jquery Programming Glossary: literal
Difference of the value, prototype and property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12143590/difference-of-the-value-prototype-and-property proof but their code is a mess starting with that object literal and assigning the init prototype things afterwards. share improve..
Why do the :not() and :has() selectors allow quoted arguments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12475595/why-do-the-not-and-has-selectors-allow-quoted-arguments leaves a lot to be desired pseudos characterEncoding literal open paren ' literal open quote . ^ handle backslash escaping.. pseudos characterEncoding literal open paren ' literal open quote . ^ handle backslash escaping 2 close quote OR.. quote OR ^ attributes ^ . . literal close paren ie 'or nothing' The main take away from this is..
JS Object this.method() breaks via jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1544735/js-object-this-method-breaks-via-jquery a constructor function but then you lose the cool object literal syntax var createBob function var that that.Stuff '' that.init..
How can I position an element next to user text selection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1589721/how-can-i-position-an-element-next-to-user-text-selection containing a single invisible character by creating literal HTML and insert it range.pasteHTML ' span id ' markerId ' style..
How to dynamically insert a <script> tag via jQuery after page load? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3857874/how-to-dynamically-insert-a-script-tag-via-jquery-after-page-load script ' '#someelement' .replaceWith a But I got string literal errors on that var. I then tried encoding the string like var..
Adding/removing items from JSON data with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4538269/adding-removing-items-from-json-data-with-jquery the internet. Many thanks javascript jquery json object literal share improve this question First off your quoted code is.. quoted code is not JSON. Your code is JavaScript object literal notation. JSON is a subset of that designed for easier parsing...
variable === undefined vs. typeof variable === “undefined” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4725603/variable-undefined-vs-typeof-variable-undefined For undeclared variables typeof foo will return the string literal undefined whereas the identity check foo undefined would trigger..
Why need to use JSON in php and AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4881876/why-need-to-use-json-in-php-and-ajax data I also know how to make JSON like mixing a literal array and object in JS and how to dsplay it in js. But my question..
How to stop ASP.NET from changing IDs in order to use jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/497802/how-to-stop-asp-net-from-changing-ids-in-order-to-use-jquery insert whatever ID that is generated to be placed as a literal. If you wish to use external files then I would suggest you..
Is there a way to make a text area partially editable? (make only portions of the text editable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5444874/is-there-a-way-to-make-a-text-area-partially-editable-make-only-portions-of-th this should stop modifications to parts that are literal in the regex and thus make certain parts of your text read only...
Sort array of objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5876424/sort-array-of-objects array of objects I have an array of object literals like this var myArr myArr 0 'score' 4 'name' 'foo' myArr 1.. Thanks in advance. javascript jquery arrays object object literal share improve this question Try myArr.sort function a b..
How to select html nodes by ID with jquery when the id contains a dot? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605630/how-to-select-html-nodes-by-id-with-jquery-when-the-id-contains-a-dot not always totally redundant. The correct way to select a literal in CSS is to escape it id .moreid This used to cause trouble..
jQuery.ajax() parsererror http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6643838/jquery-ajax-parsererror bar JSON P works because JSON is a subset of JavaScript literal notation. JSON P is nothing more than a promise that if you.. data where data will be JSON or more usually a JavaScript literal which may not be the quite the same thing . You're meant to..
How do i use this api of supersized jquery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6904154/how-do-i-use-this-api-of-supersized-jquery-plugin there are are number of functions within the theme object literal this is the place where you would drop in the theme functions..
JQuery selector value escaping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/739695/jquery-selector-value-escaping in modern browsers . Expressed in a JavaScript string literal you would naturally need another round of escaping #SomeDropdown..
Select only specific dates in jQuery UI datepicker (date list comes from AJAX) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480537/select-only-specific-dates-in-jquery-ui-datepicker-date-list-comes-from-ajax a global array Initialize the global array using array literal update it via AJAX whenever necessary Call the .datepicker refresh..
Turning two elements visible/hidden in the same div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17725361/turning-two-elements-visible-hidden-in-the-same-div script div id line3ChartContainer style display normal asp Literal ID Literal9 Visible true runat server asp Literal div div div.. id line3ChartContainer style display normal asp Literal ID Literal9 Visible true runat server asp Literal div div div class mydiv.. asp Literal ID Literal9 Visible true runat server asp Literal div div div class mydiv id test2 script src .. .. Dashboard..
JQuery JavaScript Design: Self Executing Function or Object Literal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188663/jquery-javascript-design-self-executing-function-or-object-literal JavaScript Design Self Executing Function or Object Literal I'm curious as to if there are any best practices relating.. this encapsulation. In Mootools they favor the Object Literal Notation var Site properties and methods In YUI they favor..
Jquery .ajax async postback on C# UserControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2539620/jquery-ajax-async-postback-on-c-sharp-usercontrol ID phTodoListItems runat server div class divTLItems asp Literal ID litItems runat server asp Literal div asp PlaceHolder asp.. class divTLItems asp Literal ID litItems runat server asp Literal div asp PlaceHolder asp PlaceHolder ID phAddTodo runat server..
