jquery Programming Glossary: overall
What JavaScript should be included in the <head> and what included in the <body>? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10661964/what-javascript-should-be-included-in-the-head-and-what-included-in-the-body file is downloaded parsed and executed. This hurts the overall page time especially if it happens several times during a page..
jQuery - How to remove cross domain limitation [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299438/jquery-how-to-remove-cross-domain-limitation idea . It is however server side language dependent. The overall implementation will be the same however the code to do so will..
window.scroll function freezes firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12428754/window-scroll-function-freezes-firefox a result will only compound the performance of scrolling overall. Instead it's much better to use some form of a timer to check..
Identify & Extract the title/description of an Image (Data Scraping Pinterest) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13796859/identify-extract-the-title-description-of-an-image-data-scraping-pinterest makes this jsFiddle very different from that one. The overall process involves using Yahoo's Query Language along with jQuery..
How can I defer a jQuery each loop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13955976/how-can-i-defer-a-jquery-each-loop suggest to go down to 50ms. The caveat here is that the overall processing time will increase but I think its a better deal..
set cursor to specific position on specific line in a textarea http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17858174/set-cursor-to-specific-position-on-specific-line-in-a-textarea understand If there's a better way to achieve what I need overall I'm open to that too. Here's a jsFiddle if you don't understand..
simple jquery dropdown - clearTimeout, setTimeout issues http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2316213/simple-jquery-dropdown-cleartimeout-settimeout-issues share improve this question You can simplify your code overall by using .hover and .data like this function ul.topnav li .hover..
Best solution to wait for all ajax callbacks to be executed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928208/best-solution-to-wait-for-all-ajax-callbacks-to-be-executed failing eg. I can't set timeout for response to come and overall approach I suppose there should be a way to use more power of..
HTML5 <video> callbacks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954595/html5-video-callbacks it's playing and the durationchange event occurs when the overall duration changes. You can bind to and use them just like I showed..
What is the fastest method for selecting descendant elements in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3177763/what-is-the-fastest-method-for-selecting-descendant-elements-in-jquery best then method 4 5 and then 1 2 On IE 8 while slower overall than other browsers it still follows the Method 3 1 2 4 5 ordering...
Using JQuery UI to convert radio buttons into slider elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3530652/using-jquery-ui-to-convert-radio-buttons-into-slider-elements labels degrades a bit better for non JS users like this overall div class question h2 How long is your hair h2 label input type..
Benefits vs. Pitfalls of hosting jQuery locally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3832446/benefits-vs-pitfalls-of-hosting-jquery-locally virtual server with limited resources you might find that overall site performance increases and hosting costs come down when..
How to check if a user has scrolled to the bottom http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3898130/how-to-check-if-a-user-has-scrolled-to-the-bottom visible window and checks if that equals the height of the overall content document . If you wanted to instead check if the user..
Javascript (jQuery) performance measurement and best practices (not load time) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/400836/javascript-jquery-performance-measurement-and-best-practices-not-load-time hooked DOM elements makes things slightly better but the overall experience still needs improvement with large pages. I should..
jQuery example (in jsfiddle) working in firefox but not in IE8, 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4655405/jquery-example-in-jsfiddle-working-in-firefox-but-not-in-ie8-7 down slightly throughout it's course meaning that the overall speed is affected a bit. You should change the easing to linear..
jQuery validate plugin on DIV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4936221/jquery-validate-plugin-on-div other way not the way the current version's written. The overall solution alternative approach here call .validate on the form..
JSONP request returning error: “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6046008/jsonp-request-returning-error-uncaught-syntaxerror-unexpected-token
raphael.js - converting pie graph to donut graph http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7972347/raphael-js-converting-pie-graph-to-donut-graph this so that a hole of a fixed radius was removed from the overall pie I saw this post here which helps but I can't quite tell..
Fancybox2: Title positioning and format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8655213/fancybox2-title-positioning-and-format so that whatever its height it expands to fit within the overall margin of the image and does not ingress into the image area...
event delegation vs direct binding when adding complex elements to a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8827430/event-delegation-vs-direct-binding-when-adding-complex-elements-to-a-page binding directly to the new elements would be the best for overall performance however if adding the elements is a CPU intensive..
What JavaScript should be included in the <head> and what included in the <body>? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10661964/what-javascript-should-be-included-in-the-head-and-what-included-in-the-body an external script they stop further downloads until the script file is downloaded parsed and executed. This hurts the overall page time especially if it happens several times during a page load. To minimize the blocking effect you can place the script..
jQuery - How to remove cross domain limitation [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299438/jquery-how-to-remove-cross-domain-limitation here but remember it's Yahoo specific just take the general idea . It is however server side language dependent. The overall implementation will be the same however the code to do so will vary based on your server side language of choice PHP Ruby..
window.scroll function freezes firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12428754/window-scroll-function-freezes-firefox idea . Any performance degradation in the scroll handler s as a result will only compound the performance of scrolling overall. Instead it's much better to use some form of a timer to check every X milliseconds OR to attach a scroll event and only..
