jquery Programming Glossary: outputs
jQuery - script tags in the HTML are parsed out by jQuery and not executed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2699320/jquery-script-tags-in-the-html-are-parsed-out-by-jquery-and-not-executed are on the same domain but I can't modify the code that it outputs as it is a packaged product our IT department will not let us..
Reload AJAX data every X minutes/seconds, jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2881934/reload-ajax-data-every-x-minutes-seconds-jquery refreshUsers 30 1000 refreshUsers What my PHP script outputs name Joe Smith lastLogin Fri May 21st 2010 08 07 AM name Jane..
Difference between screen.availHeight and window.height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3044230/difference-between-screen-availheight-and-window-height Firefox . console.debug Screen height screen.availHeight outputs 770 console.debug Window Height window .height outputs 210 I.. outputs 770 console.debug Window Height window .height outputs 210 I am using jQuery as well What is the difference between..
How to dynamically insert a <script> tag via jQuery after page load? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3857874/how-to-dynamically-insert-a-script-tag-via-jquery-after-page-load script here lt script gt ' but sending that to replaceWith outputs just that string to the browser. Can someone please let me know..
jQuery: Detecting pressed mouse button during mousemove event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4065992/jquery-detecting-pressed-mouse-button-during-mousemove-event function passing the current event variable through then outputs the value of e.which . function var leftButtonDown false document..
What to do with php after jquery .serialize() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6164691/what-to-do-with-php-after-jquery-serialize addition of the formSubmit true to the serial data. This outputs from the PHP page POST Result category name fields 5B 5D fields..
Array Like Objects in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6599071/array-like-objects-in-javascript var bar new foo test it bar.push 'world' console.log bar outputs 0 'hello' 1 'world' length 2 __proto__ foo Where as jQuery would.. jQuery would output var jQArray 'div' console.log jQArray outputs div div div div div div div div If you run console.dir jQArray.. something as this is what you get when you. console.dir outputs Array 0 as the object name or Array x x being the internal length..
Using javascript with the twitter API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671042/using-javascript-with-the-twitter-api makes a request to twitter using those credentials and outputs the buffer which gets sent back to the client which then processes..
jQuery Data vs Attr? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7261619/jquery-data-vs-attr using .data in jQuery console.log '#foo' .data 'foo' outputs bar However when you store data on a DOM node in jQuery using.. .data 'foo' 'baz' console.log '#foo' .attr 'data foo' outputs bar as the attribute was never changed console.log '#foo' .data.. attribute was never changed console.log '#foo' .data 'foo' outputs baz as the value has been updated on the object Also the naming..
AJAX chat, auto scroll window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/741122/ajax-chat-auto-scroll-window Overflowed DIVs with JavaScript I have an AJAX chat that outputs the messages to a div with overflow auto so if it gets too long..
Get the last modified date of a remote file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/845220/get-the-last-modified-date-of-a-remote-file share improve this question From php's article php outputs e.g. somefile.txt was last modified December 29 2002 22 16 23...
Using .after() to add html closing and open tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8706457/using-after-to-add-html-closing-and-open-tags is that .after is reversing the order of the tags and outputs ul li a href # link a li li a href # link a li li a href # link..
jPlayer and Shoutcast Configuration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8786563/jplayer-and-shoutcast-configuration fiddle to see your stream working in jPlayer.. Shoutcast outputs audio in MP3 format not M4a or OGG.. you need constructor code..
Not able to get JSON data from Plupload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10313319/not-able-to-get-json-data-from-plupload response var obj2 eval response alert response.toSource Outputs raw data alert obj is NULL alert obj2.toSource Outputs eval.. Outputs raw data alert obj is NULL alert obj2.toSource Outputs eval data format alert obj2.logo_url Is not working The alert..
Serialize form data to json http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11338774/serialize-form-data-to-json formData form.login .serializeObject console.log formData Outputs name dev.pus pass 1234 Backbone model var user new User formData..
Is this a true long polling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761008/is-this-a-true-long-polling polling will kill your resources number_of_tries sleep 1 Outputs result echo Number of tries number_of_tries br result die Here..
Is there a way to round numbers into a reader friendly format? (e.g. $1.1k) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2685911/is-there-a-way-to-round-numbers-into-a-reader-friendly-format-e-g-1-1k number abbrev i We are done... stop break return number Outputs abbrNum 12 1 12 abbrNum 0 2 0 abbrNum 1234 0 1k abbrNum 34567..
PHP + Jquery - pass value through ajax to php and check against variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4218063/php-jquery-pass-value-through-ajax-to-php-and-check-against-variable location.reload from your success handler. ajax.php Outputs 2 if the name parameter is 145 1 otherwise php score 1 userAnswer..