Triggering FancyBox from ASP.Net Codebehind http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3220238/triggering-fancybox-from-asp-net-codebehind at the bottom of your page you will add something like asp Literal runat server ID Literal1 Then in your button click event handler.. you will add something like asp Literal runat server ID Literal1 Then in your button click event handler you will have Public.. click event handler you will have Public Sub Button1_Click Literal1.Text script document .ready LaunchFancyBox script End Sub no.6..
multiple Id selector in different scopes? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6321702/multiple-id-selector-in-different-scopes
jQuery Mobile Scrollview http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7254761/jquery-mobile-scrollview 200 200 200 div id divPic runat server class pic h2 asp Literal runat server ID litName asp Literal h2 p asp Literal runat.. class pic h2 asp Literal runat server ID litName asp Literal h2 p asp Literal runat server ID litDesc asp Literal p input.. asp Literal runat server ID litName asp Literal h2 p asp Literal runat server ID litDesc asp Literal p input type hidden Id..
Difference of the value, prototype and property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12143590/difference-of-the-value-prototype-and-property
Why do the :not() and :has() selectors allow quoted arguments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12475595/why-do-the-not-and-has-selectors-allow-quoted-arguments this is still a regexp so a bit more readable still leaves a lot to be desired pseudos characterEncoding literal open paren ' literal open quote . ^ handle backslash escaping 2 close quote OR ^ attributes ^ . .. a regexp so a bit more readable still leaves a lot to be desired pseudos characterEncoding literal open paren ' literal open quote . ^ handle backslash escaping 2 close quote OR ^ attributes ^ . . literal close paren.. ' literal open quote . ^ handle backslash escaping 2 close quote OR ^ attributes ^ . . literal close paren ie 'or nothing' The main take away from this is either single or double quotes can be used around the argument..
JS Object this.method() breaks via jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1544735/js-object-this-method-breaks-via-jquery Bob instead of this inside of doSomething . Another is to use a constructor function but then you lose the cool object literal syntax var createBob function var that that.Stuff '' that.init function that.Stuff arguments 0 that.doSomething function..
How can I position an element next to user text selection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1589721/how-can-i-position-an-element-next-to-user-text-selection .duplicate range.collapse false Create the marker element containing a single invisible character by creating literal HTML and insert it range.pasteHTML ' span id ' markerId ' style position relative ' markerTextCharEntity ' span ' markerEl..
How to dynamically insert a <script> tag via jQuery after page load? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3857874/how-to-dynamically-insert-a-script-tag-via-jquery-after-page-load page load var a ' script type text javascript some script here script ' '#someelement' .replaceWith a But I got string literal errors on that var. I then tried encoding the string like var a ' left script type text javascript gt some script here lt..
Adding/removing items from JSON data with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4538269/adding-removing-items-from-json-data-with-jquery about how to manipulate JSON with JQuery anywhere on the internet. Many thanks javascript jquery json object literal share improve this question First off your quoted code is not JSON. Your code is JavaScript object literal notation... object literal share improve this question First off your quoted code is not JSON. Your code is JavaScript object literal notation. JSON is a subset of that designed for easier parsing. Your code defines an object data containing an array items..
variable === undefined vs. typeof variable === “undefined” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4725603/variable-undefined-vs-typeof-variable-undefined javascript jquery undefined share improve this question For undeclared variables typeof foo will return the string literal undefined whereas the identity check foo undefined would trigger the error foo is not defined . For local variables which..
Why need to use JSON in php and AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4881876/why-need-to-use-json-in-php-and-ajax brain. Yeah I know it is a lightweight way of describing hierarchical data I also know how to make JSON like mixing a literal array and object in JS and how to dsplay it in js. But my question is what's the difference and what's the advantage than..
How to stop ASP.NET from changing IDs in order to use jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/497802/how-to-stop-asp-net-from-changing-ids-in-order-to-use-jquery asp inline server side code. '# Label1.ClientID ' this will insert whatever ID that is generated to be placed as a literal. If you wish to use external files then I would suggest you create an obj that is global on the page to hold all of your..
Is there a way to make a text area partially editable? (make only portions of the text editable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5444874/is-there-a-way-to-make-a-text-area-partially-editable-make-only-portions-of-th the regex still matches. If it doesn't cancel the event. Effectively this should stop modifications to parts that are literal in the regex and thus make certain parts of your text read only. Don't forget to test the string on the server side as well..
Sort array of objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5876424/sort-array-of-objects array of objects I have an array of object literals like this var myArr myArr 0 'score' 4 'name' 'foo' myArr 1 'score' 1 'name' 'bar' myArr 2 'score' 3 'name' 'foobar' How.. 1 'score' 3 'name' 'foobar' myArr 2 'score' 4 'name' 'foo' Thanks in advance. javascript jquery arrays object object literal share improve this question Try myArr.sort function a b return a.score b.score The way the array elements are sorted..
