jquery Programming Glossary: quirks
set colspan dynamically with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1294850/set-colspan-dynamically-with-jquery to be aware of it's implementation and the cross browser quirks that come with it. I've also made some assumptions about your..
Permission denied when accessing navigator.userAgent in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13378985/permission-denied-when-accessing-navigator-useragent-in-ie9 . The browser writes in the log that it is switching from quirks mode to IE9 mode. My hypothesis has been that jQuery is being.. switches to IE9 mode causing jQuery to be caught in the quirks mode and from there on unable to access any browser attributes...
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events live handlers from firing multiple times pageChange event quirks triggering twice Sometimes pagechange event can trigger twice..
Does jQuery strip some html elements from a string when using .html()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2488839/does-jquery-strip-some-html-elements-from-a-string-when-using-html
JQuery class selectors like $(.someClass) are case sensitive? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2580029/jquery-class-selectors-like-someclass-are-case-sensitive an hour like I did. javascript jquery html standards quirks mode share improve this question Turns out JQuery's class.. browser supports it. This method is case insensitive on quirks mode pages and case sensitive on non quirksmode aka standards.. insensitive on quirks mode pages and case sensitive on non quirksmode aka standards compliant pages. Sure it's usually obvious..
What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2599020/what-are-the-typical-reasons-javascript-developed-on-firefox-fails-on-ie I found this page which shows some differences http www.quirksmode.org compatibility.html Can you from your experience name.. applies to IE8 and below and to a certain extent IE9 in quirks mode. For example IE9 supports SVG canvas audio and video natively.. many times slower and has many more glitches than when in quirks mode when using VML. SVG IE9 supports SVG natively. IE6 8 can..
Getting height and width of body or window of web page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3288397/getting-height-and-width-of-body-or-window-of-web-page window of web page Depending on which mode of IE8 i'm in quirks or standard i get different values for the height and width... as jQuery should naturally be taking into account any quirks with the browser. It is important to note that the lightbox..
jQuery Accordion: IE animation issues http://stackoverflow.com/questions/332448/jquery-accordion-ie-animation-issues it . The lack of a doctype meant that IE 7 was running in quirks mode and the inline CSS emitted by the JQuery Accordion was..
Extending XHTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/434450/extending-xhtml XHTML but it will throw any browsers that read it into quirks mode even if they don't choke on the file. Using a namespace..
jQuery animate scrolltop on Opera bug http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4880743/jquery-animate-scrolltop-on-opera-bug code is likely to behave strangely. Why In Firefox and IE quirks mode you have to set the property on the body to make the page..
How can I achieve a consistent layout in all browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/611704/how-can-i-achieve-a-consistent-layout-in-all-browsers it should be very good &mdash good enough to avoid browser quirks modes since quirks are by definition not standard Use a reset.. &mdash good enough to avoid browser quirks modes since quirks are by definition not standard Use a reset style sheet . Note..
How do I get CSS mediaqueries to work with jQuery $(window).innerWidth()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8472566/how-do-i-get-css-mediaqueries-to-work-with-jquery-window-innerwidth as media queries even in the face of device or browser quirks as seen here is to trigger my window.resize logic in response..
set colspan dynamically with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1294850/set-colspan-dynamically-with-jquery is just a demonstration to show that attr can be used but to be aware of it's implementation and the cross browser quirks that come with it. I've also made some assumptions about your table layout in the demo i.e. apply the colspan to the first..
Permission denied when accessing navigator.userAgent in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13378985/permission-denied-when-accessing-navigator-useragent-in-ie9 permission denied when trying to access navigator.userAgent . The browser writes in the log that it is switching from quirks mode to IE9 mode. My hypothesis has been that jQuery is being loaded before the browser switches to IE9 mode causing jQuery.. has been that jQuery is being loaded before the browser switches to IE9 mode causing jQuery to be caught in the quirks mode and from there on unable to access any browser attributes. I have tried inserting doctype html and inserted the X UA..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events solution http sholsinger.com archive 2011 08 prevent jquery live handlers from firing multiple times pageChange event quirks triggering twice Sometimes pagechange event can trigger twice and it does not have anything to do with the problem mentioned..
Does jQuery strip some html elements from a string when using .html()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2488839/does-jquery-strip-some-html-elements-from-a-string-when-using-html
JQuery class selectors like $(.someClass) are case sensitive? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2580029/jquery-class-selectors-like-someclass-are-case-sensitive so I'm posting it as a Q A pair so someone else won't waste an hour like I did. javascript jquery html standards quirks mode share improve this question Turns out JQuery's class selector uses the new javascript method getElementsByClassName.. uses the new javascript method getElementsByClassName if the browser supports it. This method is case insensitive on quirks mode pages and case sensitive on non quirksmode aka standards compliant pages. Sure it's usually obvious that the cases.. if the browser supports it. This method is case insensitive on quirks mode pages and case sensitive on non quirksmode aka standards compliant pages. Sure it's usually obvious that the cases are different but when the text is stuck in..
