jquery Programming Glossary: operators
Understanding bitwise operations in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1003879/understanding-bitwise-operations-in-javascript sort of slow. Someone told me that I should use bitwise operators to process this and it would run faster. My question is either..
Is it possible to do mathematics inside CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10378292/is-it-possible-to-do-mathematics-inside-css width calc 50 100px Note that the whitespace around the operators is significant This allows true dynamic computational support..
Running an equation with Javascript from a text field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10857726/running-an-equation-with-javascript-from-a-text-field I have managed to create the interface so that numbers and operators and stored in a form field. What I would like to be able to.. simple 10 10 to more complex equations using brackets. The operators in use are Is it possible to pass the form field to a javascript.. form field to a javascript function that can recognize the operators and the perform the function of the operation on the values...
jQuery if statement with variable mathematical operator [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12961085/jquery-if-statement-with-variable-mathematical-operator question You could define a lot of binary functions var operators function a b return a b function a b return a b function a b.. a b function a b return a b var one 4 two 6 op if op in operators operators op one two do something If you don't want to generate.. a b return a b var one 4 two 6 op if op in operators operators op one two do something If you don't want to generate such a..
JSONPath :contains filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2003252/jsonpath-contains-filter moment I have only found documentation on and relational operators which don't give me that much flexibility. Does anyone know..
jquery data selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2891452/jquery-data-selector Madonna ' Lastly it would be great if comparison operators and regex features were available on data selectors. So a artist.id.. for the truthiness of a.b.c . You can see the available operators in the code below. Amongst them is ~ which allows regex testing..
What good is JSLint if jQuery fails the validation [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/505251/what-good-is-jslint-if-jquery-fails-the-validation the underscore rule or the use of the increment decrement operators. Many of the issues being tagged by JSLint in the above output..
why doesn't Jqgrid frozen column seem to work with filter rows and filter heading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8564198/why-doesnt-jqgrid-frozen-column-seem-to-work-with-filter-rows-and-filter-headin jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators find op description var operators jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators.. find op description var operators jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators for var j 0 j operators.length.. description var operators jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators for var j 0 j operators.length j if operators j .op rule.op..
jQuery attribute selector for multiple values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9005361/jquery-attribute-selector-for-multiple-values but I couldn't find anything on the ability to use logical operators or a means of providing a matching list. jquery jquery selectors..
Understanding bitwise operations in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1003879/understanding-bitwise-operations-in-javascript takes place a few times as part of a HUGE loop that has run sort of slow. Someone told me that I should use bitwise operators to process this and it would run faster. My question is either Can someone offer me an example of how I could do this I've..
Is it possible to do mathematics inside CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10378292/is-it-possible-to-do-mathematics-inside-css to get pretty good support. The syntax works as followed width calc 50 100px Note that the whitespace around the operators is significant This allows true dynamic computational support in CSS. With a preprocessor you can only combine static lengths..
Running an equation with Javascript from a text field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10857726/running-an-equation-with-javascript-from-a-text-field calculator that can run basic calculations in Javascript. I have managed to create the interface so that numbers and operators and stored in a form field. What I would like to be able to do is pass the values within the form field to a function that.. form field. The form field could contain anything from a simple 10 10 to more complex equations using brackets. The operators in use are Is it possible to pass the form field to a javascript function that can recognize the operators and the perform.. The operators in use are Is it possible to pass the form field to a javascript function that can recognize the operators and the perform the function of the operation on the values. A possible value in the text field would be 120 4 130 5 The..
jQuery if statement with variable mathematical operator [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12961085/jquery-if-statement-with-variable-mathematical-operator is this possible javascript jquery share improve this question You could define a lot of binary functions var operators function a b return a b function a b return a b function a b return a b function a b return a b function a b return a b.. a b return a b function a b return a b function a b return a b function a b return a b var one 4 two 6 op if op in operators operators op one two do something If you don't want to generate such a large object and have no complex functions you also.. a b function a b return a b function a b return a b function a b return a b var one 4 two 6 op if op in operators operators op one two do something If you don't want to generate such a large object and have no complex functions you also might be..
JSONPath :contains filter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2003252/jsonpath-contains-filter or all of the value in the key value pairs in my data. At the moment I have only found documentation on and relational operators which don't give me that much flexibility. Does anyone know a way I can just just JSONPath to find this data without having..
jquery data selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2891452/jquery-data-selector name Madonna 'a' .data category music 'a category music artist.name Madonna ' Lastly it would be great if comparison operators and regex features were available on data selectors. So a artist.id 5000 would be possible. I realize I could probably do.. optional. So if you only have data a.b.c it will simply check for the truthiness of a.b.c . You can see the available operators in the code below. Amongst them is ~ which allows regex testing 'a data category~ ^mus.. artist.name~ ^M. a ' I've tested..
What good is JSLint if jQuery fails the validation [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/505251/what-good-is-jslint-if-jquery-fails-the-validation but some of his opinions are anal retentive at best like the underscore rule or the use of the increment decrement operators. Many of the issues being tagged by JSLint in the above output are issues that Crockford feels leads to difficult to maintain..
why doesn't Jqgrid frozen column seem to work with filter rows and filter heading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8564198/why-doesnt-jqgrid-frozen-column-seem-to-work-with-filter-rows-and-filter-headin code name of the operation if jQuery.fn.searchFilter jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators find op description var operators jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators for var j 0 j operators.length j if operators.. jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators find op description var operators jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators for var j 0 j operators.length j if operators j .op rule.op op operators j.. jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators find op description var operators jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators for var j 0 j operators.length j if operators j .op rule.op op operators j .text op .jgrid.search.odata j break ..
jQuery attribute selector for multiple values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9005361/jquery-attribute-selector-for-multiple-values double pipes as an OR does not work I went through the docs but I couldn't find anything on the ability to use logical operators or a means of providing a matching list. jquery jquery selectors share improve this question This should help 'input..