jquery Programming Glossary: left
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css 2em font weight bold text align center #sectors div float left position relative width 180px height 240px margin 16px 0 0 16px.. id ' ' attr class #sectors div nth of type 3n 1 margin left 0 #sectors div.alpha color #b00 background color #ffe0d9 #sectors.. Seeing how often that article is cited to date I've left a comment to this effect but seeing also how old the article..
How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1206203/how-to-distinguish-between-left-and-right-mouse-click-with-jquery to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery How do you obtain the clicked.. alert 'clicked' this is triggered by both right and left click what is the way of being able to catch right mouse click.. on event.which event.which will give 1 2 or 3 for left middle and right mouse buttons respectively so '#element' .mousedown..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content important top 40px important right 0 bottom 40px important left 0 important And here's a working example with Google maps api3..
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation viewport window with position fixed. Width height top and left speak speak for themselves. Background we set to 80 white with.. .modal display none position fixed z index 1000 top 0 left 0 height 100 width 100 background rgba 255 255 255 .8 url 'http..
How to format a JSON date? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/206384/how-to-format-a-json-date into the Date constructor. EDIT I have intentionally left out the radix the 2nd argument to parseInt see my comment below..
Using jQuery to center a DIV on the screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/210717/using-jquery-to-center-a-div-on-the-screen this .outerHeight 2 window .scrollTop px this.css left Math.max 0 window .width this .outerWidth 2 window .scrollLeft..
Event on a disabled input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3100319/event-on-a-disabled-input input type text disabled div style position absolute left 0 right 0 top 0 bottom 0 div div jq div div .click function..
Can I open a dropdownlist using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/360431/can-i-open-a-dropdownlist-using-jquery option select I would like to open the list the same as left clicking on it . Is this possible using JavaScript or more specifically..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily scroll and buttons associated with scrolling. Working demo left 37 up 38 right 39 down 40 spacebar 32 pageup 33 pagedown 34..
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659199/how-to-show-popup-message-like-in-stackoverflow family Arial Helvetica sans serif position fixed top 0px left 0px width 100 z index 105 text align center font weight bold.. #8E1609 #message span text align center width 95 float left .close notify white space nowrap float right margin right 10px.. #fff text decoration none border 2px #fff solid padding left 3px padding right 3px .close notify a color #fff And this is..
jQuery UI Dialog with ASP.NET button postback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757232/jquery-ui-dialog-with-asp-net-button-postback .dialog 'open' My div div id dialog style text align left display none asp Button ID btnButton runat server Text Button..
$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799981/document-ready-equivalent-without-jquery IEContentLoaded document.documentElement.doScroll left catch error setTimeout arguments.callee 0 return and execute..
What's the difference between `on` and `live` or `bind`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8065305/whats-the-difference-between-on-and-live-or-bind these methods will be removed and only on and one will be left. Examples Using live .mySelector .live click fn Equivalent `on`..
call Fancybox in parent from iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8853727/call-fancybox-in-parent-from-iframe my index.html and social.html. I cleaned out my index and left only the jquery code need for fancybox What I am trying to do..
How to allow only numeric (0-9) in HTML inputbox using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/995183/how-to-allow-only-numeric-0-9-in-html-inputbox-using-jquery Ctrl A event.keyCode 65 event.ctrlKey true Allow home end left right event.keyCode 35 event.keyCode 39 let it happen don't..
Very Simple, Very Smooth, JavaScript Marquee http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10547797/very-simple-very-smooth-javascript-marquee Hello World h1 h2 I'll marquee twice h2 h3 I go fast h3 h4 Left to right h4 h5 I'll defer that question h5 Jquery code function..
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib a.end a.pos f.hook backgroundColor borderBottomColor borderLeftColor borderRightColor borderTopColor color columnRuleColor outlineColor.. expand function a var b j Top Right Bottom Left function c d b border d Color a return b o h.Color.names aqua..
How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12874394/how-to-create-a-picklist-in-jsf-tried-moving-items-using-js-jquery-but-submit id dbleMeRight input type button value lt lt id dbleMeLeft span t selectManyListbox id targetCars style width 40 value.. #targetCars option .attr selected selected '#dbleMeLeft' .click function var targetList '#targetCars option selected'.. A left it works fine. BUT WHEN I move item from List A Left to List B right I get this error. jquery jsf jsf 2 listbox..
