jquery Programming Glossary: ix
Today's XSS onmouseover exploit on twitter.com http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3762746/todays-xss-onmouseover-exploit-on-twitter-com @ ^ . # REGEXEN valid_general_url_path_chars ix The @ ^ part allowed any character except a forward slash when.. any character except a forward slash when it was prefixed by an @ sign and suffixed by a forward slash. By changing.. a forward slash when it was prefixed by an @ sign and suffixed by a forward slash. By changing to @# REGEXEN valid_general_url_path_chars..
jQuery find/replace without changing original text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4060056/jquery-find-replace-without-changing-original-text 3 var matches if typeof pattern 'string' var ix 0 while true ix child.data.indexOf pattern ix if ix 1 break.. matches if typeof pattern 'string' var ix 0 while true ix child.data.indexOf pattern ix if ix 1 break matches.push.. var ix 0 while true ix child.data.indexOf pattern ix if ix 1 break matches.push index ix '0' pattern else var..
jqGrid resolve the grid pager ID dynamically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7056859/jqgrid-resolve-the-grid-pager-id-dynamically gridID '#edit_' gridID '#del_' gridID .each ops function ix value var td value if enableRegistry true td.show else td.hide.. jqGrids 'div.ui jqgrid bdiv table' jqGrids.each function ix jqGrid var gridID .jgrid.jqID jqGrid.id reconfigPermissions.. buttons have the ids starting with the following prefixes 'edit_' 'view_' 'del_' 'search_' 'refresh_' . More common..
Displaying the OS name/version and the browser name/version on the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7370200/displaying-the-os-name-version-and-the-browser-name-version-on-the-page var browserName navigator.appName var nameOffset verOffset ix In Opera the true version is after Opera or after Version if..
How to chain ajax calls using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8612894/how-to-chain-ajax-calls-using-jquery .Deferred startingpoint.resolve .each countries function ix country var da new DeferredAjax country country .when startingpoint.. .Deferred startingpoint.resolve .each countries function ix country startingpoint startingpoint.pipe function console.log..
Today's XSS onmouseover exploit on twitter.com http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3762746/todays-xss-onmouseover-exploit-on-twitter-com regex was REGEXEN valid_url_path_chars # REGEXEN wikipedia_disambiguation @ ^ . # REGEXEN valid_general_url_path_chars ix The @ ^ part allowed any character except a forward slash when it was prefixed by an @ sign and suffixed by a forward slash... . # REGEXEN valid_general_url_path_chars ix The @ ^ part allowed any character except a forward slash when it was prefixed by an @ sign and suffixed by a forward slash. By changing to @# REGEXEN valid_general_url_path_chars it now only allows.. ix The @ ^ part allowed any character except a forward slash when it was prefixed by an @ sign and suffixed by a forward slash. By changing to @# REGEXEN valid_general_url_path_chars it now only allows valid URL characters. share..
jQuery find/replace without changing original text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4060056/jquery-find-replace-without-changing-original-text tag 'textarea' findText child pattern callback else if child.nodeType 3 var matches if typeof pattern 'string' var ix 0 while true ix child.data.indexOf pattern ix if ix 1 break matches.push index ix '0' pattern else var match while.. child pattern callback else if child.nodeType 3 var matches if typeof pattern 'string' var ix 0 while true ix child.data.indexOf pattern ix if ix 1 break matches.push index ix '0' pattern else var match while match pattern.exec.. else if child.nodeType 3 var matches if typeof pattern 'string' var ix 0 while true ix child.data.indexOf pattern ix if ix 1 break matches.push index ix '0' pattern else var match while match pattern.exec child.data matches.push..
jqGrid resolve the grid pager ID dynamically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7056859/jqgrid-resolve-the-grid-pager-id-dynamically gridID var enableRegistry CanModifyRegistry var ops '#add_' gridID '#edit_' gridID '#del_' gridID .each ops function ix value var td value if enableRegistry true td.show else td.hide This function get called when the user select another.. is a jqGrid on the page and if present reloads its data var jqGrids 'div.ui jqgrid bdiv table' jqGrids.each function ix jqGrid var gridID .jgrid.jqID jqGrid.id reconfigPermissions gridID jqGrid.trigger 'reloadGrid' Any suggestion jquery.. id of the table element used to create the grid. Other standard buttons have the ids starting with the following prefixes 'edit_' 'view_' 'del_' 'search_' 'refresh_' . More common code which works if the id of the grid has special characters..
Displaying the OS name/version and the browser name/version on the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7370200/displaying-the-os-name-version-and-the-browser-name-version-on-the-page var nVer navigator.appVersion var nAgt navigator.userAgent var browserName navigator.appName var nameOffset verOffset ix In Opera the true version is after Opera or after Version if verOffset nAgt.indexOf Opera 1 browserName Opera In MSIE the..
How to chain ajax calls using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8612894/how-to-chain-ajax-calls-using-jquery this.deferred.promise var countries US CA MX startingpoint .Deferred startingpoint.resolve .each countries function ix country var da new DeferredAjax country country .when startingpoint .then function da.invoke startingpoint da Fiddle http.. request for country var countries US CA MX startingpoint .Deferred startingpoint.resolve .each countries function ix country startingpoint startingpoint.pipe function console.log Making request for country return fireRequest country http..