jquery Programming Glossary: quizquestionid
Problem with jQuery.ajax with 'delete' method in ie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2456820/problem-with-jquery-ajax-with-delete-method-in-ie 'script' type 'put' url quizzes quizId quiz_questions quizQuestionId success function msg initializeQuizQuestions setPublishButtonStatus.. delete action fails in ie function deleteQuizQuestion quizQuestionId quizId send ajax call to back end to change the difficulty of.. 'script' type 'delete' url quizzes quizId quiz_questions quizQuestionId success function msg alert success initializeQuizQuestions setSelectStatus..
Problem with jQuery.ajax with 'delete' method in ie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2456820/problem-with-jquery-ajax-with-delete-method-in-ie works in all browsers jQuery.ajax async true data data dataType 'script' type 'put' url quizzes quizId quiz_questions quizQuestionId success function msg initializeQuizQuestions setPublishButtonStatus delete action fails in ie function deleteQuizQuestion.. function msg initializeQuizQuestions setPublishButtonStatus delete action fails in ie function deleteQuizQuestion quizQuestionId quizId send ajax call to back end to change the difficulty of the quiz question back end will then refresh the relevant.. bars flashes quiz status jQuery.ajax async true dataType 'script' type 'delete' url quizzes quizId quiz_questions quizQuestionId success function msg alert success initializeQuizQuestions setSelectStatus quizQuestionId true jQuery tr id 'quiz_question_..