jquery Programming Glossary: operation
Why is gridview:true used for and what does it mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12513004/why-is-gridviewtrue-used-for-and-what-does-it-mean 5 styles of one DOM elements you should do this in one operation. You can use jQuery.css ... with all the changed styles instead.. to other strings and will be used in jQuery.append operation like I described above. The usage of afterInsertRow callback..
Should all jquery events be bound to $(document)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12824549/should-all-jquery-events-be-bound-to-document to see if it matches each selector. This is not a cheap operation. It's no big deal if there is only one of them but if you put..
Difference Between Observers and Watchers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14876112/difference-between-observers-and-watchers getting the values of these attributes is an asynchronous operation. And this is why we need the observe and watch functions. Sometimes..
jquery ajax problem in chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1742049/jquery-ajax-problem-in-chrome google chrome share improve this question In the ajax operation just add async false after datatype json and that should solve..
What are techniques to get around the IE file download security rules? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2064882/what-are-techniques-to-get-around-the-ie-file-download-security-rules of dialog then I really need to close that up when the operation is complete &mdash really that's one of the motivations for..
jquery data selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2891452/jquery-data-selector are found. The regular jquery multiple selector does an OR operation. For instance 'a.big a.small' selects a tags with either class..
Detect when a window is resized using JavaScript ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2996431/detect-when-a-window-is-resized-using-javascript browser window Otherwise Can I detect when a window resize operation is finished I'm currently only able to trigger an event when..
How can I return a variable from a $.getJSON function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31129/how-can-i-return-a-variable-from-a-getjson-function function is a callback function i.e. getJSON is an async operation that will return at some indeterminate point in time so even..
Javascript callback for multiple ajax calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4368946/javascript-callback-for-multiple-ajax-calls calls in a click event. Each ajax call does a distinct operation and returns back data that is needed for a final callback. The..
How can jQuery deferred be used? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4869609/how-can-jquery-deferred-be-used techniques are available when we abstract away whether an operation is synchronously or asynchronously done. javascript jquery..
Problem sending JSON data from JQuery to WCF REST method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4875195/problem-sending-json-data-from-jquery-to-wcf-rest-method I have on my WCF service. On the WCF side here's the operation contract OperationContract WebInvoke Method POST BodyStyle WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare..
How to stop ASP.NET from changing IDs in order to use jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/497802/how-to-stop-asp-net-from-changing-ids-in-order-to-use-jquery asp.net from changing IDs in order to perform a jQuery operation like this '#label1' .html xml asp.net jquery ajax share improve..
Using jQuery delay() with css() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5396119/using-jquery-delay-with-css workaround you can inject the property change as a queued operation like this '#tip' .delay 800 .queue function next this .css 'display'..
jQuery deferreds and promises - .then() vs .done() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5436327/jquery-deferreds-and-promises-then-vs-done callbacks are all invoked on a completion of a successful operation. Can anyone please enlighten me to the correct usage Many thanks..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div selected it is replaced so this is effectively a paste operation. Also I added code to place the caret after the end of the inserted..
Rails 3.1 remote requests submitting twice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7721502/rails-3-1-remote-requests-submitting-twice edit update and destroy. The problem is when I perform any operation that performs a remote operation it is called twice. I can confirm.. is when I perform any operation that performs a remote operation it is called twice. I can confirm this happening in console..
How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8686616/how-can-i-get-jqgrid-frozen-columns-to-work-with-word-wrap-on i rule rules i op rule.op the code name of the operation iOp .inArray op arOps if iOp 0 typeof .jgrid.search.odata..
What does tilde (~) preceding jQuery object do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9316612/what-does-tilde-preceding-jquery-object-do experiments because you are performing a bitwise logical operation on an integer which for all I know may be stored as two's complement..
When should I use jQuery deferred's “then” method and when should I use the “pipe” method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9583783/when-should-i-use-jquery-deferreds-then-method-and-when-should-i-use-the-pip the converse does not hold. Example 1 The result of some operation is an array of objects value 2 value 4 value 6 and you want..
Why is gridview:true used for and what does it mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12513004/why-is-gridviewtrue-used-for-and-what-does-it-mean the number of changes on the page. So is you need to change 5 styles of one DOM elements you should do this in one operation. You can use jQuery.css ... with all the changed styles instead of 5 separate calls. Even better could be to define one.. cells or rows as strings . At the end the strings will be appended to other strings and will be used in jQuery.append operation like I described above. The usage of afterInsertRow callback function require that every row of the grid will be placed..
Should all jquery events be bound to $(document)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12824549/should-all-jquery-events-be-bound-to-document compare it to the characteristics of the original event target to see if it matches each selector. This is not a cheap operation. It's no big deal if there is only one of them but if you put all your selectors on the document object and there were hundreds..