Get the value of a twitter bootstrap radio button. JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13348672/get-the-value-of-a-twitter-bootstrap-radio-button-jquery data toggle buttons checkbox button type button class btn Left button button type button class btn Middle button button type.. data toggle buttons checkbox button type button class btn Left button button type button class btn Middle button button type..
keycode and charcode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1444477/keycode-and-charcode
How can I add, remove, or swap jQuery validation rules from a page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1510165/how-can-i-add-remove-or-swap-jquery-validation-rules-from-a-page above links for complete working page HTML td id leftform Left Form br Input 1 input type text name leftform_input1 br Input.. br input type submit name leftform_submit value Submit Left td td id rightform style visibility hidden Right Form br Input..
What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2599020/what-are-the-typical-reasons-javascript-developed-on-firefox-fails-on-ie better result than the other. elm.offsetTop and elm.offsetLeft are often incorrectly reported leading to finding positions.. w3c so is non standard even in Firefox. To find the scrollLeft scrollTop of the document Firefox and IE in quirks mode document.body.scrollLeft.. document Firefox and IE in quirks mode document.body.scrollLeft scrollTop IE in standards mode document.documentElement.scrollLeft..
Check Ctrl / Shift / Alt keys on 'click' event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2847135/check-ctrl-shift-alt-keys-on-click-event .click function if left control key is pressed alert Left Ctrl if right shift and left alt keys are pressed alert Right.. shift and left alt keys are pressed alert Right Shift Left Alt javascript jquery html firefox3.6 share improve this.. .bind 'click' function event if event.ctrlKey if event.ctrlLeft console.log 'ctrl left' else console.log 'ctrl right' if event.altKey..
Why do different browsers render the same HTML differently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3530902/why-do-different-browsers-render-the-same-html-differently .position .left actWidth width 10 nHeight height height 2 rLeftMargin actWidth 1 bWidth actWidth this .find '.r' .css 'margin.. this .find '.r' .css 'margin top' nHeight 'margin left' rLeftMargin 'height' height this .find '.h' .css 'height' 25 this.. right 1px div class frame div class h style width 100 Left Frame div div class l style height 93 div div class r div..
jQuery: Detecting pressed mouse button during mousemove event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4065992/jquery-detecting-pressed-mouse-button-during-mousemove-event var leftButtonDown false document .mousedown function e Left mouse button was pressed set flag if e.which 1 leftButtonDown.. 1 leftButtonDown true document .mouseup function e Left mouse button was released clear flag if e.which 1 leftButtonDown..
jQuery: keyPress Backspace won't fire? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4690330/jquery-keypress-backspace-wont-fire console.log 'backspace' case 9 Tab case 13 Enter case 37 Left case 38 Up case 39 Right case 40 Down break default doSearch..
WCF not deserializing JSON input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5067436/wcf-not-deserializing-json-input Dim left center right As New ContentColumn left.Name Left Column left.Position 0 center.Name Center Column center.Position.. 1 right.Name Right Column right.Position 2 Dim topLeft centerLeft bottomLeft topCenter centerCenter bottomCenter topRight.. right.Name Right Column right.Position 2 Dim topLeft centerLeft bottomLeft topCenter centerCenter bottomCenter topRight centerRight..
Detect middle button click (scroll button) with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5392442/detect-middle-button-click-scroll-button-with-jquery a quick test it seems that the there ordered accordingly Left 1 Middle 2 Right 3 So if you had document .mousedown function..
keyboard navigation with arrow keys (next and back) for changing filenames http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12682157/keyboard-navigation-with-arrow-keys-next-and-back-for-changing-filenames is ready run this function jQuery function var keymap LEFT keymap 37 #prev RIGHT keymap 39 #next document .on keyup function..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13020459/files-get-uploaded-just-before-they-get-cancelled Table imagedeletesql DELETE img img_q FROM Image AS img LEFT JOIN Image_Question AS img_q ON img_q.ImageId img.ImageId WHERE..
