jquery Programming Glossary: itemselector
tumblr audio/video players + Masonry with infinite scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10165501/tumblr-audio-video-players-masonry-with-infinite-scroll '.row' container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.post' columnWidth 1 container.infinitescroll navSelector.. navSelector '#page nav' nextSelector '#page nav a' itemSelector '.post' loading finishedMsg No more entries to load. img http..
jquery masonry image append http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11170227/jquery-masonry-image-append container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.box' columnWidth 1 isAnimated Modernizr.csstransitions document.. the box container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.box' columnWidth 280 isAnimated Modernizr.csstransitions .. container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.box' columnWidth 280 isAnimated Modernizr.csstransitions ..
jQuery masonry with Wordpress and imagesLoaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11375195/jquery-masonry-with-wordpress-and-imagesloaded jQuery function jQuery '#masonry wrap' .masonry itemSelector '.masonry box' columnWidth 283 script Seems to be working.. wrap' container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.masonry box' columnWidth 283 Remember to use the latest version.. var container '#masonry wrap' container.masonry options itemSelector '.masonry box' columnWidth 283 jQuery share improve this..
css float elements with unequal heights left and up in grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11434756/css-float-elements-with-unequal-heights-left-and-up-in-grid floats Here is a code example ... '#container' .masonry itemSelector '.box' Here is the source on Github and an interview with David..
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878365/loading-more-items-from-database-infinite-scroll '#entries' select '#filters select' container.isotope itemSelector '.item' select.change function var filters this .val container.isotope..
Jquery Masonry Seamless Responsive Image Grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12115037/jquery-masonry-seamless-responsive-image-grid function ctCollContainer.masonry itemSelector '.box' columnWidth function containerWidth return containerWidth..
Jquery Masonry loading over each other after Ajax div refresh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17698922/jquery-masonry-loading-over-each-other-after-ajax-div-refresh made visible myContainer '#myTiles' myContainer.masonry itemSelector '.myTile' isInitLayout false and then calling layout later on..
Help with Jquery + Masonry Plugin: How to expand/collapse boxes to reveal content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3030199/help-with-jquery-masonry-plugin-how-to-expand-collapse-boxes-to-reveal-conten document .ready function '#grid' .masonry singleMode false itemSelector '.box' animate true '.box' .click function if this .is '.expanded'.. .masonry singleMode false columnWidth 100 resizeable true itemSelector '.box' animate true '.box' .click function if this .is '.expanded'..
How to bind a dynamic DIV to Jquery Masonry plugin? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3526077/how-to-bind-a-dynamic-div-to-jquery-masonry-plugin return false '#primary' .masonry columnWidth 100 itemSelector '.box not .invis ' animate true animationOptions duration speed..
jQuery Masonry from bottom up http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5206376/jquery-masonry-from-bottom-up singleMode false columnWidth undefined itemSelector undefined appendedContent undefined fromBottom false new option..
Responsive Masonry jQuery layout example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9047449/responsive-masonry-jquery-layout-example function ctCollContainer.masonry itemSelector '.ct coll item' columnWidth function containerWidth return..
Use Isotope with objects loaded in with XML and jQuery. Is this possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9657632/use-isotope-with-objects-loaded-in-with-xml-and-jquery-is-this-possible '#container' var checkboxes '#filters a' container.isotope itemSelector '.item' transformsEnabled false animationOptions duration 4000.. init isotop end .get function initIsotop container.isotope itemSelector '.item' transformsEnabled false animationOptions duration 4000..
Calling function after .load (Jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9899066/calling-function-after-load-jquery container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.box' container.infinitescroll navSelector '#page nav' nextSelector.. navSelector '#page nav' nextSelector '#page nav a' itemSelector '.box' loading finishedMsg 'Nothing else to load.' img 'http..
Use jQuery masonry with Absolutely Positioned Parent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9996021/use-jquery-masonry-with-absolutely-positioned-parent element Javascript jQuery ul li ul.sub menu .masonry itemSelector '.brick' columnWidth 300 HTML ul li id menu item 9451 class..
tumblr audio/video players + Masonry with infinite scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10165501/tumblr-audio-video-players-masonry-with-infinite-scroll blocks. My code document .ready function var container '.row' container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.post' columnWidth 1 container.infinitescroll navSelector '#page nav' nextSelector '#page nav a' itemSelector '.post'.. itemSelector '.post' columnWidth 1 container.infinitescroll navSelector '#page nav' nextSelector '#page nav a' itemSelector '.post' loading finishedMsg No more entries to load. img http static.tumblr.com 7wtblbo hsDlw78hw transparent box.png msgText..
jquery masonry image append http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11170227/jquery-masonry-image-append No results searchingText Searching... var container '#container' container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.box' columnWidth 1 isAnimated Modernizr.csstransitions document .ready function input type button .click function .ajax.. Try changing your columnWidth to the same as the image in the box container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.box' columnWidth 280 isAnimated Modernizr.csstransitions Update the line container.append boxes .imagesLoaded function.. No results searchingText Searching... var container '#container' container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.box' columnWidth 280 isAnimated Modernizr.csstransitions input type button .click function .ajax url generatehtml.php..
