jquery Programming Glossary: lookups
jQuery Waypoints Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15891218/jquery-waypoints-plugin the page the sticky elements takes it back and up back to its original starting point JavaScript function Do our DOM lookups beforehand var nav_container .nav container var nav nav nav_container.waypoint handler function event direction nav.toggleClass..
jQuery question: what does it really mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5305634/jquery-question-what-does-it-really-mean might have been called and this would still work makes a lexical window variable that would mean faster lookups for global variables makes sure that undefined is indeed undefined in the scope between curly braces even if someone has..
Fastest selector method in jquery and CSS - ID or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6035348/fastest-selector-method-in-jquery-and-css-id-or-not '#id .class' Reason being that all modern browsers implement getElementsByClassName resulting in almost constant time lookups by class name assuming a hash implementation . Which browsers are modern is another subjective question. share improve..
Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7410091/jquery-autocomplete-and-php-populating-input-field-with-data-from-mysql-databas this function into an app of mine. There is an additional layer of complexity here in that there are two suburb lookups home and work addresses each populating matching state and postcode fields. The back end is perl rather than PHP but that's.. matching parameters. The following code also caches previous results and the cache is shared between the home and work lookups . '#hm_suburb' .addClass 'suburb_search' .attr suburb '#hm_suburb' pcode '#hm_pcode' state '#hm_state' '#wk_suburb' .addClass..
How to check if a variable or object is undefined? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8531059/how-to-check-if-a-variable-or-object-is-undefined in context. I'm not a fan of it but it seems very common. Use window.jQuery . This forces a property lookup property lookups never fail and return undefined if said property does not exist. I've seen it used in some frameworks. Has the downside..