How to associate marks for each answer button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14866099/how-to-associate-marks-for-each-answer-button ORDER BY Answer SEPARATOR ' ' AS Answer FROM Question q LEFT JOIN Answer an ON q.QuestionId an.QuestionId LEFT JOIN Individual_Answer.. q LEFT JOIN Answer an ON q.QuestionId an.QuestionId LEFT JOIN Individual_Answer ia ON an.AnswerId ia.AnswerId LEFT JOIN.. LEFT JOIN Individual_Answer ia ON an.AnswerId ia.AnswerId LEFT JOIN Option_Table o ON q.OptionId o.OptionId global mysqli..
window.resize event firing in Internet Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1852751/window-resize-event-firing-in-internet-explorer position the div appended to the body. Now when I set the LEFT css property of that appended div the window.resize event get.. function var onResize function The method which sets the LEFT css property which triggers window.resize again and it was a.. function var onResize function The method which sets the LEFT css property which triggers window.resize again and it was a..
jQuery keypress left/right navigation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4104158/jquery-keypress-left-right-navigation give my content slider the ability to respond to keypress LEFT ARROW key and RIGHT ARROW key feature. I have read about some.. website body . Pseudo Code ON Global Document IF Key Press LEFT ARROW THEN animate #showroom css 'left' 980px IF Key Press RIGHT..
How to detect if the pressed key will produce a character inside an <input> text-box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4179708/how-to-detect-if-the-pressed-key-will-produce-a-character-inside-an-input-text .length if e.keyCode 37 e.keyCode 39 e.keyCode 16 ARROW LEFT or ARROW RIGHT or SHIFT key return else if e.keyCode 8 BACKSPACE.. 1 This works and looks great for BACKSPACE SHIFT ARROW LEFT and ARROW RIGHT. However I would like to have a more robust..
how to move a div with arrow keys http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4950575/how-to-move-a-div-with-arrow-keys being pressed. For instance while the user holds down the LEFT ARROW key d '37' is true . Otherwise it's false . BTW 37 is.. . Otherwise it's false . BTW 37 is the key code for the LEFT ARROW key and this value is stored in the e.which property of..
How can I force jQuery Validate to check for duplicate username in database? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6117901/how-can-i-force-jquery-validate-to-check-for-duplicate-username-in-database mysql_query Select from database_users as user LEFT OUTER JOIN database_approval as approval on user.user_id approval.approval_user_id..
Save data using AJAX and CakePHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6285006/save-data-using-ajax-and-cakephp control you can designate any type of JOIN if the default LEFT isn't good enough for what you need to do. You can make and..
Why would jquery return 0 for an offsetHeight when firebug says it's 34? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/636474/why-would-jquery-return-0-for-an-offsetheight-when-firebug-says-its-34 id ctl00_BodyContentPlaceHolder_Navigation style Z INDEX 1 LEFT 1597px POSITION absolute TOP 67px DIV class TransparentBg id..
Add Paging for JqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8479777/add-paging-for-jqgrid ids. So you can implement paging using of SELECT TOP and LEFT OUTER JOIN construction. Let us I explain it on an example... ProductName UnitPrice AS SELECT TOP 10 a. FROM GetAll AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN GetTop AS t ON t.Id a.Id WHERE t.Id IS NULL SELECT.. ProductID ProductName UnitPrice FROM dbo.Products AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN SELECT TOP 20 ProductID ProductName UnitPrice FROM..
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css dashed #000 padding 16px overflow auto #sectors h1 font size 2em font weight bold text align center #sectors div float left position relative width 180px height 240px margin 16px 0 0 16px border style solid border width 2px #sectors div after display.. color rgba 255 255 255 0.8 border top 2px solid content attr id ' ' attr class #sectors div nth of type 3n 1 margin left 0 #sectors div.alpha color #b00 background color #ffe0d9 #sectors div.beta color #05b background color #c0edff #sectors.. shouldn't work until future browsers implement future standards. Seeing how often that article is cited to date I've left a comment to this effect but seeing also how old the article is and how infrequently the site is being updated I'm really..
How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1206203/how-to-distinguish-between-left-and-right-mouse-click-with-jquery to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery How do you obtain the clicked mouse button using jQuery 'div' .bind 'click' function.. the clicked mouse button using jQuery 'div' .bind 'click' function alert 'clicked' this is triggered by both right and left click what is the way of being able to catch right mouse click I'd be happy if something like below exists 'div' .bind 'rightclick'.. have to worry about browser compatibility issues. Documentation on event.which event.which will give 1 2 or 3 for left middle and right mouse buttons respectively so '#element' .mousedown function event switch event.which case 1 alert 'Left..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content a little css trick #content padding 0 position absolute important top 40px important right 0 bottom 40px important left 0 important And here's a working example with Google maps api3 demo http jsfiddle.net Gajotres 7kGdE This method can be..