How does jQuery protect overwriting jQuery and $ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4465940/how-does-jquery-protect-overwriting-jquery-and 1 prototype.js script JavaScript window.onload function Outputs false because Prototype has overwritten it display Does jQuery.. Prototype has overwritten it display Does jQuery jQuery Outputs true because Prototype has overwritten it display Does 'foo'..
Array Like Objects in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6599071/array-like-objects-in-javascript div div div div div div div If you run console.dir jQArray Outputs 0 HTMLDivElement 1 HTMLDivElement 2 HTMLDivElement 3 HTMLDivElement..
How to convert milliseconds into a readable date? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8579861/how-to-convert-milliseconds-into-a-readable-date date The following new Date 1324339200000 .toUTCString Outputs Tue 20 Dec 2011 00 00 00 GMT I need it to return Dec 20 . Is..
jQuery - script tags in the HTML are parsed out by jQuery and not executed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2699320/jquery-script-tags-in-the-html-are-parsed-out-by-jquery-and-not-executed on I don't have control over what the included page has. We are on the same domain but I can't modify the code that it outputs as it is a packaged product our IT department will not let us modify. javascript jquery share improve this question ..
Reload AJAX data every X minutes/seconds, jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2881934/reload-ajax-data-every-x-minutes-seconds-jquery ' ' data.lastLogin ' p ' var refreshInterval setInterval refreshUsers 30 1000 refreshUsers What my PHP script outputs name Joe Smith lastLogin Fri May 21st 2010 08 07 AM name Jane Doe lastLogin Fri May 21st 2010 07 07 AM Thanks php jquery..
Difference between screen.availHeight and window.height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3044230/difference-between-screen-availheight-and-window-height I am executing the following Javascript on my browser Firefox . console.debug Screen height screen.availHeight outputs 770 console.debug Window Height window .height outputs 210 I am using jQuery as well What is the difference between the.. Firefox . console.debug Screen height screen.availHeight outputs 770 console.debug Window Height window .height outputs 210 I am using jQuery as well What is the difference between the two Is 770 in pixels and 210 in mm Similarly when I write..
How to dynamically insert a <script> tag via jQuery after page load? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3857874/how-to-dynamically-insert-a-script-tag-via-jquery-after-page-load like var a ' left script type text javascript gt some script here lt script gt ' but sending that to replaceWith outputs just that string to the browser. Can someone please let me know how you would go about dynamically adding a script tag into..
jQuery: Detecting pressed mouse button during mousemove event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4065992/jquery-detecting-pressed-mouse-button-during-mousemove-event The mousemove handler in my example just calls the tweak function passing the current event variable through then outputs the value of e.which . function var leftButtonDown false document .mousedown function e Left mouse button was pressed set..
What to do with php after jquery .serialize() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6164691/what-to-do-with-php-after-jquery-serialize function data 'pre' .html 'pre' .html n n data Note the addition of the formSubmit true to the serial data. This outputs from the PHP page POST Result category name fields 5B 5D fields 5B 5D formSubmit true Array category name fields Array ..
Array Like Objects in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6599071/array-like-objects-in-javascript Array.prototype.push Create an Array like object var bar new foo test it bar.push 'world' console.log bar outputs 0 'hello' 1 'world' length 2 __proto__ foo Where as jQuery would output var jQArray 'div' console.log jQArray outputs div.. outputs 0 'hello' 1 'world' length 2 __proto__ foo Where as jQuery would output var jQArray 'div' console.log jQArray outputs div div div div div div div div If you run console.dir jQArray Outputs 0 HTMLDivElement 1 HTMLDivElement 2 HTMLDivElement.. not JQuery.fn.init as would be expected also the 0 indicates something as this is what you get when you. console.dir outputs Array 0 as the object name or Array x x being the internal length of the Array I have no idea how jQuery has set it's proto..
Using javascript with the twitter API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671042/using-javascript-with-the-twitter-api username password unencrypted in GET variables. The server then makes a request to twitter using those credentials and outputs the buffer which gets sent back to the client which then processes displays it. This obviously is a horrendous security..
jQuery Data vs Attr? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7261619/jquery-data-vs-attr a id foo data foo bar href # foo a The data can then be accessed using .data in jQuery console.log '#foo' .data 'foo' outputs bar However when you store data on a DOM node in jQuery using data the variables are stored in on the node object . This.. string values. Continuing my example from above '#foo' .data 'foo' 'baz' console.log '#foo' .attr 'data foo' outputs bar as the attribute was never changed console.log '#foo' .data 'foo' outputs baz as the value has been updated on the object.. console.log '#foo' .attr 'data foo' outputs bar as the attribute was never changed console.log '#foo' .data 'foo' outputs baz as the value has been updated on the object Also the naming convention for data attributes has a bit of a hidden gotcha..