How to select html nodes by ID with jquery when the id contains a dot? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605630/how-to-select-html-nodes-by-id-with-jquery-when-the-id-contains-a-dot both an id and a separate class to match it's valid and not always totally redundant. The correct way to select a literal in CSS is to escape it id .moreid This used to cause trouble in some older browsers in particular IE5.x but all modern desktop..
jQuery.ajax() parsererror http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6643838/jquery-ajax-parsererror Example of JSON foo bar Example of JSON P yourCallback foo bar JSON P works because JSON is a subset of JavaScript literal notation. JSON P is nothing more than a promise that if you tell the service you're calling what function name to call back.. the request the response will be in the form of functionname data where data will be JSON or more usually a JavaScript literal which may not be the quite the same thing . You're meant to use a JSON P URL in a script tag's src which jQuery does for..
How do i use this api of supersized jquery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6904154/how-do-i-use-this-api-of-supersized-jquery-plugin go. If you open up theme supersized.shutter.js you'll notice there are are number of functions within the theme object literal this is the place where you would drop in the theme functions described in the documentation. Keep in mind that you will..
JQuery selector value escaping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/739695/jquery-selector-value-escaping option value 'a 'b p ' And this does work as a CSS selector in modern browsers . Expressed in a JavaScript string literal you would naturally need another round of escaping #SomeDropdown option value 'a 'b p ' But this doesn't work in jQuery..
Select only specific dates in jQuery UI datepicker (date list comes from AJAX) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480537/select-only-specific-dates-in-jquery-ui-datepicker-date-list-comes-from-ajax the datapicker only once tell it to fetch valid dates from a global array Initialize the global array using array literal update it via AJAX whenever necessary Call the .datepicker refresh method whenever disabled enabled dates change i.e. when..
Turning two elements visible/hidden in the same div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17725361/turning-two-elements-visible-hidden-in-the-same-div .. .. Dashboard Charts FusionCharts.js type text javascript script div id line3ChartContainer style display normal asp Literal ID Literal9 Visible true runat server asp Literal div div div class mydiv id test2 script src .. .. Dashboard Charts FusionCharts.js.. Charts FusionCharts.js type text javascript script div id line3ChartContainer style display normal asp Literal ID Literal9 Visible true runat server asp Literal div div div class mydiv id test2 script src .. .. Dashboard Charts FusionCharts.js.. script div id line3ChartContainer style display normal asp Literal ID Literal9 Visible true runat server asp Literal div div div class mydiv id test2 script src .. .. Dashboard Charts FusionCharts.js type text javascript script div id popChartContainer..
JQuery JavaScript Design: Self Executing Function or Object Literal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188663/jquery-javascript-design-self-executing-function-or-object-literal JavaScript Design Self Executing Function or Object Literal I'm curious as to if there are any best practices relating to JQuery when constructing encapsulated code blocks. Generally.. in many frameworks there is a standard that is used to perform this encapsulation. In Mootools they favor the Object Literal Notation var Site properties and methods In YUI they favor the Self Executing Function notation function properties and..
Jquery .ajax async postback on C# UserControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2539620/jquery-ajax-async-postback-on-c-sharp-usercontrol server asp HyperLink div asp PlaceHolder asp PlaceHolder ID phTodoListItems runat server div class divTLItems asp Literal ID litItems runat server asp Literal div asp PlaceHolder asp PlaceHolder ID phAddTodo runat server div class divTLAddItem.. asp PlaceHolder ID phTodoListItems runat server div class divTLItems asp Literal ID litItems runat server asp Literal div asp PlaceHolder asp PlaceHolder ID phAddTodo runat server div class divTLAddItem div id divAddButton Add Todo div div..
Triggering FancyBox from ASP.Net Codebehind http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3220238/triggering-fancybox-from-asp-net-codebehind the bottom of the page from your button click handler. So at the bottom of your page you will add something like asp Literal runat server ID Literal1 Then in your button click event handler you will have Public Sub Button1_Click Literal1.Text script.. from your button click handler. So at the bottom of your page you will add something like asp Literal runat server ID Literal1 Then in your button click event handler you will have Public Sub Button1_Click Literal1.Text script document .ready LaunchFancyBox.. asp Literal runat server ID Literal1 Then in your button click event handler you will have Public Sub Button1_Click Literal1.Text script document .ready LaunchFancyBox script End Sub no.6 on their blog helps explain this as well however they're..
multiple Id selector in different scopes? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6321702/multiple-id-selector-in-different-scopes
jQuery Mobile Scrollview http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7254761/jquery-mobile-scrollview opener runat server id lItem style border top 1px solid rgb 200 200 200 div id divPic runat server class pic h2 asp Literal runat server ID litName asp Literal h2 p asp Literal runat server ID litDesc asp Literal p input type hidden Id brand.. border top 1px solid rgb 200 200 200 div id divPic runat server class pic h2 asp Literal runat server ID litName asp Literal h2 p asp Literal runat server ID litDesc asp Literal p input type hidden Id brand runat server input type hidden Id cat.. rgb 200 200 200 div id divPic runat server class pic h2 asp Literal runat server ID litName asp Literal h2 p asp Literal runat server ID litDesc asp Literal p input type hidden Id brand runat server input type hidden Id cat runat server div..