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation to make this hidden. Then we position it in relation to the viewport window with position fixed. Width height top and left speak speak for themselves. Background we set to 80 white with our animation centered and no repeating .modal display none.. we set to 80 white with our animation centered and no repeating .modal display none position fixed z index 1000 top 0 left 0 height 100 width 100 background rgba 255 255 255 .8 url 'http i.stack.imgur.com FhHRx.gif' 50 50 no repeat When the..
How to format a JSON date? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/206384/how-to-format-a-json-date and ignores the at the end. The resulting number is passed into the Date constructor. EDIT I have intentionally left out the radix the 2nd argument to parseInt see my comment below . Also I completely agree with Rory's comment ISO 8601 dates..
Using jQuery to center a DIV on the screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/210717/using-jquery-to-center-a-div-on-the-screen this.css position absolute this.css top Math.max 0 window .height this .outerHeight 2 window .scrollTop px this.css left Math.max 0 window .width this .outerWidth 2 window .scrollLeft px return this Now we can just write element .center Demo..
Event on a disabled input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3100319/event-on-a-disabled-input of what I mean div style display inline block position relative input type text disabled div style position absolute left 0 right 0 top 0 bottom 0 div div jq div div .click function evt this .hide .prev input disabled .prop disabled false .focus..
Can I open a dropdownlist using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/360431/can-i-open-a-dropdownlist-using-jquery in HTML select id countries option value 1 Country option select I would like to open the list the same as left clicking on it . Is this possible using JavaScript or more specifically jQuery jquery html drop down menu share improve..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily cannot be canceled. You can cancel 2 things however mouse scroll and buttons associated with scrolling. Working demo left 37 up 38 right 39 down 40 spacebar 32 pageup 33 pagedown 34 end 35 home 36 var keys 37 38 39 40 function preventDefault..
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659199/how-to-show-popup-message-like-in-stackoverflow notify X a div Here are the styles applied #message font family Arial Helvetica sans serif position fixed top 0px left 0px width 100 z index 105 text align center font weight bold font size 100 color white padding 10px 0px 10px 0px background.. size 100 color white padding 10px 0px 10px 0px background color #8E1609 #message span text align center width 95 float left .close notify white space nowrap float right margin right 10px color #fff text decoration none border 2px #fff solid padding.. notify white space nowrap float right margin right 10px color #fff text decoration none border 2px #fff solid padding left 3px padding right 3px .close notify a color #fff And this is javascript using jQuery document .ready function #message .fadeIn..
jQuery UI Dialog with ASP.NET button postback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757232/jquery-ui-dialog-with-asp-net-button-postback 'option' 'position' e.pageX 10 e.pageY 10 jQuery '#dialog' .dialog 'open' My div div id dialog style text align left display none asp Button ID btnButton runat server Text Button onclick btnButton_Click div But the btnButton_Click is never..
$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799981/document-ready-equivalent-without-jquery IE is used use the trick by Diego Perini http javascript.nwbox.com IEContentLoaded document.documentElement.doScroll left catch error setTimeout arguments.callee 0 return and execute any waiting functions jQuery.ready A fallback to window.onload..
What's the difference between `on` and `live` or `bind`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8065305/whats-the-difference-between-on-and-live-or-bind with live vs delegate . In future versions of jQuery these methods will be removed and only on and one will be left. Examples Using live .mySelector .live click fn Equivalent `on` there isn't an exact equivalent but with good reason document..
call Fancybox in parent from iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8853727/call-fancybox-in-parent-from-iframe Fancybox in parent from iframe I have 2 pages my index.html and social.html. I cleaned out my index and left only the jquery code need for fancybox What I am trying to do is to have images inside social.html and when clicked on it..
How to allow only numeric (0-9) in HTML inputbox using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/995183/how-to-allow-only-numeric-0-9-in-html-inputbox-using-jquery and . if .inArray event.keyCode 46 8 9 27 13 190 1 Allow Ctrl A event.keyCode 65 event.ctrlKey true Allow home end left right event.keyCode 35 event.keyCode 39 let it happen don't do anything return else Ensure that it is a number and stop..
Very Simple, Very Smooth, JavaScript Marquee http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10547797/very-simple-very-smooth-javascript-marquee zrW5q hope this helps have a nice one cheers html h1 Hello World h1 h2 I'll marquee twice h2 h3 I go fast h3 h4 Left to right h4 h5 I'll defer that question h5 Jquery code function .fn.textWidth function var calc ' span style display none..