jQuery masonry with Wordpress and imagesLoaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11375195/jquery-masonry-with-wordpress-and-imagesloaded it to work for a while I found that this script type text javascript jQuery function jQuery '#masonry wrap' .masonry itemSelector '.masonry box' columnWidth 283 script Seems to be working fine for me... However checking the site in Chrome and Safari.. work for you Masonry Trigger var container jQuery '#masonry wrap' container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.masonry box' columnWidth 283 Remember to use the latest version of imagesLoaded I had a problem a while back and the..
css float elements with unequal heights left and up in grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11434756/css-float-elements-with-unequal-heights-left-and-up-in-grid . A dynamic layout plugin for jQuery The flip side of CSS floats Here is a code example ... '#container' .masonry itemSelector '.box' Here is the source on Github and an interview with David Desandro on the Shoptalk podcast. For folks that aren't..
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878365/loading-more-items-from-database-infinite-scroll xmlhttp.send Isotope filter function filterEntries var container '#entries' select '#filters select' container.isotope itemSelector '.item' select.change function var filters this .val container.isotope filter filters window .scroll function if window..
Jquery Masonry Seamless Responsive Image Grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12115037/jquery-masonry-seamless-responsive-image-grid function event changeColCnt initPlugins function ctCollContainer.imagesLoaded function ctCollContainer.masonry itemSelector '.box' columnWidth function containerWidth return containerWidth n isAnimated true animationOptions duration 300..
Jquery Masonry loading over each other after Ajax div refresh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17698922/jquery-masonry-loading-over-each-other-after-ajax-div-refresh this by preventing the layout from being initialized till it's made visible myContainer '#myTiles' myContainer.masonry itemSelector '.myTile' isInitLayout false and then calling layout later on in my case on a button click using myContainer.masonry I checked..
Help with Jquery + Masonry Plugin: How to expand/collapse boxes to reveal content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3030199/help-with-jquery-masonry-plugin-how-to-expand-collapse-boxes-to-reveal-conten plugins share improve this question Try this demo here document .ready function '#grid' .masonry singleMode false itemSelector '.box' animate true '.box' .click function if this .is '.expanded' restoreBoxes else restoreBoxes this save original box.. defaultSize 180 180 expanded box size width height '#grid' .masonry singleMode false columnWidth 100 resizeable true itemSelector '.box' animate true '.box' .click function if this .is '.expanded' restoreBoxes else var size this .attr 'data size' this..
How to bind a dynamic DIV to Jquery Masonry plugin? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3526077/how-to-bind-a-dynamic-div-to-jquery-masonry-plugin nav li.1 a li.2 a li.3 a' .click function '#primary' .masonry return false '#primary' .masonry columnWidth 100 itemSelector '.box not .invis ' animate true animationOptions duration speed queue false The shuffling works fine after the first..
jQuery Masonry from bottom up http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5206376/jquery-masonry-from-bottom-up added the option in the defaults Default plugin options .fn.masonry.defaults singleMode false columnWidth undefined itemSelector undefined appendedContent undefined fromBottom false new option saveOptions true resizeable true animate false animationOptions..
Responsive Masonry jQuery layout example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9047449/responsive-masonry-jquery-layout-example function event changeColCnt initPlugins function ctCollContainer.imagesLoaded function ctCollContainer.masonry itemSelector '.ct coll item' columnWidth function containerWidth return containerWidth n isAnimated true animationOptions duration..
Use Isotope with objects loaded in with XML and jQuery. Is this possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9657632/use-isotope-with-objects-loaded-in-with-xml-and-jquery-is-this-possible item red item blue etc Thanks in advanced var container '#container' var checkboxes '#filters a' container.isotope itemSelector '.item' transformsEnabled false animationOptions duration 4000 easing 'easeInOutQuad' queue false complete complete function.. '#container' end each initIsotop after adding all elements init isotop end .get function initIsotop container.isotope itemSelector '.item' transformsEnabled false animationOptions duration 4000 easing 'easeInOutQuad' queue false share improve this..
Calling function after .load (Jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9899066/calling-function-after-load-jquery but the functions don't fire function var container '#container' container.imagesLoaded function container.masonry itemSelector '.box' container.infinitescroll navSelector '#page nav' nextSelector '#page nav a' itemSelector '.box' loading finishedMsg.. container.masonry itemSelector '.box' container.infinitescroll navSelector '#page nav' nextSelector '#page nav a' itemSelector '.box' loading finishedMsg 'Nothing else to load.' img 'http i.imgur.com 6RMhx.gif' function newElements .superbox.settings..
Use jQuery masonry with Absolutely Positioned Parent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9996021/use-jquery-masonry-with-absolutely-positioned-parent a way to do this and keep my absolute positioning on the parent element Javascript jQuery ul li ul.sub menu .masonry itemSelector '.brick' columnWidth 300 HTML ul li id menu item 9451 class menu item menu item type post_type menu item object page menu..