

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:04:03

jquery Programming Glossary: images

Access outside variable in loop from Javascript closure


#showcasenav .append li id showcasebutton_ item.id img src images showcase icon item.id .png li #showcasebutton_ item.id .click.. #showcasenav .append li id showcasebutton_ item.id img src images showcase icon item.id .png li #showcasebutton_ item.id .click.. #showcasenav .append li id showcasebutton_ item.id img src images showcase icon item.id .png li #showcasebutton_ item.id .click..

Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome?


will not pic_real_height this.height work for in memory images. To avoid any affects CSS might have on the image's dimensions..

XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


Control Allow Origin I'm developing a page that pulls images from Flickr and Panoramio via jQuery's AJAX support. The Flickr..

Window.onload vs document.ready ?


while the onload event occurs later when all content e.g. images also has been loaded. The onload event is a standard event in..

Preloading images with jQuery


images with jQuery I'm looking for a quick and easy way to preload.. jQuery I'm looking for a quick and easy way to preload images with JavaScript. I'm using jQuery if that's important. I saw.. size I just need a quick easy and short way of preloading images javascript jquery image share improve this question Quick..

Official way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something


way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something In jQuery when you do this.. jQuery when you do this function alert DOM is loaded but images not necessarily all loaded It waits for the DOM to load and.. for the DOM to load and executes your code. If all the images are not loaded then it still executes the code. This is obviously..

$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery


will not be the same as window.onload fires after all images frames etc have been loaded. javascript jquery share improve..

call Fancybox in parent from iframe


code need for fancybox What I am trying to do is to have images inside social.html and when clicked on it it would open fancybox..

jQuery event for images loaded


event for images loaded Is it possible to detect when all images are loaded.. event for images loaded Is it possible to detect when all images are loaded via a jQuery event Ideally there should be a document.. are a number of caveats for using the load event with images. As noted in another answer the ahpi.imgload.js plugin is broken..

How do I get jQuery's Uploadify plugin to work with ASP.NET MVC?


'speed' 'simUploadLimit' 2 'cancelImg' ' Content Images cancel.png' script Which seems like all is well in good. If..

Javascript on the bottom of the page?


and it seems to have some small effect but is it trivial Images and other sources don't seem to start loading until css files..

How to Preview Image, get file size, image height and width before upload?


as from HTML 5 and the File API LIVE DEMO Multiple Images Upload Preview images input type file id choose multiple multiple..

Trying so hard to Link to tabbed content from an external link [closed]


id Before class tab_content style display block img src Images before.png class alignLeft alt CMC and QA Icons p Sed do eiusmod.. div Ends During div id After class tab_content img src Images after.png class alignRight alt CMC and QA Icons p p Sed do eiusmod..

multiple upload images on c#/jquery


OnUploadComplete UploadComplete FileTypeDescription Images FileTypes .gif .png .jpg .jpeg UploadFileSizeLimit 3000000.. j HttpPostedFile uploadFile context.Request.Files j SaveImages uploadFile albumid out returnPhotoId my function to save albumId..

Optimized Algorithm to compare Templates of two URLs


Any shopping website have page of any Shoes that contains Images in the left. Price and Size in the right. Reviews in the bottom...

jQuery why some of my icons start looking incorrect


jquery 1.8.2.min.js webapp js jquery.mobile 1.3.0.min.js Images under root JS images folder webapp js images ajax loader.gif..

Jquery Cycle + Firefox Squishing Images


Cycle Firefox Squishing Images Hey guys I'm running jQuery Cycle for an image gallery. View..

Jquery click event propagation


div div .addClass window .html span class close img src Images close.png id fechar span .append span class titulo O que deseja..

JQGrid Redrawing is slow


sortname 'VarName' sortorder asc imgpath ' Content Images ' jsonReader root rows page page total total records records..

Jquery Image Animation from one location to another


this transition jquery share improve this question Images cannot actually fade into other images you need to fake it...

.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY


CssClass submitConnectButton runat server ImageUrl ~ Images submit_btn.png br asp CheckBox Checked true id checkbox1 runat..

Pop Images like Google Images


Images like Google Images Is there any jQuery plugin or CSS technique.. Images like Google Images Is there any jQuery plugin or CSS technique to achieve this..

