jquery Programming Glossary: itemsperpage
Two jquery pagination plugin in the same page doesn't seem to work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2605053/two-jquery-pagination-plugin-in-the-same-page-doesnt-seem-to-work div br br br div id ResultsDiv div div id PagerDown class pager div And my jquery has script type text javascript var itemsPerPage 5 document .ready function getRecordspage 0 itemsPerPage var maxvalues #HfId .val .pager .pagination maxvalues callback.. pager div And my jquery has script type text javascript var itemsPerPage 5 document .ready function getRecordspage 0 itemsPerPage var maxvalues #HfId .val .pager .pagination maxvalues callback getRecordspage current_page 0 items_per_page itemsPerPage.. var maxvalues #HfId .val .pager .pagination maxvalues callback getRecordspage current_page 0 items_per_page itemsPerPage num_display_entries 5 next_text 'Next' prev_text 'Prev' num_edge_entries 1 script Here is what i am getting... Both..
AJAX and MVC (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799404/ajax-and-mvc-c Instead it sounds like you want something like this Controller action public JsonResult GetPagedData int page int itemsPerPage string filters var results dataRepository.GetPagedItems pageId itemsPerPage filters return new JsonResult Data results.ToArray.. JsonResult GetPagedData int page int itemsPerPage string filters var results dataRepository.GetPagedItems pageId itemsPerPage filters return new JsonResult Data results.ToArray JS changes var retrieveData function path pageNumber pageSize filters.. pageSize filters fnHandleCallback Use the getJSON method to call our JsonResult action .getJSON path page pageNumber itemsPerPage pageSize filters filters function data fnHandleCallback data The path parameter is our JSON controller action function..