jquery Programming Glossary: router
Get param value from a URL in jquery mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11260792/get-param-value-from-a-url-in-jquery-mobile page params plugin and a more fully featured jQuery Mobile router plugin for use with backbone.js or spine.js. https github.com.. page params https github.com azicchetti jquerymobile router Docs See Known limitations section http jquerymobile.com demos..
How to pass parameters while changing the page in JQuery Mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12058248/how-to-pass-parameters-while-changing-the-page-in-jquery-mobile page params plugin and a more fully featured jQuery Mobile router plugin for use with backbone.js or spine.js. There are other..
MVC Authentication and Antiforgery token with Durandal SPA template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15829657/mvc-authentication-and-antiforgery-token-with-durandal-spa-template 'You are not authorized please login' .then function router.navigateTo '# user login' It warns the user they are not authorized.. require 'durandal system' app require 'durandal app' router require 'durandal plugins router' return handleUnauthorizedAjaxRequests.. require 'durandal app' router require 'durandal plugins router' return handleUnauthorizedAjaxRequests function callback if..
Calling a jQuery plugin in a Backbone render method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7107904/calling-a-jquery-plugin-in-a-backbone-render-method attrs .appendTo this.el return this which is called from a router action action function '#container' .empty '#container' .append.. to the DOM yet . It does work if I call the plugin in the router action though action function '#container' .empty '#container'.. not do this because the plugin is part of the view not the router so it doesn't make sense to be calling it inside the action...
Backbone.js and jQueryMobile routing without hack or other router http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7172294/backbone-js-and-jquerymobile-routing-without-hack-or-other-router and jQueryMobile routing without hack or other router I am using backbone.js 0.5.3 with JQueryMobile 1.0 beta 2 ... backbone and jquery mobile.html and without using another router like jquerymobile router unless there is no other option..... and without using another router like jquerymobile router unless there is no other option... My problem is quite similar..
Jquery mobile - onhashchange issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8158591/jquery-mobile-onhashchange-issue having data role 'page' . Below is a fragment of my router class Router.load doesn't change location.hash __construct function..
Cleaning views with backbone.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9079491/cleaning-views-with-backbone-js and have reached the point where I have a number of routers and views representing each part of my application. In the.. each part of my application. In the simplified router example below I have two locations account users . Both view.. explicitly call previousView.remove either from inside my router or views. Would it be sufficient to add this.el .empty to the..
Using jQuery Tabs with Marionette Layouts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16039722/using-jquery-tabs-with-marionette-layouts div Define a controller to run this module var Router Marionette.AppRouter.extend appRoutes addTab tab addTab var.. controller to run this module var Router Marionette.AppRouter.extend appRoutes addTab tab addTab var Controller Marionette.Controller.extend.. function Mod.controller new Controller Mod.router new Router controller Mod.controller Mod.controller.start Start the app..
IBM Worklight 6.1 - Uncaught ReferenceErrors: WLJQ is not defined, WL is not defined http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20606629/ibm-worklight-6-1-uncaught-referenceerrors-wljq-is-not-defined-wl-is-not-def 'biiRibMobile' 'messages' function _ Backbone Router bootstrap initOptions biiRibMobile messages var initialize function.. biiRibMobile messages var initialize function Pass in our Router module and call it's initialize function Router.initialize .. in our Router module and call it's initialize function Router.initialize return initialize initialize My initOptions.js..
Is this an acceptable Ajax action for a CakePHP auto complete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4975196/is-this-an-acceptable-ajax-action-for-a-cakephp-auto-complete done in the past In config routes.php add the following Router mapResources array 'restaurants' 'items' Router parseExtensions.. following Router mapResources array 'restaurants' 'items' Router parseExtensions 'json' In app app_controller.php function beforeFilter..
Large backbone.js web app organization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8002828/large-backbone-js-web-app-organization Thus besides the 3 methods the MyApp namespace only has Router Model and View var MyApp function var classes Routers Collections.. has Router Model and View var MyApp function var classes Routers Collections Models Views methods init function MyApp.Router.. Collections Models Views methods init function MyApp.Router MyApp.inst 'Routers' 'App' MyApp.Model MyApp.inst 'Models' 'App'..
URL in ajax request in PHP MVC framework, don't know how? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8100262/url-in-ajax-request-in-php-mvc-framework-dont-know-how function urlFor controller 'index' action 'index' return Router getInstance getUrlFor controller action This function works..
Get param value from a URL in jquery mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11260792/get-param-value-from-a-url-in-jquery-mobile project to support this feature. There is a lightweight page params plugin and a more fully featured jQuery Mobile router plugin for use with backbone.js or spine.js. https github.com jblas jquery mobile plugins tree master page params https.. https github.com jblas jquery mobile plugins tree master page params https github.com azicchetti jquerymobile router Docs See Known limitations section http jquerymobile.com demos 1.1.0 docs pages page navmodel.html share improve this..
How to pass parameters while changing the page in JQuery Mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12058248/how-to-pass-parameters-while-changing-the-page-in-jquery-mobile project to support this feature. There is a lightweight page params plugin and a more fully featured jQuery Mobile router plugin for use with backbone.js or spine.js. There are other ways to implement the data passing during different pages but..
MVC Authentication and Antiforgery token with Durandal SPA template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15829657/mvc-authentication-and-antiforgery-token-with-durandal-spa-template function app.showMessage 'You are not authorized please login' .then function router.navigateTo '# user login' It warns the user they are not authorized and navigates user to a login view viewmodel where.. services authentication.js define function require var system require 'durandal system' app require 'durandal app' router require 'durandal plugins router' return handleUnauthorizedAjaxRequests function callback if callback return document.. function require var system require 'durandal system' app require 'durandal app' router require 'durandal plugins router' return handleUnauthorizedAjaxRequests function callback if callback return document .ajaxError function event request..
