jquery Programming Glossary: items_per_page
Paginate records on Client side issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10928368/paginate-records-on-client-side-issue mysql. My classes for pagination are class Paginator var items_per_page var items_total var current_page var num_pages var mid_range.. mid_range 2 this ipp_array array 2 4 6 8 10 'All' this items_per_page empty _GET 'ipp' _GET 'ipp' this default_ipp function paginate.. default_ipp '2' if _GET 'ipp' 'All' this num_pages 1 this items_per_page this default_ipp else if is_numeric this items_per_page OR..
jQuery Pagination Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1523163/jquery-pagination-plugin 2 num_display_entries 8 callback pageselectCallback items_per_page 3 document .ready function '#hiddenresult' .load 'load.php'.. 2 num_display_entries 8 callback pageselectCallback items_per_page 3 function pageselectCallback page_index jq var items_per_page.. 3 function pageselectCallback page_index jq var items_per_page pagination_options.items_per_page var offset page_index items_per_page..
Good jQuery pagination plugin to use with JSON data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2505435/good-jquery-pagination-plugin-to-use-with-json-data number of page links displayed callback pageselectCallback items_per_page 1 Adjust this value if you change the callback So you just..
Two jquery pagination plugin in the same page doesn't seem to work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2605053/two-jquery-pagination-plugin-in-the-same-page-doesnt-seem-to-work maxvalues callback getRecordspage current_page 0 items_per_page itemsPerPage num_display_entries 5 next_text 'Next' prev_text.. .pagination 300 callback pagecallback current_page 0 items_per_page 5 num_display_entries 5 next_text 'Next' prev_text 'Prev'..
jquery pagination + twitter bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8400804/jquery-pagination-twitter-bootstrap function maxentries opts opts jQuery.extend items_per_page 10 num_display_entries 10 current_page 0 num_edge_entries 0.. pages function numPages return Math.ceil maxentries opts.items_per_page Calculate start and end point of pagination links depending.. opts.current_page Create a sane value for maxentries and items_per_page maxentries maxentries maxentries 0 1 maxentries opts.items_per_page..
Paginate records on Client side issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10928368/paginate-records-on-client-side-issue issue I am working on a search filter operation using php mysql. My classes for pagination are class Paginator var items_per_page var items_total var current_page var num_pages var mid_range var low var limit var return var default_ipp var querystring.. var ipp_array function Paginator this current_page 1 this mid_range 2 this ipp_array array 2 4 6 8 10 'All' this items_per_page empty _GET 'ipp' _GET 'ipp' this default_ipp function paginate if isset this default_ipp this default_ipp '2' if _GET 'ipp'.. function paginate if isset this default_ipp this default_ipp '2' if _GET 'ipp' 'All' this num_pages 1 this items_per_page this default_ipp else if is_numeric this items_per_page OR this items_per_page 0 this items_per_page this default_ipp this..
jQuery Pagination Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1523163/jquery-pagination-plugin element #Pagination .pagination num_entries num_edge_entries 2 num_display_entries 8 callback pageselectCallback items_per_page 3 document .ready function '#hiddenresult' .load 'load.php' null initPagination Here's my HTML after the PHP has been.. Here's the modified code var pagination_options num_edge_entries 2 num_display_entries 8 callback pageselectCallback items_per_page 3 function pageselectCallback page_index jq var items_per_page pagination_options.items_per_page var offset page_index items_per_page.. 2 num_display_entries 8 callback pageselectCallback items_per_page 3 function pageselectCallback page_index jq var items_per_page pagination_options.items_per_page var offset page_index items_per_page var new_content '#hiddenresult div.result' .slice..
Good jQuery pagination plugin to use with JSON data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2505435/good-jquery-pagination-plugin-to-use-with-json-data numEntries num_edge_entries 2 num_display_entries 8 number of page links displayed callback pageselectCallback items_per_page 1 Adjust this value if you change the callback So you just have to generate the HTML markup from your JSON data and call..
Two jquery pagination plugin in the same page doesn't seem to work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2605053/two-jquery-pagination-plugin-in-the-same-page-doesnt-seem-to-work 0 itemsPerPage var maxvalues #HfId .val .pager .pagination maxvalues callback getRecordspage current_page 0 items_per_page itemsPerPage num_display_entries 5 next_text 'Next' prev_text 'Prev' num_edge_entries 1 script Here is what i am getting..... script type text javascript document .ready function .pager .pagination 300 callback pagecallback current_page 0 items_per_page 5 num_display_entries 5 next_text 'Next' prev_text 'Prev' num_edge_entries 1 function pagecallback var paginationClone..
jquery pagination + twitter bootstrap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8400804/jquery-pagination-twitter-bootstrap console.info page and here is the code for library. jQuery.fn.pagination function maxentries opts opts jQuery.extend items_per_page 10 num_display_entries 10 current_page 0 num_edge_entries 0 link_to javascript void 0 prev_text Prev next_text Next ellipse_text.. return this.each function Calculate the maximum number of pages function numPages return Math.ceil maxentries opts.items_per_page Calculate start and end point of pagination links depending on current_page and num_display_entries. @return Array function.. true Extract current_page from options var current_page opts.current_page Create a sane value for maxentries and items_per_page maxentries maxentries maxentries 0 1 maxentries opts.items_per_page opts.items_per_page opts.items_per_page 0 1 opts.items_per_page..