jquery Programming Glossary: ows_id
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2042178/chrome-and-safari-xslt-using-javascript Test ows_FirstName Test 4 ows_UniqueId 74 # 1A16CF3E 524D 4DEF BE36 68A964CC24DF ows_FSObjType 74 #0 ows_MetaInfo 74 # ows_ID 74 ows_owshiddenversion 10 ows_Created 2009 12 29 12 21 01 ows_FileRef 74 #Lists My List Name 74_.000 ReadOnly False VerificationRequired..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6179174/whose-fault-is-it-css-or-javascript this .attr ows_FileLeafRef .substring this .attr ows_FileLeafRef .indexOf '#' 1 var itemLink itemURL this .attr ows_ID var itemLink this .attr ows_NewsLink var liHtml div a href ' itemLink ' target '_blank' img src ' imageLink ' a div var..
jQuery XML parsing with namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/853740/jquery-xml-parsing-with-namespaces s Schema id RowsetSchema s ElementType name row content eltOnly rs CommandTimeout 30 s AttributeType name ows_ID rs name ID rs number 1 s datatype dt type i4 dt maxLength 4 s AttributeType s AttributeType name ows_DocIcon rs name Type.. Category rs number 4 s datatype dt type string dt maxLength 512 s AttributeType s ElementType s Schema rs data z row ows_ID 2 ows_LinkTitle Sample Data 1 z row ows_ID 3 ows_LinkTitle Sample Data 2 z row ows_ID 4 ows_LinkTitle Sample Data 3 rs data.. dt maxLength 512 s AttributeType s ElementType s Schema rs data z row ows_ID 2 ows_LinkTitle Sample Data 1 z row ows_ID 3 ows_LinkTitle Sample Data 2 z row ows_ID 4 ows_LinkTitle Sample Data 3 rs data xml All I really want are the z row 's...