jquery Programming Glossary: overlay
How can I duplicate Pinterest website's modal effect? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11252579/how-can-i-duplicate-pinterest-websites-modal-effect piece of data in the center of the screen with a white overlay. Scrolling main page is disabled while AJAX modal data receives..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 editSettings addSettings delSettings multipleSearch true overlay false onClose function form if we close the search dialog during..
jquery IE Fadein and Fadeout Opacity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284163/jquery-ie-fadein-and-fadeout-opacity and renders the page a solid color before removing the overlay. Anyone know how to fix this bug Its really annoying I am using.. in JavaScript before I called fadeIn solved the problem '.overlay' .css 'filter' 'alpha opacity 40 ' '.overlay' .fadeIn 500 This.. the problem '.overlay' .css 'filter' 'alpha opacity 40 ' '.overlay' .fadeIn 500 This was using just a plain DIV not a transparent..
jquery: how can i create a simple overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1718951/jquery-how-can-i-create-a-simple-overlay how can i create a simple overlay how can i create a really basic overlay in jquery without UI.. i create a simple overlay how can i create a really basic overlay in jquery without UI which is a lightweight plugin jquery .. plugin jquery share improve this question An overlay is simply put a div that stays fixed on the screen no matter..
Passing mouse clicks through an overlaying element <div> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1737480/passing-mouse-clicks-through-an-overlaying-element-div mouse clicks through an overlaying element div Is it possible to pass mouse clicks through.. div Is it possible to pass mouse clicks through an overlaying element div style z index 100 background url '.. images rain.24.png'.. this... Is there any way of creating a purely aesthetic overlay layer in HTML 5 CSS 3 and or JavaScript jQuery Thanks in advance..
jQuery UI Dialog Box - Close Function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366854/jquery-ui-dialog-box-close-function .dialog resizable false modal true width 400 height 450 overlay backgroundColor #000 opacity 0.5 buttons Close function this..
Passing data to a jQuery UI Dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/394491/passing-data-to-a-jquery-ui-dialog of the alert No function this .dialog close modal true overlay opacity 0.5 background black and the dialog itself div id..
How to use jQuery in Firefox Extension http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491490/how-to-use-jquery-in-firefox-extension question I use the following example.xul xml version 1.0 overlay id example xmlns http www.mozilla.org keymaster gatekeeper there.is.only.xul.. script type application x javascript src example.js script overlay And here is an example.js function jQuery.noConflict function..
Dialog box runs for 1 sec and disappears? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063522/dialog-box-runs-for-1-sec-and-disappears box '#confirmDialog' .dialog autoOpen false modal true overlay backgroundColor '#000' opacity 0.5 buttons 'I am sure' function..
jquery fancybox 2.0.3 - prevent close on click outside of fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8400433/jquery-fancybox-2-0-3-prevent-close-on-click-outside-of-fancybox share improve this question Use this option helpers overlay closeClick false so your final script should look like document.. fancybox openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' helpers overlay closeClick false prevents closing when clicking OUTSIDE fancybox..
jQGrid Column Chooser Modal Overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9687201/jqgrid-column-chooser-modal-overlay the Search button brings up a modal form with a darkened overlay behind it. Now notice how clicking on the Column Chooser button.. on the Column Chooser button brings up a modal form but no overlay behind it. My question is how do I get the dark overlay to appear.. no overlay behind it. My question is how do I get the dark overlay to appear behind my Column Chooser popup javascript jquery..
How to make a lightbox 'breakout' of an iframe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10005464/how-to-make-a-lightbox-breakout-of-an-iframe jQuery Tools Tabs. On the first tab I use jQuery Tools Overlay to popup a YouTube video in a lightbox. This is all working..
jquery IE Fadein and Fadeout Opacity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284163/jquery-ie-fadein-and-fadeout-opacity Opacity I am getting this weird problem in IE with a CSS Overlay I am applying for a lightbox. Basically I use fadein and fadeout..
Binding dynamically created elements in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2238616/binding-dynamically-created-elements-in-jquery '#overlay' .fadeOut 1000 '.modal' .fadeOut 200 Overlay click trigger out '#overlay' .click function '#overlay' .fadeOut..
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay 2. The fast robust Demo2 only supports borders var box new Overlay body .mouseover function e var el e.target var offset el.offset.. the elements and actions of the overlay. function Overlay width height left top this.width this.height this.left this.top..
jQuery Tools Alternatives? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5561409/jquery-tools-alternatives for jQuery Tools Tabs Toolbox.History jQuery Tools Overlay Toolbox.Expose jQuery Tools Tooltip jQuery Tools Validator Thanks... ever updating jQuery . I really like prettyPhoto for the Overlay Lightbox effect. It's well supported and dynamically re sizes..