Identify & Extract the title/description of an Image (Data Scraping Pinterest) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13796859/identify-extract-the-title-description-of-an-image-data-scraping-pinterest direct use of Metatag Object Numbers more on that later which makes this jsFiddle very different from that one. The overall process involves using Yahoo's Query Language along with jQuery .ajax function to get the desired scraped data usually available..
How can I defer a jQuery each loop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13955976/how-can-i-defer-a-jquery-each-loop a good value as limit for maximum processing times. I'd even suggest to go down to 50ms. The caveat here is that the overall processing time will increase but I think its a better deal to have longer processing and stay responsive instead faster..
set cursor to specific position on specific line in a textarea http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17858174/set-cursor-to-specific-position-on-specific-line-in-a-textarea although I find jQuery a little difficult to read and understand If there's a better way to achieve what I need overall I'm open to that too. Here's a jsFiddle if you don't understand the issue javascript jquery cursor textarea textselection..
simple jquery dropdown - clearTimeout, setTimeout issues http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2316213/simple-jquery-dropdown-cleartimeout-settimeout-issues null the timeout variable jquery drop down menu settimeout share improve this question You can simplify your code overall by using .hover and .data like this function ul.topnav li .hover function var timeout this .data timeout if timeout clearTimeout..
Best solution to wait for all ajax callbacks to be executed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928208/best-solution-to-wait-for-all-ajax-callbacks-to-be-executed don't like here is that in this case I can't handle response failing eg. I can't set timeout for response to come and overall approach I suppose there should be a way to use more power of functional programming here Any ideas Regards UPD Thanks for..
HTML5 <video> callbacks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954595/html5-video-callbacks question about timecode the timeupdate event occurs when it's playing and the durationchange event occurs when the overall duration changes. You can bind to and use them just like I showed with the ended event above. With timeupdate you'll probably..
What is the fastest method for selecting descendant elements in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3177763/what-is-the-fastest-method-for-selecting-descendant-elements-in-jquery best then method 1 2 and then 4 5 On Opera Method 3 is still best then method 4 5 and then 1 2 On IE 8 while slower overall than other browsers it still follows the Method 3 1 2 4 5 ordering. Overall method 3 is the overal best method to use as..
Using JQuery UI to convert radio buttons into slider elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3530652/using-jquery-ui-to-convert-radio-buttons-into-slider-elements put your content in a div class question then gave the inputs labels degrades a bit better for non JS users like this overall div class question h2 How long is your hair h2 label input type radio name 71 value 98 Short label label input type radio..
Benefits vs. Pitfalls of hosting jQuery locally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3832446/benefits-vs-pitfalls-of-hosting-jquery-locally traffic on your site . If you pay per GB or you are on a virtual server with limited resources you might find that overall site performance increases and hosting costs come down when you farm off some of your content to a public CDN. share improve..
How to check if a user has scrolled to the bottom http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3898130/how-to-check-if-a-user-has-scrolled-to-the-bottom so how much it's scrolled down adds the height of the visible window and checks if that equals the height of the overall content document . If you wanted to instead check if the user is near the bottom it'd look something like this window .scroll..
Javascript (jQuery) performance measurement and best practices (not load time) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/400836/javascript-jquery-performance-measurement-and-best-practices-not-load-time delegation already and I do get the sense that having fewer hooked DOM elements makes things slightly better but the overall experience still needs improvement with large pages. I should mention that since the site is AJAX heavy lots is loaded via..
jQuery example (in jsfiddle) working in firefox but not in IE8, 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4655405/jquery-example-in-jsfiddle-working-in-firefox-but-not-in-ie8-7 easing is swing meaning that the animation speeds up and slows down slightly throughout it's course meaning that the overall speed is affected a bit. You should change the easing to linear for your scrolling case var animate function element.animate..
jQuery validate plugin on DIV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4936221/jquery-validate-plugin-on-div .elements etc off that...it's really not going to work any other way not the way the current version's written. The overall solution alternative approach here call .validate on the form element the jQuery wrapper for it rather directly not any..
JSONP request returning error: “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6046008/jsonp-request-returning-error-uncaught-syntaxerror-unexpected-token
raphael.js - converting pie graph to donut graph http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7972347/raphael-js-converting-pie-graph-to-donut-graph startAngle 180 0 x2 y2 z .attr params How would I modify this so that a hole of a fixed radius was removed from the overall pie I saw this post here which helps but I can't quite tell how or where to apply it to my code above How to achieve 'donut..
Fancybox2: Title positioning and format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8655213/fancybox2-title-positioning-and-format within the bottom margin ie black text on white background so that whatever its height it expands to fit within the overall margin of the image and does not ingress into the image area. I would also like to show 'Image x of y' on final line of..
event delegation vs direct binding when adding complex elements to a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8827430/event-delegation-vs-direct-binding-when-adding-complex-elements-to-a-page have available CPU when you add the new elements If so then binding directly to the new elements would be the best for overall performance however if adding the elements is a CPU intensive operation you will probably want to delegate the event binding..