

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:06:00

jquery Programming Glossary: onkeydown

How to make a Textfield in a form (html, jsp) accept only dd/mm/yyyy format without clicking submit button


will run every time a key is released. You could use the onkeydown event to store the current input value in a variable and then..

Javascript e.keyCode doesn't catch Backspace/Del in IE


keys do yourself a favour and search for their keyCode onkeydown up and ignore both onkeypress and charCode. You can read more..

Move focus from one control to another control just pressing enter key by Jquery


9 e.preventDefault or return false Javascript way body onkeydown if event.keyCode 13 event.keyCode 9 return event.keyCode share..

Limiting number of lines in textarea


obj.rows return false else lines script textarea rows 4 onkeydown return limitLines this event textarea body html Edit explanation..

jQuery textbox change event


onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup here's an example that bind's to all these events and..

How to replace javascript alert (which pops up where the event called it) with a jquery dialog box?


a number of textboxes we'd have input type test javascript onkeydown digitsOnly I need a beautiful pop up box to replace the javascript..

How to Disable Copy Paste (Browser)


disableCopyPaste elm Disable cut copy paste key events elm.onkeydown interceptKeys Disable right click events elm.oncontextmenu function.. my body tags body class node88 oncontextmenu return noMenu onkeydown return disableCopyPaste noMenu function is working but disableCopyPaste..

How to make a Textfield in a form (html, jsp) accept only dd/mm/yyyy format without clicking submit button


event if you bind your validation function to this event it will run every time a key is released. You could use the onkeydown event to store the current input value in a variable and then the onkeyup event to run the validation. Then just edit the..

Javascript e.keyCode doesn't catch Backspace/Del in IE


home insert pageUp Down and tab. If you need to detect these keys do yourself a favour and search for their keyCode onkeydown up and ignore both onkeypress and charCode. You can read more on cross browser issues of Detecting keystrokes Quirksmode..

Move focus from one control to another control just pressing enter key by Jquery


Limiting number of lines in textarea


Opera else if e.which keynum e.which if keynum 13 if lines obj.rows return false else lines script textarea rows 4 onkeydown return limitLines this event textarea body html Edit explanation It catches the keypress if the ENTER key is pressed and..

jQuery textbox change event


onblur onselect onchange onclick ondblclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup here's an example that bind's to all these events and shows what's going on http jsfiddle.net pxfunc zJ7Lf I think..

How to replace javascript alert (which pops up where the event called it) with a jquery dialog box?


function digitsOnly alert Digits only please script and in a number of textboxes we'd have input type test javascript onkeydown digitsOnly I need a beautiful pop up box to replace the javascript alert I don't need this do do anything other than pop..

How to Disable Copy Paste (Browser)


find and edited cote function noMenu return false function disableCopyPaste elm Disable cut copy paste key events elm.onkeydown interceptKeys Disable right click events elm.oncontextmenu function return false function interceptKeys evt evt evt window.event.. c 88 return false x Otherwise allow return true And is my body tags body class node88 oncontextmenu return noMenu onkeydown return disableCopyPaste noMenu function is working but disableCopyPaste doesnt working. Thanks for helping best reggards....