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib a.colorInit 0 h.cssHooks c .set a.elem a.start.transition a.end a.pos f.hook backgroundColor borderBottomColor borderLeftColor borderRightColor borderTopColor color columnRuleColor outlineColor textDecorationColor textEmphasisColor h.cssHooks.borderColor.. outlineColor textDecorationColor textEmphasisColor h.cssHooks.borderColor expand function a var b j Top Right Bottom Left function c d b border d Color a return b o h.Color.names aqua #00ffff black #000000 blue #0000ff fuchsia #ff00ff gray #808080..
How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12874394/how-to-create-a-picklist-in-jsf-tried-moving-items-using-js-jquery-but-submit # t.status t selectManyListbox span input type button value id dbleMeRight input type button value lt lt id dbleMeLeft span t selectManyListbox id targetCars style width 40 value # PersonalInformationDataBean.listOfUsers size 10 t selectItems.. foption.attr selected true .siblings option .removeAttr selected #targetCars option .attr selected selected '#dbleMeLeft' .click function var targetList '#targetCars option selected' var filterVal '#filterDis' .val if filterVal 'ALL' targetList.text.. selected NOTE If I move item from List B Right to List A left it works fine. BUT WHEN I move item from List A Left to List B right I get this error. jquery jsf jsf 2 listbox multi select share improve this question To the point your..
Get the value of a twitter bootstrap radio button. JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13348672/get-the-value-of-a-twitter-bootstrap-radio-button-jquery . In my html in looks like this div class btn group data toggle buttons checkbox button type button class btn Left button button type button class btn Middle button button type button class btn Right button div input type submit onclick.. type hidden id alignment value div class btn group alignment data toggle buttons checkbox button type button class btn Left button button type button class btn Middle button button type button class btn Right button div now the jQuery .alignment..
keycode and charcode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1444477/keycode-and-charcode
How can I add, remove, or swap jQuery validation rules from a page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1510165/how-can-i-add-remove-or-swap-jquery-validation-rules-from-a-page that causes the bug. Here are the key pieces of my code use above links for complete working page HTML td id leftform Left Form br Input 1 input type text name leftform_input1 br Input 2 input type text name leftform_input2 br input type submit.. leftform_input1 br Input 2 input type text name leftform_input2 br input type submit name leftform_submit value Submit Left td td id rightform style visibility hidden Right Form br Input 1 input type text name rightform_input1 br Input 2 input..
What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2599020/what-are-the-typical-reasons-javascript-developed-on-firefox-fails-on-ie in IE especially in quirks mode and sometimes one gives a better result than the other. elm.offsetTop and elm.offsetLeft are often incorrectly reported leading to finding positions of elements being incorrect which is why popup elements etc.. mouse position This one is actually not defined by the w3c so is non standard even in Firefox. To find the scrollLeft scrollTop of the document Firefox and IE in quirks mode document.body.scrollLeft scrollTop IE in standards mode document.documentElement.scrollLeft.. even in Firefox. To find the scrollLeft scrollTop of the document Firefox and IE in quirks mode document.body.scrollLeft scrollTop IE in standards mode document.documentElement.scrollLeft scrollTop NOTE Some other browsers use pageXOffset pageYOffset..
Check Ctrl / Shift / Alt keys on 'click' event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2847135/check-ctrl-shift-alt-keys-on-click-event Ctrl Shift Alt keys are pressed in the following code #my_id .click function if left control key is pressed alert Left Ctrl if right shift and left alt keys are pressed alert Right Shift Left Alt javascript jquery html firefox3.6 share.. function if left control key is pressed alert Left Ctrl if right shift and left alt keys are pressed alert Right Shift Left Alt javascript jquery html firefox3.6 share improve this question Well you this wont work in all browsers just IE.. in browsers. http unixpapa.com js key.html '#someelement' .bind 'click' function event if event.ctrlKey if event.ctrlLeft console.log 'ctrl left' else console.log 'ctrl right' if event.altKey if event.altLeft console.log 'alt left' else console.log..