Active a Overlay jquery from a JS function instead a selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6945289/active-a-overlay-jquery-from-a-js-function-instead-a-selector a Overlay jquery from a JS function instead a selector right now I have.. overlay when I call some kind of JS function like activateOverlay . Example of the code that I have j document .ready function.. images loader.gif alt loading title loading ' j '.activateOverlayJquery a' .each function var dialog j ' div div ' .append loading.clone..
jqgrid - resize and overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8671052/jqgrid-resize-and-overlay table div id Pager div body html JSON colModel name Overlay label Overlay width 60 align left jsonmap cells.0.value .. id Pager div body html JSON colModel name Overlay label Overlay width 60 align left jsonmap cells.0.value sortable true .. left jsonmap cells.3.value sortable false colNames Overlay ID FirstName LastName mypage outerwrapper page 1 total 1 ..
How to Extend Twitter Bootstrap Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9137311/how-to-extend-twitter-bootstrap-plugin
jQGrid Column Chooser Modal Overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9687201/jqgrid-column-chooser-modal-overlay Column Chooser Modal Overlay Looking off this example notice how clicking on the Search..
How can I duplicate Pinterest website's modal effect? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11252579/how-can-i-duplicate-pinterest-websites-modal-effect verified via Inspect Element . The AJAX process will place that piece of data in the center of the screen with a white overlay. Scrolling main page is disabled while AJAX modal data receives scroll events via #zoomScroll . Clicking modal background..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 'restoreRow' lastSel lastSel id .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' editSettings addSettings delSettings multipleSearch true overlay false onClose function form if we close the search dialog during the datapicker are opened the datepicker will stay opened...
jquery IE Fadein and Fadeout Opacity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284163/jquery-ie-fadein-and-fadeout-opacity background. On fadeout it removes the opacity for 1 sec second and renders the page a solid color before removing the overlay. Anyone know how to fix this bug Its really annoying I am using all the correct filters etc its just the fadein and fadeout.. had the same problem in IE8. Setting the opacity of the DIV in JavaScript before I called fadeIn solved the problem '.overlay' .css 'filter' 'alpha opacity 40 ' '.overlay' .fadeIn 500 This was using just a plain DIV not a transparent PNG. share..
jquery: how can i create a simple overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1718951/jquery-how-can-i-create-a-simple-overlay how can i create a simple overlay how can i create a really basic overlay in jquery without UI which is a lightweight plugin jquery share improve this.. how can i create a simple overlay how can i create a really basic overlay in jquery without UI which is a lightweight plugin jquery share improve this question An overlay is simply put a div.. a really basic overlay in jquery without UI which is a lightweight plugin jquery share improve this question An overlay is simply put a div that stays fixed on the screen no matter if you scroll and has some sort of opacity. This will be you..
Passing mouse clicks through an overlaying element <div> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1737480/passing-mouse-clicks-through-an-overlaying-element-div mouse clicks through an overlaying element div Is it possible to pass mouse clicks through an overlaying element div style z index 100 background url '.... mouse clicks through an overlaying element div Is it possible to pass mouse clicks through an overlaying element div style z index 100 background url '.. images rain.24.png' width 100 height 100 top 0 bottom 0 left 0 right.. web page with images links etc Thinking of another way to word this... Is there any way of creating a purely aesthetic overlay layer in HTML 5 CSS 3 and or JavaScript jQuery Thanks in advance and sorry if this question isn't too clear. Peace. javascript..
jQuery UI Dialog Box - Close Function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366854/jquery-ui-dialog-box-close-function .click function '#terms' .css 'display' 'inline' '#terms' .dialog resizable false modal true width 400 height 450 overlay backgroundColor #000 opacity 0.5 buttons Close function this .dialog close close function ev ui this .remove Thanks ..
Passing data to a jQuery UI Dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/394491/passing-data-to-a-jquery-ui-dialog Post to Booking.aspx Cancel 10 would be so nice here instead of the alert No function this .dialog close modal true overlay opacity 0.5 background black and the dialog itself div id dialog title Cancel booking Are you sure you want to cancel..
How to use jQuery in Firefox Extension http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491490/how-to-use-jquery-in-firefox-extension jquery firefox firefox addon share improve this question I use the following example.xul xml version 1.0 overlay id example xmlns http www.mozilla.org keymaster gatekeeper there.is.only.xul head head script type application x javascript.. script type application x javascript src jquery.js script script type application x javascript src example.js script overlay And here is an example.js function jQuery.noConflict function selector context return new jQuery.fn.init selector context..
