jquery Programming Glossary: qunit
How can I use mock in my js tests? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10914704/how-can-i-use-mock-in-my-js-tests can I use mock in my js tests I try to use QUnit for testing my javascript code. I have simple functions function.. This is an excellent post on how to use sinon.js with QUnit for mocks http cjohansen.no en javascript using_sinon_js_with_qunit..
Testing Javascript that Manipulates the DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1435038/testing-javascript-that-manipulates-the-dom been looking into javascript test suites and I have found QUnit to be very interesting. I understand how to test computational..
What are some JavaScript Unit Testing and Mocking Frameworks you have used? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209418/what-are-some-javascript-unit-testing-and-mocking-frameworks-you-have-used another JavaScript framework. I am currently using QUnit for unit testing and Jack for mocking but I am pretty new to.. unit testing mocking qunit share improve this question QUnit jQUnit Writing JS tests with QUnit and jQUnit QUnit is the unit.. mocking qunit share improve this question QUnit jQUnit Writing JS tests with QUnit and jQUnit QUnit is the unit testing..
What JavaScript UI testing framework should I use for a simple HTML5 + jQuery app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4484280/what-javascript-ui-testing-framework-should-i-use-for-a-simple-html5-jquery-ap Selenium WatiN or a similar framework. I've found Jasmine QUnit and a homegrown solution using jQuery at MSDN but don't get..
Approach to handle javascript on bigger projects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5095525/approach-to-handle-javascript-on-bigger-projects jQuery have been doing for a while and their testing tool QUnit is well documented tested. Minification you'll want to minify..
knockoutjs unit testing with qunit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6331789/knockoutjs-unit-testing-with-qunit GMDYFOq2 yg discussion Here is a basic sample using QUnit http jsfiddle.net rniemeyer KF9k7 Knockout itself uses JSSpec..
QUnit with Ajax, QUnit passes the failing tests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/941133/qunit-with-ajax-qunit-passes-the-failing-tests with Ajax QUnit passes the failing tests I am looking into.. with Ajax QUnit passes the failing tests I am looking into QUnit for JavaScript.. Ajax QUnit passes the failing tests I am looking into QUnit for JavaScript unit testing. I am in a strange situation where..
Automated Unit Testing with JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/96066/automated-unit-testing-with-javascript with ANT a unit testing library such as YUI test JQuery's QUnit or jQUnit http code.google.com p jqunit Note I use a custom.. a unit testing library such as YUI test JQuery's QUnit or jQUnit http code.google.com p jqunit Note I use a custom built AJAX..
How can I use mock in my js tests? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10914704/how-can-i-use-mock-in-my-js-tests to waiting for an answers. javascript jquery testing qunit sinon share improve this question This is an excellent post.. mocks http cjohansen.no en javascript using_sinon_js_with_qunit . The spies and stubs in sinon allow you to verify calls on..
Testing Javascript that Manipulates the DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1435038/testing-javascript-that-manipulates-the-dom that will break IE javascript jquery unit testing dom qunit share improve this question I have found the Javascript..
What are some JavaScript Unit Testing and Mocking Frameworks you have used? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209418/what-are-some-javascript-unit-testing-and-mocking-frameworks-you-have-used has worked for you javascript jquery unit testing mocking qunit share improve this question QUnit jQUnit Writing JS tests..
Overriding check box in JavaScript with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2875236/overriding-check-box-in-javascript-with-jquery function out into it's own function and unit test it with qunit it will not work without the return false EDIT Using @patrick's.. '#shipToNotActive' .change javascript jquery checkbox qunit share improve this question How about using change instead..
knockoutjs unit testing with qunit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6331789/knockoutjs-unit-testing-with-qunit unit testing with qunit I'm new to knockoutjs and to qunit or any form of javascript.. unit testing with qunit I'm new to knockoutjs and to qunit or any form of javascript unit testing. Are there any tutorials.. in a testrunner page. jquery unit testing knockout.js qunit share improve this question There was a thread on this on..
QUnit with Ajax, QUnit passes the failing tests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/941133/qunit-with-ajax-qunit-passes-the-failing-tests callback response javascript jquery ajax unit testing qunit share improve this question Starting and stopping using..
How can I use mock in my js tests? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10914704/how-can-i-use-mock-in-my-js-tests can I use mock in my js tests I try to use QUnit for testing my javascript code. I have simple functions function Multiply a b return a b function CalculateBodyMassIndex.. jquery testing qunit sinon share improve this question This is an excellent post on how to use sinon.js with QUnit for mocks http cjohansen.no en javascript using_sinon_js_with_qunit . The spies and stubs in sinon allow you to verify calls..
Testing Javascript that Manipulates the DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1435038/testing-javascript-that-manipulates-the-dom Javascript that Manipulates the DOM I've been looking into javascript test suites and I have found QUnit to be very interesting. I understand how to test computational code but... How do you test javascript applications written..
