the parameters needs to be an array of integers...
Disable Buttons in jQuery Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5875025/disable-buttons-in-jquery-mobile on what the value is. I've got that part to where its routing to right case statements but the enable disable buttons thing..
Backbone.js and jQueryMobile routing without hack or other router http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7172294/backbone-js-and-jquerymobile-routing-without-hack-or-other-router and jQueryMobile routing without hack or other router I am using backbone.js 0.5.3 with.. 0.5.3 with JQueryMobile 1.0 beta 2 . I know there are routing conflicts when using those libraries together and I would like.. the one described in this post jquery mobile backbone.js routing When when i make a request the backbone render code of the corresponding..
fire an event from one view to another in backbone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7843278/fire-an-event-from-one-view-to-another-in-backbone http lostechies.com derickbailey 2011 07 19 references routing and the event aggregator coordinating views in backbone js ..
URL in ajax request in PHP MVC framework, don't know how? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8100262/url-in-ajax-request-in-php-mvc-framework-dont-know-how td td json i .variety td tr script body html Here is routing getUrlFor controller 'index' action 'index' route array 'controller'.. url share improve this question I'm not sure how your routing is setup so can't offer specific help. But what I usually do.. view to the ajax request. Codeigniter has imo very nice routing you call the ajax controller with the url http sitename.com..
What prevents me from using $.ajax to load another domain's html? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8944656/what-prevents-me-from-using-ajax-to-load-another-domains-html
How do I get jQuery's Uploadify plugin to work with ASP.NET MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1002680/how-do-i-get-jquerys-uploadify-plugin-to-work-with-asp-net-mvc
Rewrite an asp.net mvc ajax actionlink as a jquery/ajax statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10389740/rewrite-an-asp-net-mvc-ajax-actionlink-as-a-jquery-ajax-statement html '#StuffPanel' .html html I'd recommend you keep the actionLink as all it's doing is getting the correct routing for you. Add an ID to it so that you can bind the click event easier and then use the click event callback to fire the ajax..
ASP.NET MVC Url.Action in JQuery is not recognized http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12514745/asp-net-mvc-url-action-in-jquery-is-not-recognized instead everythings works fine. Second works ok but I am wondering the problem with first one Could it be due to routing configuration Thanks. jquery ajax asp.net mvc share improve this question If it is an external js file your Helper..
jQuery POST, Error 405 Method not allowed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13258014/jquery-post-error-405-method-not-allowed is handling your request as you are not posting to any particular page you may have URL re writing in place that is routing your request appropriately . If the above fails you may need to check if WebDAV Publishing is installed and remove it restart..
How to add Ajax capabilites to Symfony http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19355562/how-to-add-ajax-capabilites-to-symfony session this getRequest getSession session remove 'name' return new JsonResponse array 'success' true routing ajax_remove_session pattern remove session defaults _controller FooTestBundle Page ajaxRemoveSession twig a href # id remove_session.. false success function result .success .append result script UPDATING QUESTION With all the codes found in the the routing controller and template Controller PageController.php src Simon TestBundle Controller PageController.php php namespace Simon.. on success .fail function event console.log event script endblock Routing src Simon TestBundle Resources config routing.yml simon_test_homepage pattern hello name defaults _controller SimonTestBundle Page hello ajax_remove_session pattern remove..
URL helper in JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2235979/url-helper-in-javascript .js files script type text javascript src Url.Content ~ Scripts jquery.lightbox 0.5.js script jquery asp.net mvc url routing share improve this question You can't use Url.Action inside .js files. But you can define global variable and use it..
Setting ajax url for jQuery in JS file using ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/376644/setting-ajax-url-for-jquery-in-js-file-using-asp-net-mvc is pretty easy. How could i move this do its own JS file when without hard coding the URL jquery asp.net mvc ajax url routing share improve this question This way fully uses MVC Routing so you can fully take advantage of the MVC framework. Inspired.. with just RRStore.updateCart 1001 5 This seemed to be the only way I could come up with that would allow me to use routing in a clean way. Dynamically creating URLS in javascript is icky and hard to test. Testing types can add in a layer somewhere..