How to simplify my statefull interlaced modal dialogs in ASP.NET MVC


~ Teste opendialog ' var url_prl '@Url.Content ~ Images waitplease.gif ' function onloadpartial configDetailDialog.. type submit style background #ffffff url '@Url.Content ~ Images img01.png ' value opendialog name action opendialog id opendialog.. type submit style background #ffffff url '@Url.Content ~ Images img02.png ' value saveitem name action saveitem id action saveitem..

How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on


this gridSelector .supersleight shim siteRoot 'Content Images shim.gif' if gridprefs gridprefs.filter for var prop in gridprefs.filter..

Hosted version of Twitter Bootstrap (maybe Google?) [closed]


Davis . Hosted JS since February 2012 2.0.0 hosted CSS Images since August 2012 2.0.4 . Both of these are unofficial and come..

Access outside variable in loop from Javascript closure


closure See for var i in this.items var item this.items i #showcasenav .append li id showcasebutton_ item.id img src images showcase icon item.id .png li #showcasebutton_ item.id .click function alert item.id self.switchto item.id The problem.. for var i in this.items var item this.items i #showcasenav .append li id showcasebutton_ item.id img src images showcase icon item.id .png li #showcasebutton_ item.id .click create an anonymous function that will scope item function.. was true in your example. .each this.items function i item #showcasenav .append li id showcasebutton_ item.id img src images showcase icon item.id .png li #showcasebutton_ item.id .click function alert item.id self.switchto item.id share improve..

Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome?


src .load function pic_real_width this.width Note this .width will not pic_real_height this.height work for in memory images. To avoid any affects CSS might have on the image's dimensions the code above makes an in memory copy of the image. This..

XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


error Origin null is not allowed by Access Control Allow Origin I'm developing a page that pulls images from Flickr and Panoramio via jQuery's AJAX support. The Flickr side is working fine but when I try to .get url callback..

Window.onload vs document.ready ?


ready event occurs after the HTML document has been loaded while the onload event occurs later when all content e.g. images also has been loaded. The onload event is a standard event in the DOM while the ready event is specific to jQuery. The purpose..

Preloading images with jQuery


images with jQuery I'm looking for a quick and easy way to preload images with JavaScript. I'm using jQuery if that's important... images with jQuery I'm looking for a quick and easy way to preload images with JavaScript. I'm using jQuery if that's important. I saw this here http nettuts.com... function complexLoad config fileNames.. out there that do this but they all seem a bit big in size I just need a quick easy and short way of preloading images javascript jquery image share improve this question Quick and easy function preload arrayOfImages arrayOfImages .each..

Official way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something


way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something In jQuery when you do this function alert DOM is loaded but images not necessarily all.. wait for all images to load before executing something In jQuery when you do this function alert DOM is loaded but images not necessarily all loaded It waits for the DOM to load and executes your code. If all the images are not loaded then it.. DOM is loaded but images not necessarily all loaded It waits for the DOM to load and executes your code. If all the images are not loaded then it still executes the code. This is obviously what we want if we're initializing any DOM stuff such..

$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery


without using jQuery I know that using window.onload will not be the same as window.onload fires after all images frames etc have been loaded. javascript jquery share improve this question It's much more complicated than just window.onload..

call Fancybox in parent from iframe


social.html. I cleaned out my index and left only the jquery code need for fancybox What I am trying to do is to have images inside social.html and when clicked on it it would open fancybox and show it but in index.html not inside the iframe. The..

jQuery event for images loaded


event for images loaded Is it possible to detect when all images are loaded via a jQuery event Ideally there should be a document .idle.. event for images loaded Is it possible to detect when all images are loaded via a jQuery event Ideally there should be a document .idle function or document .contentLoaded function But.. share improve this question Per jQuery's documentation there are a number of caveats for using the load event with images. As noted in another answer the ahpi.imgload.js plugin is broken but the linked Paul Irish gist is no longer maintained...

How do I get jQuery's Uploadify plugin to work with ASP.NET MVC?


' uploads' 'multi' 'true' 'buttonText' 'Browse' 'displayData' 'speed' 'simUploadLimit' 2 'cancelImg' ' Content Images cancel.png' script Which seems like all is well in good. If you notice the script attribute is set to my Placement Upload..

Javascript on the bottom of the page?


does this have any real basis I've done testing in Firebug and it seems to have some small effect but is it trivial Images and other sources don't seem to start loading until css files and script files have loaded but sticking them on the bottom..

How to Preview Image, get file size, image height and width before upload?


share improve this question This will work with modern browsers as from HTML 5 and the File API LIVE DEMO Multiple Images Upload Preview images input type file id choose multiple multiple br div id uploadPreview div var url window.URL window.webkitURL..

