jquery Programming Glossary: layouttemplate
ASP.NET ListView - Render THEAD/TBODY Tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2877898/asp-net-listview-render-thead-tbody-tags for me because the CSS styling that I'm using needs those tags. asp ListView ID ListView runat server DataKeyNames Id LayoutTemplate div id tableContainer class tableContainer table runat server class scrollTable thead class fixedHeader tr th span.. span Column1 span th tr thead tbody class scrollContent tr id itemPlaceholder runat server tbody table div LayoutTemplate ItemTemplate tr id items runat server td class first #Eval Column1 td tr ItemTemplate asp ListView Any way I can get..
Using Galleria jQuery plugin with an asp.net ListView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6719236/using-galleria-jquery-plugin-with-an-asp-net-listview server style img id photoAlbumPhotos src ' # Eval img ' alt Image Not Found class photoAlbumPhotos td ItemTemplate LayoutTemplate table runat server border 0 style tr ID itemPlaceholderContainer runat server td ID itemPlaceholder runat server td.. style tr ID itemPlaceholderContainer runat server td ID itemPlaceholder runat server td tr table div style div LayoutTemplate SelectedItemTemplate td runat server style id asp Label ID idLabel runat server Text ' # Eval id ' br img asp Label.. galleria.classic.min.js' #gallery .galleria width 200 height 300 script ASPX asp ListView runat server ID lvw LayoutTemplate div id gallery asp PlaceHolder ID itemPlaceholder runat server asp PlaceHolder div LayoutTemplate ItemTemplate img id photoAlbumPhotos..