AJAX chat, auto scroll window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/741122/ajax-chat-auto-scroll-window chat auto scroll window Duplicate Scrolling Overflowed DIVs with JavaScript I have an AJAX chat that outputs the messages to a div with overflow auto so if it gets too long the scroll bar comes up. Is there is a way to have it auto..
Get the last modified date of a remote file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/845220/get-the-last-modified-date-of-a-remote-file means of curl. Does anyone know how to do that php jquery curl share improve this question From php's article php outputs e.g. somefile.txt was last modified December 29 2002 22 16 23. filename 'somefile.txt' if file_exists filename echo filename..
Using .after() to add html closing and open tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8706457/using-after-to-add-html-closing-and-open-tags ' ul ul ' The problem I'm having and what I don't understand is that .after is reversing the order of the tags and outputs ul li a href # link a li li a href # link a li li a href # link a li ul ul li a href # link a li li a href # link a li ul..
jPlayer and Shoutcast Configuration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8786563/jplayer-and-shoutcast-configuration sweet vibes on this station You're almost there see this fiddle to see your stream working in jPlayer.. Shoutcast outputs audio in MP3 format not M4a or OGG.. you need constructor code more like that below.. One important thing to know is that..
Not able to get JSON data from Plupload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10313319/not-able-to-get-json-data-from-plupload function up file response var obj jQuery.parseJSON response var obj2 eval response alert response.toSource Outputs raw data alert obj is NULL alert obj2.toSource Outputs eval data format alert obj2.logo_url Is not working The alert response.toSource.. response var obj2 eval response alert response.toSource Outputs raw data alert obj is NULL alert obj2.toSource Outputs eval data format alert obj2.logo_url Is not working The alert response.toSource returns this response logo_url http mysite.com..
Serialize form data to json http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11338774/serialize-form-data-to-json 1234 button type submit login button form JavaScript var formData form.login .serializeObject console.log formData Outputs name dev.pus pass 1234 Backbone model var user new User formData user.save jquery backbone.js underscore.js share improve..
Is this a true long polling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761008/is-this-a-true-long-polling 'poll.txt' poll false Of course else your polling will kill your resources number_of_tries sleep 1 Outputs result echo Number of tries number_of_tries br result die Here we catch the release form if isset _GET 'release' data ''..
Is there a way to round numbers into a reader friendly format? (e.g. $1.1k) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2685911/is-there-a-way-to-round-numbers-into-a-reader-friendly-format-e-g-1-1k 1 number 1 i Add the letter for the abbreviation number abbrev i We are done... stop break return number Outputs abbrNum 12 1 12 abbrNum 0 2 0 abbrNum 1234 0 1k abbrNum 34567 2 34.57k abbrNum 918395 1 918.4k abbrNum 2134124 2 2.13m abbrNum..
PHP + Jquery - pass value through ajax to php and check against variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4218063/php-jquery-pass-value-through-ajax-to-php-and-check-against-variable on. It seems like the problem is the fact that you are calling location.reload from your success handler. ajax.php Outputs 2 if the name parameter is 145 1 otherwise php score 1 userAnswer _POST 'name' if _POST 'name' 145 score echo score test.html..
How does jQuery protect overwriting jQuery and $ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4465940/how-does-jquery-protect-overwriting-jquery-and script script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs prototype 1 prototype.js script JavaScript window.onload function Outputs false because Prototype has overwritten it display Does jQuery jQuery Outputs true because Prototype has overwritten it.. script JavaScript window.onload function Outputs false because Prototype has overwritten it display Does jQuery jQuery Outputs true because Prototype has overwritten it display Does 'foo' .id 'foo' 'foo' .id 'foo' function display msg var p document.createElement..
Array Like Objects in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6599071/array-like-objects-in-javascript output var jQArray 'div' console.log jQArray outputs div div div div div div div div If you run console.dir jQArray Outputs 0 HTMLDivElement 1 HTMLDivElement 2 HTMLDivElement 3 HTMLDivElement 4 HTMLDivElement context HTMLDocument length 5 __proto__..
How to convert milliseconds into a readable date? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8579861/how-to-convert-milliseconds-into-a-readable-date to convert milliseconds into a readable date The following new Date 1324339200000 .toUTCString Outputs Tue 20 Dec 2011 00 00 00 GMT I need it to return Dec 20 . Is there a better method I can use besides toUTCString I am looking..