Difference Between Observers and Watchers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14876112/difference-between-observers-and-watchers or watch if using an isolate scope with '@' . Therefore getting the values of these attributes is an asynchronous operation. And this is why we need the observe and watch functions. Sometimes you don't need observe or watch. E.g. if your attribute..
jquery ajax problem in chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1742049/jquery-ajax-problem-in-chrome FAILED result.status ' ' result.statusText jquery ajax google chrome share improve this question In the ajax operation just add async false after datatype json and that should solve your problem. Chrome has issue handling asynchronus calls...
What are techniques to get around the IE file download security rules? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2064882/what-are-techniques-to-get-around-the-ie-file-download-security-rules form is still just sitting there. If my form is in some sort of dialog then I really need to close that up when the operation is complete &mdash really that's one of the motivations for doing it the AJAX way. It seems to me that the only thing to..
jquery data selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2891452/jquery-data-selector where only elements with ALL specified data selectors are found. The regular jquery multiple selector does an OR operation. For instance 'a.big a.small' selects a tags with either class big or small . I'm looking for an AND perhaps like this 'a'..
Detect when a window is resized using JavaScript ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2996431/detect-when-a-window-is-resized-using-javascript terms Can I detect mouse up event when user is resizing the browser window Otherwise Can I detect when a window resize operation is finished I'm currently only able to trigger an event when the user start to resize the window with jQuery javascript..
How can I return a variable from a $.getJSON function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31129/how-can-i-return-a-variable-from-a-getjson-function any attention to your code. The problem is that the anonymous function is a callback function i.e. getJSON is an async operation that will return at some indeterminate point in time so even if the scope of the variable were outside of that anonymous..
Javascript callback for multiple ajax calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4368946/javascript-callback-for-multiple-ajax-calls callback for multiple ajax calls I want to make three ajax calls in a click event. Each ajax call does a distinct operation and returns back data that is needed for a final callback. The calls themselves are not dependent on one another they can..
How can jQuery deferred be used? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4869609/how-can-jquery-deferred-be-used source for examples is cheating. Bounty Show us what techniques are available when we abstract away whether an operation is synchronously or asynchronously done. javascript jquery jquery deferred share improve this question The best use..
Problem sending JSON data from JQuery to WCF REST method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4875195/problem-sending-json-data-from-jquery-to-wcf-rest-method trouble getting jquery to post some json data to a rest method I have on my WCF service. On the WCF side here's the operation contract OperationContract WebInvoke Method POST BodyStyle WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json..
How to stop ASP.NET from changing IDs in order to use jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/497802/how-to-stop-asp-net-from-changing-ids-in-order-to-use-jquery id ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Label3 test span How can I stop asp.net from changing IDs in order to perform a jQuery operation like this '#label1' .html xml asp.net jquery ajax share improve this question instead of using this selector '#Label1'..
Using jQuery delay() with css() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5396119/using-jquery-delay-with-css and thus is not affected by the delay directive. There is a workaround you can inject the property change as a queued operation like this '#tip' .delay 800 .queue function next this .css 'display' 'none' next Also you should probably be using .hide..
jQuery deferreds and promises - .then() vs .done() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5436327/jquery-deferreds-and-promises-then-vs-done same functionality but I'm guessing so does .then as all the callbacks are all invoked on a completion of a successful operation. Can anyone please enlighten me to the correct usage Many thanks jquery jquery deferred share improve this question ..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div to do this in all major browsers. If content is already selected it is replaced so this is effectively a paste operation. Also I added code to place the caret after the end of the inserted content. jsFiddle http jsfiddle.net jwvha 1 Code function..
Rails 3.1 remote requests submitting twice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7721502/rails-3-1-remote-requests-submitting-twice The views for each model contain jquery files for create edit update and destroy. The problem is when I perform any operation that performs a remote operation it is called twice. I can confirm this happening in console view in firebug as well as.. jquery files for create edit update and destroy. The problem is when I perform any operation that performs a remote operation it is called twice. I can confirm this happening in console view in firebug as well as output in WEBrick output. Can anyone..
How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8686616/how-can-i-get-jqgrid-frozen-columns-to-work-with-word-wrap-on newCapture Filter rules filters.rules for i 0 i rules.length i rule rules i op rule.op the code name of the operation iOp .inArray op arOps if iOp 0 typeof .jgrid.search.odata iOp undefined op .jgrid.search.odata iOp newCapture rule.field..
What does tilde (~) preceding jQuery object do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9316612/what-does-tilde-preceding-jquery-object-do mystery of the tilde You are getting strange numbers in your experiments because you are performing a bitwise logical operation on an integer which for all I know may be stored as two's complement or something like that... Edit Here's a link to how..
When should I use jQuery deferred's “then” method and when should I use the “pipe” method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9583783/when-should-i-use-jquery-deferreds-then-method-and-when-should-i-use-the-pip . You could use .pipe for the same purposes as .then but the converse does not hold. Example 1 The result of some operation is an array of objects value 2 value 4 value 6 and you want to compute the minimum and maximum of the values. Lets assume..