Dialog box runs for 1 sec and disappears? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063522/dialog-box-runs-for-1-sec-and-disappears brandName br Your order will not be saved. p div Create Dialog box '#confirmDialog' .dialog autoOpen false modal true overlay backgroundColor '#000' opacity 0.5 buttons 'I am sure' function var href this .dialog 'option' 'href' this.href window.location.href..
jquery fancybox 2.0.3 - prevent close on click outside of fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8400433/jquery-fancybox-2-0-3-prevent-close-on-click-outside-of-fancybox doesn't seems to work in fancybox 2.0.3 jquery fancybox share improve this question Use this option helpers overlay closeClick false so your final script should look like document .ready function .various .fancybox closeClick false prevents.. .fancybox closeClick false prevents closing when clicking INSIDE fancybox openEffect 'none' closeEffect 'none' helpers overlay closeClick false prevents closing when clicking OUTSIDE fancybox .trigger click hideOnOverlayClick and hideOnContentClick..
jQGrid Column Chooser Modal Overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9687201/jqgrid-column-chooser-modal-overlay Overlay Looking off this example notice how clicking on the Search button brings up a modal form with a darkened overlay behind it. Now notice how clicking on the Column Chooser button brings up a modal form but no overlay behind it. My question.. with a darkened overlay behind it. Now notice how clicking on the Column Chooser button brings up a modal form but no overlay behind it. My question is how do I get the dark overlay to appear behind my Column Chooser popup javascript jquery jqgrid.. on the Column Chooser button brings up a modal form but no overlay behind it. My question is how do I get the dark overlay to appear behind my Column Chooser popup javascript jquery jqgrid share improve this question There are currently undocumented..
How to make a lightbox 'breakout' of an iframe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10005464/how-to-make-a-lightbox-breakout-of-an-iframe The iframe loads a .php page which has a rotator built with jQuery Tools Tabs. On the first tab I use jQuery Tools Overlay to popup a YouTube video in a lightbox. This is all working fine on the stand alone page however when viewed on the site's..
jquery IE Fadein and Fadeout Opacity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284163/jquery-ie-fadein-and-fadeout-opacity IE Fadein and Fadeout Opacity I am getting this weird problem in IE with a CSS Overlay I am applying for a lightbox. Basically I use fadein and fadeout for jquery the problem is that everything works fine EXCEPT..
Binding dynamically created elements in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2238616/binding-dynamically-created-elements-in-jquery .close' .click function e Cancel the link behavior e.preventDefault '#overlay' .fadeOut 1000 '.modal' .fadeOut 200 Overlay click trigger out '#overlay' .click function '#overlay' .fadeOut 1000 '.modal' .fadeOut 200 Load rules in to modal '#rules..
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay el.outerHeight 1 left offset.left top offset.top box.show 2. The fast robust Demo2 only supports borders var box new Overlay body .mouseover function e var el e.target var offset el.offset box.render el.outerWidth el.outerHeight offset.left offset.top.. el.outerHeight offset.left offset.top This object encapsulates the elements and actions of the overlay. function Overlay width height left top this.width this.height this.left this.top 0 outer parent var outer div class 'outer' .appendTo body..
jQuery Tools Alternatives? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5561409/jquery-tools-alternatives jQuery Tools. I'm looking for suggestions on the best alternatives for jQuery Tools Tabs Toolbox.History jQuery Tools Overlay Toolbox.Expose jQuery Tools Tooltip jQuery Tools Validator Thanks. javascript jquery jquery tools share improve this.. six months despite more and more incompatibilities with the ever updating jQuery . I really like prettyPhoto for the Overlay Lightbox effect. It's well supported and dynamically re sizes itself to properly automatically fit any content. It supports..
Active a Overlay jquery from a JS function instead a selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6945289/active-a-overlay-jquery-from-a-js-function-instead-a-selector a Overlay jquery from a JS function instead a selector right now I have working this jQuery overlay good when a link is clicked but.. a link is clicked but I want to change it to activate the overlay when I call some kind of JS function like activateOverlay . Example of the code that I have j document .ready function var loading j ' img src images loader.gif alt loading title.. I have j document .ready function var loading j ' img src images loader.gif alt loading title loading ' j '.activateOverlayJquery a' .each function var dialog j ' div div ' .append loading.clone var link j this .one 'click' function dialog .load..
jqgrid - resize and overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8671052/jqgrid-resize-and-overlay color black color #FFFFFF style head body table id myjqgrid table div id Pager div body html JSON colModel name Overlay label Overlay width 60 align left jsonmap cells.0.value sortable true name ID label ID width 60 align left jsonmap.. color #FFFFFF style head body table id myjqgrid table div id Pager div body html JSON colModel name Overlay label Overlay width 60 align left jsonmap cells.0.value sortable true name ID label ID width 60 align left jsonmap cells.1.value.. sortable false name LastName label LastName width 100 align left jsonmap cells.3.value sortable false colNames Overlay ID FirstName LastName mypage outerwrapper page 1 total 1 records 20 innerwrapper rows id 1 cells value Click..
How to Extend Twitter Bootstrap Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9137311/how-to-extend-twitter-bootstrap-plugin
jQGrid Column Chooser Modal Overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9687201/jqgrid-column-chooser-modal-overlay Column Chooser Modal Overlay Looking off this example notice how clicking on the Search button brings up a modal form with a darkened overlay behind..