Trying so hard to Link to tabbed content from an external link [closed]


tabs div Ends tabs container div id tabs_content_container div id Before class tab_content style display block img src Images before.png class alignLeft alt CMC and QA Icons p Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt consectetur adipisicing elit duis aute.. voluptate excepteur sint occaecat eu fugiat nulla pariatur. div Ends During div id After class tab_content img src Images after.png class alignRight alt CMC and QA Icons p p Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt consectetur adipisicing elit duis aute..

multiple upload images on c#/jquery


FlashUpload ID flashUpload runat server UploadPage Upload2.axd OnUploadComplete UploadComplete FileTypeDescription Images FileTypes .gif .png .jpg .jpeg UploadFileSizeLimit 3000000 TotalUploadSizeLimit 40000000 asp LinkButton ID LinkButton1.. HttpContext context for int j 0 j context.Request.Files.Count j HttpPostedFile uploadFile context.Request.Files j SaveImages uploadFile albumid out returnPhotoId my function to save albumId is the session thanks c# jquery share improve this..

Optimized Algorithm to compare Templates of two URLs


means the way any page presents its contents. Example Any shopping website have page of any Shoes that contains Images in the left. Price and Size in the right. Reviews in the bottom. If two URLS are of any specific product then it return..

jQuery why some of my icons start looking incorrect


JS folder webapp js jquery.mobile 1.3.0.min.css webapp js jquery 1.8.2.min.js webapp js jquery.mobile 1.3.0.min.js Images under root JS images folder webapp js images ajax loader.gif webapp js images icons 18 black.png webapp js images icons..

Jquery Cycle + Firefox Squishing Images


Cycle Firefox Squishing Images Hey guys I'm running jQuery Cycle for an image gallery. View the link Here My problem is that the images are getting squished..

Jquery click event propagation


position body .append div div .addClass backFundo body .append div div .addClass window .html span class close img src Images close.png id fechar span .append span class titulo O que deseja fazer span span class crud a href # id edit Editar a span..

JQGrid Redrawing is slow


viewrecords true rowNum 20 loadonce true pager jQuery '#pagernav' sortname 'VarName' sortorder asc imgpath ' Content Images ' jsonReader root rows page page total total records records repeatitems true cell cell id id jquery optimization jqgrid..

Jquery Image Animation from one location to another


image. can you please give me any directions how to achieve this transition jquery share improve this question Images cannot actually fade into other images you need to fake it. Have one of the images floating the other using CSS. One should..

.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY


BorderStyle Solid asp TextBox asp ImageButton id connectButton CssClass submitConnectButton runat server ImageUrl ~ Images submit_btn.png br asp CheckBox Checked true id checkbox1 runat server CssClass connectCheckbox div CodeBehind in a .ashx..

Pop Images like Google Images


Images like Google Images Is there any jQuery plugin or CSS technique to achieve this pop effect like google images Thanks jquery.. Images like Google Images Is there any jQuery plugin or CSS technique to achieve this pop effect like google images Thanks jquery thumbnails pop..

How to simplify my statefull interlaced modal dialogs in ASP.NET MVC


ITEM script type text javascript var url_trg '@Url.Content ~ Teste opendialog ' var url_prl '@Url.Content ~ Images waitplease.gif ' function onloadpartial configDetailDialog url_trg #tempcontent section id 'main' Detail #opendialog.. @Html.ValidationMessageFor m m.p01campo02 div p input type submit style background #ffffff url '@Url.Content ~ Images img01.png ' value opendialog name action opendialog id opendialog input type submit style background #ffffff url '@Url.Content.. value opendialog name action opendialog id opendialog input type submit style background #ffffff url '@Url.Content ~ Images img02.png ' value saveitem name action saveitem id action saveitem p fieldset div div jquery asp.net asp.net mvc jquery..

How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on


.jqGrid setCaption newCapture fixPositionsOfFrozenDivs.call this gridSelector .supersleight shim siteRoot 'Content Images shim.gif' if gridprefs gridprefs.filter for var prop in gridprefs.filter '#gs_' prop .val eval 'gridprefs.filter.' prop..

Hosted version of Twitter Bootstrap (maybe Google?) [closed]


repo for more specifics. Maintained by @ryan_kirkman and Thomas Davis . Hosted JS since February 2012 2.0.0 hosted CSS Images since August 2012 2.0.4 . Both of these are unofficial and come with no warranties. Some community discussion about CDN..