jquery Programming Glossary: registry
Intellisense doesn't work for JS in VS2012 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11488208/intellisense-doesnt-work-for-js-in-vs2012 11.0 JavaScriptLanguageService ImplicitReferences in my registry. In fact i don't even have JavaScriptLanguageService directory...
Script runs slower in the dotnet WebBrowser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12490512/script-runs-slower-in-the-dotnet-webbrowser-control title tag can come before it . An alternative is to add a registry entry to HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Internet Explorer Main FeatureControl.. only work for the file name that you've included in the registry . Also it wouldnt hurt to add vshost.exe and YourCompiledApplicationName.exe.svchost.. should also set the following DWORD under the following registry path to the same value as per the 32bit path HK LM CU SOFTWARE..
jQuery - If Select Not Selected Being Ignored http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20596546/jquery-if-select-not-selected-being-ignored .each function this.selected this.text php echo Mage registry 'current_category' getName jQuery div.amfinder horizontal td..
What happened to Dojo in 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2450696/what-happened-to-dojo-in-2008 To and Move To commands to Windows XP Explorer with this registry hack &mdash not even close . Dragon Dojo Martial ArtsĀ® Named..
How can I convince IE to simply display application/json rather than offer to download it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2483771/how-can-i-convince-ie-to-simply-display-application-json-rather-than-offer-to-do application json in the browser window by updating the registry. There's no need for an external tool. I haven't tested this.. use this remember all the usual caveats about updating the registry apply. Stop IE. Then cut and paste the following into a file.. the CLSID for the Browse in place action. Basically this registry entry is telling IE that for docs that have a mime type of application..
What's the difference between using jQuery's onclick and the onclick attribute? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/398760/whats-the-difference-between-using-jquerys-onclick-and-the-onclick-attribute big difference is that jQuery's events are handled in a registry which is parsed on the click event. Crucially this means that.. order. The real onClick event is overridden by jQuery's registry driven system. In the vanilla document structure without a system..
Jquery cookie monitor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5908504/jquery-cookie-monitor if readCookie cookieName cookieRegistry cookieName update registry so we dont get triggered again cookieRegistry cookieName readCookie..
“oCol is Undefined” Using Datatables and jQuery Ui Dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6405429/ocol-is-undefined-using-datatables-and-jquery-ui-dialog and jQuery Ui Dialog I have a form for search a registry. This form shows the info in a jQuery Dialog and inside of the..
Intellisense doesn't work for JS in VS2012 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11488208/intellisense-doesnt-work-for-js-in-vs2012 have the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft VisualStudio 11.0 JavaScriptLanguageService ImplicitReferences in my registry. In fact i don't even have JavaScriptLanguageService directory. I've checked that the referred file domWindows.js indeed..
Script runs slower in the dotnet WebBrowser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12490512/script-runs-slower-in-the-dotnet-webbrowser-control head to work properly though only other meta tags or the title tag can come before it . An alternative is to add a registry entry to HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Internet Explorer Main FeatureControl FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION And in there add 'YourCompiledApplicationName.exe'.. you compile which contains your WebBrowser Control it will only work for the file name that you've included in the registry . Also it wouldnt hurt to add vshost.exe and YourCompiledApplicationName.exe.svchost so it works when run through your IDE.. and also If your app is running under 64bit Windows you likely should also set the following DWORD under the following registry path to the same value as per the 32bit path HK LM CU SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Microsoft Internet Explorer Main FeatureControl..
jQuery - If Select Not Selected Being Ignored http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20596546/jquery-if-select-not-selected-being-ignored jQuery div.amfinder horizontal td nth child 6 select option .each function this.selected this.text php echo Mage registry 'current_category' getName jQuery div.amfinder horizontal td nth child 6 select option .change 'finder 4023 20454' .simulate..
What happened to Dojo in 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2450696/what-happened-to-dojo-in-2008 Vista starts video &mdash irrelevant . IT Dojo Add Copy To and Move To commands to Windows XP Explorer with this registry hack &mdash not even close . Dragon Dojo Martial ArtsĀ® Named 'Official Small Business of NASCARĀ® Courtesy of Office DepotĀ®'..
How can I convince IE to simply display application/json rather than offer to download it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2483771/how-can-i-convince-ie-to-simply-display-application-json-rather-than-offer-to-do question I found the answer. You can configure IE8 to display application json in the browser window by updating the registry. There's no need for an external tool. I haven't tested this broadly but it works with IE8 on Vista. To use this remember.. tested this broadly but it works with IE8 on Vista. To use this remember all the usual caveats about updating the registry apply. Stop IE. Then cut and paste the following into a file by the name of json ie.reg . Windows Registry Editor Version.. does why it works The 25336920 03F9 11cf 8FD0 00AA00686F13 is the CLSID for the Browse in place action. Basically this registry entry is telling IE that for docs that have a mime type of application json just view it in place. This won't affect any..
What's the difference between using jQuery's onclick and the onclick attribute? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/398760/whats-the-difference-between-using-jquerys-onclick-and-the-onclick-attribute ' click me a jquery share improve this question One big difference is that jQuery's events are handled in a registry which is parsed on the click event. Crucially this means that you are permitted to assign multiple callbacks and have them.. script They will both be invoked on the click event in that order. The real onClick event is overridden by jQuery's registry driven system. In the vanilla document structure without a system like jQuery in place there can only be one onClick event...
Jquery cookie monitor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5908504/jquery-cookie-monitor callback setInterval function if cookieRegistry cookieName if readCookie cookieName cookieRegistry cookieName update registry so we dont get triggered again cookieRegistry cookieName readCookie cookieName return callback else cookieRegistry cookieName..
“oCol is Undefined” Using Datatables and jQuery Ui Dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6405429/ocol-is-undefined-using-datatables-and-jquery-ui-dialog oCol is Undefined&rdquo Using Datatables and jQuery Ui Dialog I have a form for search a registry. This form shows the info in a jQuery Dialog and inside of the dialog i am using Datatables Yes inside of the dialog i have..