Why do different browsers render the same HTML differently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3530902/why-do-different-browsers-render-the-same-html-differently .width height this .find '.l' .height pad this .find '.h' .position .left actWidth width 10 nHeight height height 2 rLeftMargin actWidth 1 bWidth actWidth this .find '.r' .css 'margin top' nHeight 'margin left' rLeftMargin 'height' height this.. height height 2 rLeftMargin actWidth 1 bWidth actWidth this .find '.r' .css 'margin top' nHeight 'margin left' rLeftMargin 'height' height this .find '.h' .css 'height' 25 this .find '.b' .css 'width' bWidth 'margin top' 0 script head body.. id inner21 style width 69 float left margin left 1px margin right 1px div class frame div class h style width 100 Left Frame div div class l style height 93 div div class r div div class b div div div div id inner22 style width 29 float..
jQuery: Detecting pressed mouse button during mousemove event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4065992/jquery-detecting-pressed-mouse-button-during-mousemove-event variable through then outputs the value of e.which . function var leftButtonDown false document .mousedown function e Left mouse button was pressed set flag if e.which 1 leftButtonDown true document .mouseup function e Left mouse button was released.. function e Left mouse button was pressed set flag if e.which 1 leftButtonDown true document .mouseup function e Left mouse button was released clear flag if e.which 1 leftButtonDown false function tweakMouseMoveEvent e Check from jQuery..
jQuery: keyPress Backspace won't fire? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4690330/jquery-keypress-backspace-wont-fire '.s' .keypress function e switch e.keyCode case 8 Backspace console.log 'backspace' case 9 Tab case 13 Enter case 37 Left case 38 Up case 39 Right case 40 Down break default doSearch I want my doSearch funciton also to be fired when i hit the..
WCF not deserializing JSON input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5067436/wcf-not-deserializing-json-input Layout Implements ILayoutService.SaveLayout Dim l As New Layout Dim left center right As New ContentColumn left.Name Left Column left.Position 0 center.Name Center Column center.Position 1 right.Name Right Column right.Position 2 Dim topLeft.. Column left.Position 0 center.Name Center Column center.Position 1 right.Name Right Column right.Position 2 Dim topLeft centerLeft bottomLeft topCenter centerCenter bottomCenter topRight centerRight bottomRight As New ContentModule topLeft.Name.. left.Position 0 center.Name Center Column center.Position 1 right.Name Right Column right.Position 2 Dim topLeft centerLeft bottomLeft topCenter centerCenter bottomCenter topRight centerRight bottomRight As New ContentModule topLeft.Name Top Left..
Detect middle button click (scroll button) with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5392442/detect-middle-button-click-scroll-button-with-jquery click scroll share improve this question Well after a quick test it seems that the there ordered accordingly Left 1 Middle 2 Right 3 So if you had document .mousedown function e switch e.which case 1 left Click break case 2 middle..
keyboard navigation with arrow keys (next and back) for changing filenames http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12682157/keyboard-navigation-with-arrow-keys-next-and-back-for-changing-filenames navigation.js and include it from every page when the document is ready run this function jQuery function var keymap LEFT keymap 37 #prev RIGHT keymap 39 #next document .on keyup function event var href selector keymap event.which if the key..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13020459/files-get-uploaded-just-before-they-get-cancelled will delete cancelled file from both Image and Image Question Table imagedeletesql DELETE img img_q FROM Image AS img LEFT JOIN Image_Question AS img_q ON img_q.ImageId img.ImageId WHERE img.ImageFile prepare delete query if delete mysqli prepare..
How to associate marks for each answer button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14866099/how-to-associate-marks-for-each-answer-button q.QuestionNo o.OptionType GROUP_CONCAT DISTINCT Answer ORDER BY Answer SEPARATOR ' ' AS Answer FROM Question q LEFT JOIN Answer an ON q.QuestionId an.QuestionId LEFT JOIN Individual_Answer ia ON an.AnswerId ia.AnswerId LEFT JOIN Option_Table.. Answer ORDER BY Answer SEPARATOR ' ' AS Answer FROM Question q LEFT JOIN Answer an ON q.QuestionId an.QuestionId LEFT JOIN Individual_Answer ia ON an.AnswerId ia.AnswerId LEFT JOIN Option_Table o ON q.OptionId o.OptionId global mysqli qandaqrystmt.. q LEFT JOIN Answer an ON q.QuestionId an.QuestionId LEFT JOIN Individual_Answer ia ON an.AnswerId ia.AnswerId LEFT JOIN Option_Table o ON q.OptionId o.OptionId global mysqli qandaqrystmt mysqli prepare qandaquery get result and assign..