What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2599020/what-are-the-typical-reasons-javascript-developed-on-firefox-fails-on-ie failing points of IE What direction I can keep my eyes open. I found this page which shows some differences http www.quirksmode.org compatibility.html Can you from your experience name some typical things I should look for first I will also ask.. IE9 fixes many of the following issues so a lot of this only applies to IE8 and below and to a certain extent IE9 in quirks mode. For example IE9 supports SVG canvas audio and video natively however you must enable standards compliance mode for.. Be aware that IE8 in standards compliance mode is many times slower and has many more glitches than when in quirks mode when using VML. SVG IE9 supports SVG natively. IE6 8 can support SVG but only with external plugins with only some..
Getting height and width of body or window of web page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3288397/getting-height-and-width-of-body-or-window-of-web-page height and width of body or window of web page Depending on which mode of IE8 i'm in quirks or standard i get different values for the height and width. I've tried standard javascript and jquery but both return different.. of the width and height compared to that of the native result as jQuery should naturally be taking into account any quirks with the browser. It is important to note that the lightbox script above tends to prefer document over document.body for..
jQuery Accordion: IE animation issues http://stackoverflow.com/questions/332448/jquery-accordion-ie-animation-issues a doc type for the html document some developer had removed it . The lack of a doctype meant that IE 7 was running in quirks mode and the inline CSS emitted by the JQuery Accordion was behaving funky. Consider adding DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD..
Extending XHTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/434450/extending-xhtml the DTD define the language and thus a custom DTD isn't really XHTML but it will throw any browsers that read it into quirks mode even if they don't choke on the file. Using a namespace on the other hand will produce perfectly valid XHTML though..
jQuery animate scrolltop on Opera bug http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4880743/jquery-animate-scrolltop-on-opera-bug 0 'slow' Be careful because if Opera fixes it at a point the code is likely to behave strangely. Why In Firefox and IE quirks mode you have to set the property on the body to make the page scroll while it is ignored if you set it on the html . In..
How can I achieve a consistent layout in all browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/611704/how-can-i-achieve-a-consistent-layout-in-all-browsers doctype you don't necessarily need perfect markup but it should be very good &mdash good enough to avoid browser quirks modes since quirks are by definition not standard Use a reset style sheet . Note that depending on the sheet's contents.. necessarily need perfect markup but it should be very good &mdash good enough to avoid browser quirks modes since quirks are by definition not standard Use a reset style sheet . Note that depending on the sheet's contents this item may be incompatible..
How do I get CSS mediaqueries to work with jQuery $(window).innerWidth()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8472566/how-do-i-get-css-mediaqueries-to-work-with-jquery-window-innerwidth My solution to triggering JavaScript at the exact same time as media queries even in the face of device or browser quirks as seen here is to trigger my window.resize logic in response to a change that the media query made. Here's an example CSS..
pageYOffset Scrolling and Animation in IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10286162/pageyoffset-scrolling-and-animation-in-ie8
jQuery detect IE6 using jQuery.support NOT jQuery.browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1301993/jquery-detect-ie6-using-jquery-support-not-jquery-browser detect IE6 using jquery.support instead of jquery.browser which is not supported anymore. Also I need to account for Quirks mode Ugh I have seen a couple of posts on Stack but they all refer to jquery.browser and the documentation for jquery.support..
How to make this jQuery snippet work in Internet Explorer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2686836/how-to-make-this-jquery-snippet-work-in-internet-explorer improve this question Because you are missing the head tag and doctype declaration your page is being rendered in Quirks Mode. Change this html to this DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1 strict.dtd..
Getting height and width of body or window of web page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3288397/getting-height-and-width-of-body-or-window-of-web-page values for the height and width. I've tried standard javascript and jquery but both return different results. In Quirks 'body' .width 1239 'body' .height 184 document.body.clientWidth 1231 document.body.clientHeight 176 In standards 'body'..
jQuery Accordion: IE animation issues http://stackoverflow.com/questions/332448/jquery-accordion-ie-animation-issues your masterpage or html document if there's not already a doctype defined . There's actually a whole site dedicated to Quirks Mode behavior. You can check out an article about Quirks Mode here . I wrote a post which has a little more surrounding.. doctype defined . There's actually a whole site dedicated to Quirks Mode behavior. You can check out an article about Quirks Mode here . I wrote a post which has a little more surrounding information on the troubleshoot. share improve this answer..