What are some JavaScript Unit Testing and Mocking Frameworks you have used? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209418/what-are-some-javascript-unit-testing-and-mocking-frameworks-you-have-used to be compatible with that. I'd rather not have to introduce another JavaScript framework. I am currently using QUnit for unit testing and Jack for mocking but I am pretty new to the whole unit testing of JavaScript. Does anyone else have.. tool to suggest What has worked for you javascript jquery unit testing mocking qunit share improve this question QUnit jQUnit Writing JS tests with QUnit and jQUnit QUnit is the unit testing framework for the jQuery JavaScript framework. The.. suggest What has worked for you javascript jquery unit testing mocking qunit share improve this question QUnit jQUnit Writing JS tests with QUnit and jQUnit QUnit is the unit testing framework for the jQuery JavaScript framework. The testing..
What JavaScript UI testing framework should I use for a simple HTML5 + jQuery app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4484280/what-javascript-ui-testing-framework-should-i-use-for-a-simple-html5-jquery-ap Otherwise I could simply use my C# skills and use Selenium WatiN or a similar framework. I've found Jasmine QUnit and a homegrown solution using jQuery at MSDN but don't get a feel for the flow nor complexity so recommendations and first..
Approach to handle javascript on bigger projects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5095525/approach-to-handle-javascript-on-bigger-projects . Testing testing UI code is never easy but the guys over at jQuery have been doing for a while and their testing tool QUnit is well documented tested. Minification you'll want to minify your code before deploying to production RequireJS has this..
knockoutjs unit testing with qunit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6331789/knockoutjs-unit-testing-with-qunit here the other day https groups.google.com d topic knockoutjs GMDYFOq2 yg discussion Here is a basic sample using QUnit http jsfiddle.net rniemeyer KF9k7 Knockout itself uses JSSpec to run a suite of verifications. You can see the tests here..
QUnit with Ajax, QUnit passes the failing tests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/941133/qunit-with-ajax-qunit-passes-the-failing-tests with Ajax QUnit passes the failing tests I am looking into QUnit for JavaScript unit testing. I am in a strange situation.. with Ajax QUnit passes the failing tests I am looking into QUnit for JavaScript unit testing. I am in a strange situation where I am checking.. with Ajax QUnit passes the failing tests I am looking into QUnit for JavaScript unit testing. I am in a strange situation where I am checking against the value returned from the Ajax call...
Automated Unit Testing with JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/96066/automated-unit-testing-with-javascript debugging and timeouts. Has anyone had any luck automating with ANT a unit testing library such as YUI test JQuery's QUnit or jQUnit http code.google.com p jqunit Note I use a custom built AJAX library so the problem with Dojo's DOH is that it.. and timeouts. Has anyone had any luck automating with ANT a unit testing library such as YUI test JQuery's QUnit or jQUnit http code.google.com p jqunit Note I use a custom built AJAX library so the problem with Dojo's DOH is that it requires..
How can I use mock in my js tests? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10914704/how-can-i-use-mock-in-my-js-tests SummAll will be called .each from jQuery library With thanks to waiting for an answers. javascript jquery testing qunit sinon share improve this question This is an excellent post on how to use sinon.js with QUnit for mocks http cjohansen.no.. is an excellent post on how to use sinon.js with QUnit for mocks http cjohansen.no en javascript using_sinon_js_with_qunit . The spies and stubs in sinon allow you to verify calls on existing objects very easily. EDIT The sinon.js documentation..
Testing Javascript that Manipulates the DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1435038/testing-javascript-that-manipulates-the-dom all working properly test that there are no extraneous commas that will break IE javascript jquery unit testing dom qunit share improve this question I have found the Javascript DOM tests especially for the simple interactions that you are..
What are some JavaScript Unit Testing and Mocking Frameworks you have used? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209418/what-are-some-javascript-unit-testing-and-mocking-frameworks-you-have-used Does anyone else have a better tool to suggest What has worked for you javascript jquery unit testing mocking qunit share improve this question QUnit jQUnit Writing JS tests with QUnit and jQUnit QUnit is the unit testing framework..
Overriding check box in JavaScript with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2875236/overriding-check-box-in-javascript-with-jquery remove it it works great. The problem is if I pull the click function out into it's own function and unit test it with qunit it will not work without the return false EDIT Using @patrick's answer my results are Firefox Manual test of toy good. Unit.. also ' input name shipToNotActive ' .attr 'checked' 'checked' '#shipToNotActive' .change javascript jquery checkbox qunit share improve this question How about using change instead of click '#makeHidden' .change function var isChecked this..
knockoutjs unit testing with qunit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6331789/knockoutjs-unit-testing-with-qunit unit testing with qunit I'm new to knockoutjs and to qunit or any form of javascript unit testing. Are there any tutorials around that can help.. unit testing with qunit I'm new to knockoutjs and to qunit or any form of javascript unit testing. Are there any tutorials around that can help me unit test knockoutjs. Thanks Updated.. a viewmodel variable that sits in an actual page rather than in a testrunner page. jquery unit testing knockout.js qunit share improve this question There was a thread on this on the KO forums here the other day https groups.google.com d..
QUnit with Ajax, QUnit passes the failing tests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/941133/qunit-with-ajax-qunit-passes-the-failing-tests json url AjaxService.asmx GetPersons success function response callback response javascript jquery ajax unit testing qunit share improve this question Starting and stopping using the QUnit library seems to be working test to check if the persons..