Calling a jQuery plugin in a Backbone render method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7107904/calling-a-jquery-plugin-in-a-backbone-render-method basically like this render function .tmpl this.template attrs .appendTo this.el return this which is called from a router action action function '#container' .empty '#container' .append myView.render .el Now I want to apply a plugin on label.. I'm assuming this is because the element hasn't been added to the DOM yet . It does work if I call the plugin in the router action though action function '#container' .empty '#container' .append myView.render .el myView. 'label' .inFieldLabels.. myView.render .el myView. 'label' .inFieldLabels I'd rather not do this because the plugin is part of the view not the router so it doesn't make sense to be calling it inside the action. Is there a better way to do this jquery jquery plugins backbone.js..
Backbone.js and jQueryMobile routing without hack or other router http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7172294/backbone-js-and-jquerymobile-routing-without-hack-or-other-router and jQueryMobile routing without hack or other router I am using backbone.js 0.5.3 with JQueryMobile 1.0 beta 2 . I know there are routing conflicts when using those libraries.. described in Ben Nolan's pots http bennolan.com 2010 11 23 backbone and jquery mobile.html and without using another router like jquerymobile router unless there is no other option... My problem is quite similar to the one described in this post.. pots http bennolan.com 2010 11 23 backbone and jquery mobile.html and without using another router like jquerymobile router unless there is no other option... My problem is quite similar to the one described in this post jquery mobile backbone.js..
Jquery mobile - onhashchange issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8158591/jquery-mobile-onhashchange-issue load the page automatically e.g. by its ID declared in element having data role 'page' . Below is a fragment of my router class Router.load doesn't change location.hash __construct function var that this window .bind hashchange function e e.stopImmediatePropagation..
Cleaning views with backbone.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9079491/cleaning-views-with-backbone-js views with backbone.js I am working on a backbone.js application and have reached the point where I have a number of routers and views representing each part of my application. In the simplified router example below I have two locations account.. the point where I have a number of routers and views representing each part of my application. In the simplified router example below I have two locations account users . Both view in each location render their content to a mutual element named.. for sure whether a view already has been created I cannot explicitly call previousView.remove either from inside my router or views. Would it be sufficient to add this.el .empty to the constructor of each view to clean out any eventual previous..
Using jQuery Tabs with Marionette Layouts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16039722/using-jquery-tabs-with-marionette-layouts itemView TabContentItem itemViewContainer div Define a controller to run this module var Router Marionette.AppRouter.extend appRoutes addTab tab addTab var Controller Marionette.Controller.extend initialize function.. itemView TabContentItem itemViewContainer div Define a controller to run this module var Router Marionette.AppRouter.extend appRoutes addTab tab addTab var Controller Marionette.Controller.extend initialize function options this.region..
IBM Worklight 6.1 - Uncaught ReferenceErrors: WLJQ is not defined, WL is not defined http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20606629/ibm-worklight-6-1-uncaught-referenceerrors-wljq-is-not-defined-wl-is-not-def 'backbone' 'router' Request router.js 'bootstrap' 'initOptions' 'biiRibMobile' 'messages' function _ Backbone Router bootstrap initOptions biiRibMobile messages var initialize function Pass in our Router module and call it's initialize.. 'messages' function _ Backbone Router bootstrap initOptions biiRibMobile messages var initialize function Pass in our Router module and call it's initialize function Router.initialize return initialize initialize My initOptions.js var wlInitOptions.. initOptions biiRibMobile messages var initialize function Pass in our Router module and call it's initialize function Router.initialize return initialize initialize My initOptions.js var wlInitOptions logger enabled true level 'debug' stringify..
Is this an acceptable Ajax action for a CakePHP auto complete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4975196/is-this-an-acceptable-ajax-action-for-a-cakephp-auto-complete autocomplete share improve this question Here's what I've done in the past In config routes.php add the following Router mapResources array 'restaurants' 'items' Router parseExtensions 'json' In app app_controller.php function beforeFilter if.. what I've done in the past In config routes.php add the following Router mapResources array 'restaurants' 'items' Router parseExtensions 'json' In app app_controller.php function beforeFilter if this isApiCall Configure write 'debug' 0 function..
Large backbone.js web app organization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8002828/large-backbone-js-web-app-organization the inst function instantiates a class from the classes array. Thus besides the 3 methods the MyApp namespace only has Router Model and View var MyApp function var classes Routers Collections Models Views methods init function MyApp.Router MyApp.inst.. array. Thus besides the 3 methods the MyApp namespace only has Router Model and View var MyApp function var classes Routers Collections Models Views methods init function MyApp.Router MyApp.inst 'Routers' 'App' MyApp.Model MyApp.inst 'Models'.. Router Model and View var MyApp function var classes Routers Collections Models Views methods init function MyApp.Router MyApp.inst 'Routers' 'App' MyApp.Model MyApp.inst 'Models' 'App' MyApp.View MyApp.inst 'Views' 'App' Backbone.history.start..
URL in ajax request in PHP MVC framework, don't know how? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8100262/url-in-ajax-request-in-php-mvc-framework-dont-know-how . ' ' . url return url and public function urlFor public function urlFor controller 'index' action 'index' return Router getInstance getUrlFor controller action This function works in this framework everywere URL form example http localhost..