jquery Programming Glossary: questionid
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199379/how-to-associate-each-option-button-with-their-own-individual-marks answers in checkbox buttons and three text inputs showing questionId option type and number of marks for each individual answer... input per question p Question Id input type 'text' class 'questionIds' name 'questionids' value ' php echo htmlspecialchars arrQuestionId..
It is not inserting data into database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14554847/it-is-not-inserting-data-into-database query error here echo __LINE__.' '. insert error break 1 questionId mysqli insert_id question_ids questionNo questionId imgresults.. 1 questionId mysqli insert_id question_ids questionNo questionId imgresults _POST 'imgid' foreach imgresults as imgid imgvalue..
How to trigger jQuery change event in code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4247264/how-to-trigger-jquery-change-event-in-code activeDropBox null select.drop box .change function var questionId this .attr questionId var selectedAnswer this .val activeDropBox.. select.drop box .change function var questionId this .attr questionId var selectedAnswer this .val activeDropBox this alert this.questionId.. var selectedAnswer this .val activeDropBox this alert this.questionId .ajax type POST url answerChangedActionUrl data questionId..
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199379/how-to-associate-each-option-button-with-their-own-individual-marks the database tables for this example application Question QuestionId PK auto QuestionNo SessionId FK Session OptionId FK Option 72.. 1 A C 2 A D 3 A E 4 A F Answer AnswerId PK auto QuestionId FK Question Answer 1 72 C 2 73 A 3 73 C 4 73 D Individual_Answer.. query is here and executed qandaqrystmt bind_result qandaQuestionId qandaQuestionNo qandaQuestionContent qandaOptionType qandaAnswer..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13020459/files-get-uploaded-just-before-they-get-cancelled INSERT INTO Image_Question ImageId SessionId QuestionId VALUES prepare the above SQL statement if insertimagequestion..
It is not inserting data into database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14554847/it-is-not-inserting-data-into-database error imagequestionsql INSERT INTO Image_Question ImageId QuestionId VALUES if insertimagequestion mysqli prepare imagequestionsql..
How to associate marks for each answer button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14866099/how-to-associate-marks-for-each-answer-button is how and what is best way to do this DB TABLES Question QuestionId PK auto QuestionNo SessionId FK Session OptionId FK Option 72.. 1 A C 2 A D 3 A E 4 A F Answer AnswerId PK auto QuestionId FK Question Answer 1 72 C 2 73 A 3 73 C 4 73 D Individual_Answer.. the answer buttons for each question qandaquery SELECT q.QuestionId q.QuestionNo o.OptionType GROUP_CONCAT DISTINCT Answer ORDER..
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199379/how-to-associate-each-option-button-with-their-own-individual-marks and associated with each questions in their possible answers in checkbox buttons and three text inputs showing questionId option type and number of marks for each individual answer. Actually the number of marks for each individual answer if the.. arrOptionType key p Output each QuestionId text input per question p Question Id input type 'text' class 'questionIds' name 'questionids' value ' php echo htmlspecialchars arrQuestionId key ' p Output each OptionType text input per question..
It is not inserting data into database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14554847/it-is-not-inserting-data-into-database bind_param i questionNo insert execute if insert errno Handle query error here echo __LINE__.' '. insert error break 1 questionId mysqli insert_id question_ids questionNo questionId imgresults _POST 'imgid' foreach imgresults as imgid imgvalue image.. Handle query error here echo __LINE__.' '. insert error break 1 questionId mysqli insert_id question_ids questionNo questionId imgresults _POST 'imgid' foreach imgresults as imgid imgvalue image imgvalue imgquesid question_ids imgid LINE 305 where..
How to trigger jQuery change event in code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4247264/how-to-trigger-jquery-change-event-in-code kind ladies and gentlemen. Code document .ready function var activeDropBox null select.drop box .change function var questionId this .attr questionId var selectedAnswer this .val activeDropBox this alert this.questionId .ajax type POST url answerChangedActionUrl.. Code document .ready function var activeDropBox null select.drop box .change function var questionId this .attr questionId var selectedAnswer this .val activeDropBox this alert this.questionId .ajax type POST url answerChangedActionUrl data questionId.. box .change function var questionId this .attr questionId var selectedAnswer this .val activeDropBox this alert this.questionId .ajax type POST url answerChangedActionUrl data questionId questionId selectedValue selectedAnswer success function data..
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199379/how-to-associate-each-option-button-with-their-own-individual-marks they are all worth 0 in their text inputs Now here is the database tables for this example application Question QuestionId PK auto QuestionNo SessionId FK Session OptionId FK Option 72 1 26 3 73 2 26 4 Option_Table OptionId PK Auto OptionType.. 72 1 26 3 73 2 26 4 Option_Table OptionId PK Auto OptionType 1 A C 2 A D 3 A E 4 A F Answer AnswerId PK auto QuestionId FK Question Answer 1 72 C 2 73 A 3 73 C 4 73 D Individual_Answer AnswerId PK auto AnswerMarks 1 2 2 2 3 1 4 .. 1 2 2 2 3 1 4 2 The actual code is below qandaqry query is here and executed qandaqrystmt bind_result qandaQuestionId qandaQuestionNo qandaQuestionContent qandaOptionType qandaAnswer qandaAnswerMarks arrQuestionId array arrQuestionNo array..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13020459/files-get-uploaded-just-before-they-get-cancelled be using last retrieved Image id in order to do this imagequestionsql INSERT INTO Image_Question ImageId SessionId QuestionId VALUES prepare the above SQL statement if insertimagequestion mysqli prepare imagequestionsql Handle errors with prepare..
It is not inserting data into database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14554847/it-is-not-inserting-data-into-database errors with prepare operation here echo __LINE__.' '. mysqli error imagequestionsql INSERT INTO Image_Question ImageId QuestionId VALUES if insertimagequestion mysqli prepare imagequestionsql Handle errors with prepare operation here echo __LINE__.'..
How to associate marks for each answer button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14866099/how-to-associate-marks-for-each-answer-button incorrect answers their marks are each worth 0. My question is how and what is best way to do this DB TABLES Question QuestionId PK auto QuestionNo SessionId FK Session OptionId FK Option 72 1 26 3 73 2 26 4 Option_Table OptionId PK Auto OptionType.. 72 1 26 3 73 2 26 4 Option_Table OptionId PK Auto OptionType 1 A C 2 A D 3 A E 4 A F Answer AnswerId PK auto QuestionId FK Question Answer 1 72 C 2 73 A 3 73 C 4 73 D Individual_Answer AnswerId PK auto AnswerMarks 1 2 2 2 3 1 4 .. 3 1 4 2 Code below where it compiles the query and comiples the answer buttons for each question qandaquery SELECT q.QuestionId q.QuestionNo o.OptionType GROUP_CONCAT DISTINCT Answer ORDER BY Answer SEPARATOR ' ' AS Answer FROM Question q LEFT..