jquery Programming Glossary: onytplayerstatechange
youtube api end of video load a function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10459622/youtube-api-end-of-video-load-a-function onYouTubePlayerReady playerId ytplayer document.getElementById myytplayer ytplayer.addEventListener onStateChange onytplayerStateChange function onytplayerStateChange newState alert Player's new state newState Bind your custom function as the handler to the.. ytplayer document.getElementById myytplayer ytplayer.addEventListener onStateChange onytplayerStateChange function onytplayerStateChange newState alert Player's new state newState Bind your custom function as the handler to the onStateChange event and evaluate..
javascript addEventListener onStateChange not working in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2885500/javascript-addeventlistener-onstatechange-not-working-in-ie var ytswf document.getElementById 'ytplayer2' else setInterval '' 1000 ytswf.addEventListener 'onStateChange' 'onytplayerStateChange' alert 'great' function onytplayerStateChange newState alert 'amazing' if newState 0 .fn.colorbox.close alert 'perfect'.. else setInterval '' 1000 ytswf.addEventListener 'onStateChange' 'onytplayerStateChange' alert 'great' function onytplayerStateChange newState alert 'amazing' if newState 0 .fn.colorbox.close alert 'perfect' Update 3 Solution Simply put onComplete in my.. function onYouTubePlayerReady playerId ytswf document.getElementById ytplayer1 ytplayer.addEventListener onStateChange onytplayerStateChange right after you call swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v SPWU EiulRY hl en_US hd 0 rel 0 fs 1 autoplay 1 enablejsapi..
Check if YouTube video is playing and run script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8950146/check-if-youtube-video-is-playing-and-run-script VIDEO_ID enablejsapi 1 playerapiid ytplayer version 3 ytapiplayer 425 356 8 null null params atts var player function onytplayerStateChange newState if newState 1 callPlay else if newState 2 callPause function callPlay video is play function callPause video is..