

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:04:06

jquery Programming Glossary: img.src

How do you cache an image in Javascript


for var i 0 i array.length i var img new Image img.src array i preloadImages.list.push img var imageURLs url1.jpg url2.jpg..

How to use javascript or jQuery to read a pixel of an image?


return an array containing RGBA values. var img new Image img.src 'image.jpg' var context document.getElementById 'canvas' .getContext..

Jquery Plugin for Detecting Internet Connection


var connected true var img document.createElement 'img' img.src path to remoate image on your server img.onerror function connected..

preload hidden CSS images


js function function preloadImg image var img new Image img.src image preloadImg ' images home search_bg_selected.png' This..

How to drag images / objects within Canvas?


img.onload imageLoaded img.onerror ... handle errors img.src files i push image onto array in the same order as file names.. 0 var drag false this.x x this.y y var img new Image img.src src this.update function if mousePressed var left that.x var..

How do I get actual image width and height using jQuery?


Image img.onload function alert this.width 'x' this.height img.src #myimg .attr 'src' Or just check it out here http jsfiddle.net..

Detecting a image 404 in javascript


cfg cfg isType src 'o' src img src if img src cfg.src img.src else img document.createElement 'img' src src cfg.src if src.. if requested must be on DOM to load or pull from cache img.src src target cfg.target if target target.insertBefore img cfg.insertBefore..

Sending/Displaying a base64 encoded Image


image_data Clientside I'm calling var img new Image img.src http www.myserver.com generate.php img.onerror function alert..

How to save a jQuery FLOT Graph to a .png or orther image formate?


placeholder img document.createElement img Save img.src oCanvas.toDataUrl Restore oCanvas.drawImage img 0 0 var oCanvas..

capturing html5 canvas output as video or swf or png sequence?


300 300 ctx.fill img.onload function ctx.drawImage img 0 0 img.src my external image path var data cnv.toDataURL image png after..

jQuery, JavaScript, HTML: how to load images after everything else is loaded?


.attr 'lsrc' '' if lsrc.length 0 var img new Image img.src lsrc img .load function this_image.src this.src Edit..

Convert an image into binary data in javascript [duplicate]


image Firefox supports PNG and JPEG. You could check img.src to guess the original format but be aware the using image jpg..

Getting auto size of IMG before adding it to DOM (Using JQuery)


img.width document.write 'width ' width ' height ' height img.src src getImageSize 'http farm4.static.flickr.com 3261 5791911248_b777cb1dde_b.jpg'..

Change image source if file exists


img.onerror function doesn't exist or error loading img.src src fires off loading of image Here's a working implementation..

View image selected from file-system on client-side before upload?


img var reader new FileReader reader.onloadend function img.src reader.result reader.readAsDataURL file input .after img script..

Restart animated GIF as background-image


parameter to the URL var img document.createElement 'img' img.src http yoursite.com animated.gif p new Date .getTime Once the.. image img .load function div.css backgroundImage url img.src Remove the background image else div.css backgroundImage none..

Image preloader javascript that supports events


img.onload function remaining if remaining 0 callback img.src srcs i imgs.push img then to call it you would use this var..

How do you cache an image in Javascript


function preloadImages array if preloadImages.list preloadImages.list for var i 0 i array.length i var img new Image img.src array i preloadImages.list.push img var imageURLs url1.jpg url2.jpg url3.jpg preloadImages imageURLs Then once they've been..

How to use javascript or jQuery to read a pixel of an image?


a canvas element then you can use the getImageData method to return an array containing RGBA values. var img new Image img.src 'image.jpg' var context document.getElementById 'canvas' .getContext '2d' context.drawImage img 0 0 data context.getImageData..

Jquery Plugin for Detecting Internet Connection


Update You can do something like function checkConnection var connected true var img document.createElement 'img' img.src path to remoate image on your server img.onerror function connected false return connected You can use it like this at any..

preload hidden CSS images


for me as reported by many others . preloading the images via js function function preloadImg image var img new Image img.src image preloadImg ' images home search_bg_selected.png' This solution seems to load the image into the dom twice...once when..

How to drag images / objects within Canvas?


'img' use common loader as we need to count files img.onload imageLoaded img.onerror ... handle errors img.src files i push image onto array in the same order as file names images.push img loadImages function imageLoaded e for.. function DragImage src x y var that this var startX 0 startY 0 var drag false this.x x this.y y var img new Image img.src src this.update function if mousePressed var left that.x var right that.x img.width var top that.y var bottom that.y..

How do I get actual image width and height using jQuery?


Detecting a image 404 in javascript


the meat and potatoes function image src cfg var img prop target cfg cfg isType src 'o' src img src if img src cfg.src img.src else img document.createElement 'img' src src cfg.src if src return null prop isType img.naturalWidth 'u' 'width' 'naturalWidth'.. 'naturalWidth' img.alt cfg.alt img.alt Add the image and insert if requested must be on DOM to load or pull from cache img.src src target cfg.target if target target.insertBefore img cfg.insertBefore null Loaded if img.complete if img prop if isType..

Sending/Displaying a base64 encoded Image


type image jpeg echo 'data image jpeg base64 ' . base64_encode image_data Clientside I'm calling var img new Image img.src http www.myserver.com generate.php img.onerror function alert 'error' img .appendTo document.body That does not work for..

How to save a jQuery FLOT Graph to a .png or orther image formate?


.hide function test var oCanvas #placeholder document.getElementById placeholder img document.createElement img Save img.src oCanvas.toDataUrl Restore oCanvas.drawImage img 0 0 var oCanvas #placeholder document.getElementById placeholder document.write..

capturing html5 canvas output as video or swf or png sequence?


new Image ctx.fillStyle rgba 255 0 0 0.5 ctx.fillRect 0 0 300 300 ctx.fill img.onload function ctx.drawImage img 0 0 img.src my external image path var data cnv.toDataURL image png after taking the canvas data into my data variable I created a new..

jQuery, JavaScript, HTML: how to load images after everything else is loaded?


this_image.src options.loading show loading var lsrc this_image .attr 'lsrc' '' if lsrc.length 0 var img new Image img.src lsrc img .load function this_image.src this.src Edit Trick is to set the src attribute only when that source is..

Convert an image into binary data in javascript [duplicate]


2d ctx.drawImage img 0 0 Get the data URL formatted image Firefox supports PNG and JPEG. You could check img.src to guess the original format but be aware the using image jpg will re encode the image. var dataURL canvas.toDataURL image..

Getting auto size of IMG before adding it to DOM (Using JQuery)


img .bind 'load' function e var height img.height var width img.width document.write 'width ' width ' height ' height img.src src getImageSize 'http farm4.static.flickr.com 3261 5791911248_b777cb1dde_b.jpg' Demo here http jsfiddle.net H3p97 share..

Change image source if file exists


View image selected from file-system on client-side before upload?


i var img document.createElement img var reader new FileReader reader.onloadend function img.src reader.result reader.readAsDataURL file input .after img script Working example http jsfiddle.net ugPDx share improve..

Restart animated GIF as background-image


the animated gif as a src. To force a reload we add a date parameter to the URL var img document.createElement 'img' img.src http yoursite.com animated.gif p new Date .getTime Once the image has loaded set it as the background image img .load function..

Image preloader javascript that supports events


srcs.length for var i 0 i srcs.length i img new Image img.onload function remaining if remaining 0 callback img.src srcs i imgs.push img then to call it you would use this var imageSrcs src1 src2 src3 src4 var images preloadImages imageSrcs..