ASP.NET 4 jquery ajax webmethod call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4119067/asp-net-4-jquery-ajax-webmethod-call page with EnablePageMethods true. All worked fine. Now the project upgraded to ASP.NET 4.0 and is using the new url routing functionality. The AJAX call doesn't work anymore. In FireBug I see it returns the complete page instead of the XML response...
in asp.net mvc, how can I pass an array of integers as a parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5785428/in-asp-net-mvc-how-can-i-pass-an-array-of-integers-as-a-parameter a parameter i have a controller function that previously had integers as each section in the URL which i setup in the routing file but now one of the parameters needs to be an array of integers. Here is the controller action public JsonResult Refresh..
Disable Buttons in jQuery Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5875025/disable-buttons-in-jquery-mobile I also have a switch command that will enable one button based on what the value is. I've got that part to where its routing to right case statements but the enable disable buttons thing in jQuery mobile is not working. code http pastebin.com HGSbpAHQ..
Backbone.js and jQueryMobile routing without hack or other router http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7172294/backbone-js-and-jquerymobile-routing-without-hack-or-other-router and jQueryMobile routing without hack or other router I am using backbone.js 0.5.3 with JQueryMobile 1.0 beta 2 . I know there are routing conflicts.. routing without hack or other router I am using backbone.js 0.5.3 with JQueryMobile 1.0 beta 2 . I know there are routing conflicts when using those libraries together and I would like to know if there is a solution to use them without hacking.. there is no other option... My problem is quite similar to the one described in this post jquery mobile backbone.js routing When when i make a request the backbone render code of the corresponding backbone view gets triggered before the new jquery..
fire an event from one view to another in backbone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7843278/fire-an-event-from-one-view-to-another-in-backbone
URL in ajax request in PHP MVC framework, don't know how? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8100262/url-in-ajax-request-in-php-mvc-framework-dont-know-how var i 0 i json.length i '#grid' .append tr td json i .fruit_id td td json i .variety td tr script body html Here is routing getUrlFor controller 'index' action 'index' route array 'controller' controller 'action' action routes this getRoutes url.. worked. It is simple custom framework. php jquery json mvc url share improve this question I'm not sure how your routing is setup so can't offer specific help. But what I usually do is I use codeigniter make a separate controller for all ajax.. from the model passes that data to the view and servers the view to the ajax request. Codeigniter has imo very nice routing you call the ajax controller with the url http sitename.com index.php controller_name function and that's what you pass..
What prevents me from using $.ajax to load another domain's html? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8944656/what-prevents-me-from-using-ajax-to-load-another-domains-html
How to add Ajax capabilites to Symfony http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19355562/how-to-add-ajax-capabilites-to-symfony false success function html do something on success .fail function event console.log event script endblock Routing src Simon TestBundle Resources config routing.yml simon_test_homepage pattern hello name defaults _controller SimonTestBundle..
Setting ajax url for jQuery in JS file using ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/376644/setting-ajax-url-for-jquery-in-js-file-using-asp-net-mvc hard coding the URL jquery asp.net mvc ajax url routing share improve this question This way fully uses MVC Routing so you can fully take advantage of the MVC framework. Inspired by stusmith's answer. Here I have an action in ApplicationController..
ASP.NET 4 jquery ajax webmethod call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4119067/asp-net-4-jquery-ajax-webmethod-call
url.content(…) like method in jquery or javascript? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4745940/url-content-like-method-in-jquery-or-javascript
Micropost - Routing Error No route matches [GET] - Deleting a Micropost http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8516660/micropost-routing-error-no-route-matches-get-deleting-a-micropost Routing Error No route matches GET Deleting a Micropost I'm reading through Hartl's book Ruby on Rails by Example. In chapter 11.. the other posts detailing the same problem jQuery not working at delete action on Michael Hartl's tutorial chapter 11 Routing Error No route matches GET microposts 304 Deleting a Micropost Michael Hartl's railstutorial.org Chapter 11 'No route matches'..