window.resize event firing in Internet Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1852751/window-resize-event-firing-in-internet-explorer I have window.resize event to call a function which will re position the div appended to the body. Now when I set the LEFT css property of that appended div the window.resize event get trigger for NO GOOD REASON. It it results in an infinite loop.. again and again. The code without fix window .resize function var onResize function The method which sets the LEFT css property which triggers window.resize again and it was a infinite loop setWrapperPosition mainWrapper.parent window.clearTimeout.. window .width winHeight window .height window .resize function var onResize function The method which sets the LEFT css property which triggers window.resize again and it was a infinite loop setWrapperPosition mainWrapper.parent New height..
jQuery keypress left/right navigation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4104158/jquery-keypress-left-right-navigation keypress left right navigation I want to give my content slider the ability to respond to keypress LEFT ARROW key and RIGHT ARROW key feature. I have read about some conflicts between several browsers and operation systems... The user can navigate the content while he is on the global website body . Pseudo Code ON Global Document IF Key Press LEFT ARROW THEN animate #showroom css 'left' 980px IF Key Press RIGHT ARROW THEN animate #showroom css 'left' 980px I need a..
How to detect if the pressed key will produce a character inside an <input> text-box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4179708/how-to-detect-if-the-pressed-key-will-produce-a-character-inside-an-input-text act based on that keydown handler function e var len this .val .length if e.keyCode 37 e.keyCode 39 e.keyCode 16 ARROW LEFT or ARROW RIGHT or SHIFT key return else if e.keyCode 8 BACKSPACE key this .attr size len 1 1 len 1 else this .attr size.. this .attr size len 1 1 len 1 else this .attr size len 0 1 len 1 This works and looks great for BACKSPACE SHIFT ARROW LEFT and ARROW RIGHT. However I would like to have a more robust solution. javascript jquery keyboard events share improve..
how to move a div with arrow keys http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4950575/how-to-move-a-div-with-arrow-keys interval d this object stores the information on what key is being pressed. For instance while the user holds down the LEFT ARROW key d '37' is true . Otherwise it's false . BTW 37 is the key code for the LEFT ARROW key and this value is stored.. while the user holds down the LEFT ARROW key d '37' is true . Otherwise it's false . BTW 37 is the key code for the LEFT ARROW key and this value is stored in the e.which property of the event object. The d object is being updated on each keydown..
How can I force jQuery Validate to check for duplicate username in database? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6117901/how-can-i-force-jquery-validate-to-check-for-duplicate-username-in-database error '' username _GET 'username' exclude denied account checkuserquery mysql_query Select from database_users as user LEFT OUTER JOIN database_approval as approval on user.user_id approval.approval_user_id where approval.approval_status IS NULL..
Save data using AJAX and CakePHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6285006/save-data-using-ajax-and-cakephp join s Cake's options 'joins' give you completely granular control you can designate any type of JOIN if the default LEFT isn't good enough for what you need to do. You can make and break model bindings on the fly with this Model bind unbind..
Why would jquery return 0 for an offsetHeight when firebug says it's 34? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/636474/why-would-jquery-return-0-for-an-offsetheight-when-firebug-says-its-34 action blah.aspx method post DIV id container DIV id ctl00_BodyContentPlaceHolder_Navigation style Z INDEX 1 LEFT 1597px POSITION absolute TOP 67px DIV class TransparentBg id TransparentDiv style MARGIN TOP 10px MARGIN RIGHT 10px HEIGHT..
Add Paging for JqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8479777/add-paging-for-jqgrid In the most cases you need query the data which has unique ids. So you can implement paging using of SELECT TOP and LEFT OUTER JOIN construction. Let us I explain it on an example. For example you need to query Product with the price from the.. UnitPrice AS SELECT TOP 20 FROM GetAll GetNext Id ProductName UnitPrice AS SELECT TOP 10 a. FROM GetAll AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN GetTop AS t ON t.Id a.Id WHERE t.Id IS NULL SELECT FROM GetNext You should just replace 10 and 20 on two places.. query with respect of subqueries SELECT TOP 10 a. FROM SELECT ProductID ProductName UnitPrice FROM dbo.Products AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN SELECT TOP 20 ProductID ProductName UnitPrice FROM dbo.Products AS t ON t.ProductID a.ProductID WHERE t.ProductID..